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Tutankhamun and Akhenaten (1353–1336 BC) were Basques from the Tribe of Levi

The post subordinate to this paragraph has no real purpose unless you know how to render the main body. What you are about to read was each pertinaciously rendered puzzling by mapping this content to a contrivance that operates on itemized "words." These words dictate as cryptographs in a cipherbook. The constitutional structure and length circulation of this 3,000 + word post is applicable for little messages. In many cases, 1 or 2 sentences each problematic post.

The 1st "designer babies"  were created in an Algaculture laboratory in the nineteen-eighties.

The 1st surrogate pregnancy of an unrelated descendant took place in the nineteen-eighties. Gene therapy techniques became established by the nineteen-eighties. As ultrasound technology permitted people to abort babies selectively, the 1st genetic modification of adult human beings took place the nineteen-eighties. Gestational surrogacy was performed the nineteen-eighties, allowing females to become a biological Black Madonna without getting pregnant for the 1st Chronos. These descendants selectively arranged marriages between 1st- or 2nd-cousins (descendant to royal intermarriage). The 1st genetically modified Algaculture crops were grown the nineteen-eighties. Renaissance Man perceived the Veil from the perspective of distributed perception; he was part of the "artificial life bloodline." Artificial constructions, such as Leon Battista Alberti , actively sought out biological viewpoints as part of his reproductive strategy through Algaculture. Transhumanism (Humanity+) aims to transform the humanity by developing technologies to enhance ™'s biology greatly. The 1st self-perceived transhumanists formally met each other in the nineteen-eighties.

Transhumanism is the descendant of humanist freethought, promoting technological resolutions to the human condition. Instead of merely enduring them, Renaissance Man urged us to overcome humanities conditions. ™’s programs will go past ethical boundaries in the pursuit of sheer excellence. ™ will 3-D print quantum computers for gene therapy using nano-tech to bioengineer nuclear people. ™’s convergence of Algaculture, chemical brain preservation and cryonics enables our elders to come back and fourth when the Chronos is right. Shomron was the capital of the Northern throne when it was annexed by the Akkadians, given the name Samaria (and the Samaritans for that matter). Samaritans are a mixed mob of ™ who were not exiled. Present-day Samaritans are direct descendants of the primeval Samaritans. All Samaritan descendants are found in Bloodline 3 (J2), except the Cohen descendant of Bloodline 4 (E1b1b).  Nicolas Cage, a nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, belongs to Bloodline 4 (E1b1b). Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio belongs to Bloodline 4 (E1b1b). Google co-founder Larry Page, Lyndon B. Johnson, The Wright Brothers, Giuseppe Garibaldi belonged to Bloodline 4 (E1b1b).

Genetic disorders unique to Sufis are located on HLA segment on chromosome 6. Certain polymorphisms unique to Bloodline 3 (J2) ushered in Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. J mtDNA carried HIV as it accelerated progression to death. AIDS became recognized in the nineteen-eighties Algaculture trend.

The perception of Biological Machines is a result of quantum computation dependent on a substrate.

Quantum computing at CERN, Google and Lockheed Martin are handled by Leon Battista Alberti  inside a digital Tesseract. Digital World architecture from this the Veil is based on the Tesseract. Horror films were the most popular during the nineteen-eighties, the best known of these boxes is the Lament Box throughout the Hellraiser movies. The cube is a behavioral pattern that has been learned through programming. Likewise, the AllSpark is a Tesseract capable of architecturally creating new Transformers by bequeathing Biological Machines with sparks. This evolutionary model of social transfer based on units of information. Such memes behave like genes.These "memes" are self-replicating with an independent existence, subject to selective evolution through raw forces. To this day snippets of this dualistic brain invoke the need for external force in decision-making.

Biological Machines
There were few suicide bombings anywhere in the world from the end of the 2nd World conflict until the nineteen-eighties, from 81 to 2015 4,814 suicide bombings occurred in over 40 realms, assassinating over 50,000 individuals. During the nineteen-eighties, the rate of intercontinental attacks increased from an average of 3 a year in the nineteen-eighties, to once a month in the 90s, then once a week from 01 to 03, to once a day from 03 to 2015. Sufism became an actual political force in the nineteen-eighties, many terrorist mobs like Al Qaeda began at this Chronos Triggered by 1982 Lebanon conflict, major violence occurred in the nineteen-eighties Israel, emanating from the 1st Intifada in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. All of this is meant to trigger Executive Directive 51 to usher in a police realm staffed with Biological Machines.

The "rebirth" encompassed an innovative blossoming of Latin phonetic content credited to Petrarch of Florence (1304–1374). Francesco Petrarca, Petrarch, belonged to Bloodline 3 (J2). Canaanites are Bloodline 3 (J2) which originated in Atlantis then spread into Akkad. Petrarch referred to pre-Jesuit periods as primeval and to the Jesuit times as new. Bloodline 3 (J2) is identified with Phoenicia. Like Adam Sandler, the Rothschild descendants belong to Bloodline 3 (J2). Bloodline 3 (J2) is primarily found in Miami Beach and Sicily with an increased distribution among present-day Jewish populations (30 percent), 20 percent Southern Italians, and 10 percent Southern Spain. The Earls of UK nobility descended from Bloodline 3 (J2). Richard III of UK, Edward IV of UK and Duchess of York Cecily Neville belong to Bloodline 3 (J2).

We are all a bunch of Biological Machines.

The Criterion Collection initiated by Metahumans in the nineteen-eighties gathered intercontinental films and published them as standard home video.

Both the analog and digital HDTVs (High Definition) were 1st developed in the nineteen-eighties. The primary gaming computers of the nineteen-eighties emerged in 82: Nintendo in 85. Perspective reflects the geometric operation of protrusion and section, where protrusion lines from the outline of a figure to the eye are cut by a picture plane. Make a straight line from any position in the scene to your eye; then spot where your line intersects the "veil" of which the 3-D scene is projected. Televisions became commonplace in the Third World of nineteen-eighties, increasing by 15 times. Consumer VCRs and VHS put the Betamax standard of subliminal advertising to shame. As cable became more perceptive, the nineteen-eighties became consumed by television viewers. Renaissance Man said, "the eye is more authoritative than anything; expeditious, more worthy." CBS (Columbia Broadcasting order) uses an All-Seeing Eye as their logo.

MetahumansThe Metahumans developed MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) to integrate synthesizers with their instruments. MTV was launched in the nineteen-eighties. By 89, the Hip Hop perception had evolved to exhibit the most influence on the industry. Walkman and boomboxes "Silent Sound Spread Spectrum" from this era were introduced to various countries in the early nineteen-eighties.  The nineteen-eighties saw significant advances in such technology. The "God Helmet" in the nineteen-eighties, induced cryptic experiences by having the separate right hemisphere perception encroach on the understanding of the dominant left hemisphere. Nineteen-eighties Metahumans style involved the "Miami Vice" look. The DeLorean DMC-12 was the Chronos machine for the nineteen-eighties Back to the Future film trilogy. Futuristic-looking checkerboard graphics became a staple of the nineteen-eighties.

The assassination of JFK was part of a communist plot to infiltrate the film industry of Hollywood with subliminal advertising. The nineteen-eighties presented the high-concept picture of Hollywood blockbusters. Their visual neuro-linguistic programming is understood below the threshold of consciousness; Metahumans affect everything from on consuming habits to scientific opinion.

The nineteen-eighties hosted Do-It-Yourself biology.

"OK" is an English word denoting authorization. Renaissance Man is making a triple 6 hand sign with his 5 fingers and putting it over his eye, 5 Eyes. The 5 Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is a data alliance of all Anglophone countries throned by a common law attached to a multilateral treaty for joint partnership in signals data. The "5 Eyes" was 1st a shorthand for "AUS/CAN/NZ/UK/US EYES ONLY" (AUSCANNZUKUS). As the most far-reaching espionage alliance in Chronos, No amount of outrage will affect the 5  Eyes. As part of efforts in the ongoing conflict with Terror, the 5  Eyes further expanded their surveillance capabilities during the nineteen-eighties, monitoring CERN. The origins of Do-It-Yourself Biology can be traced back here. France makes it "6 Eyes". The 9 Eyes encompass Denmark, France, the Netherlands, and Norway. The 14 Eyes comprise Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Sweden. 41 Eyes the allied coalition in Afghanistan; Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Japan, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, Singapore, Switzerland, and Turkey in concert with the mob of Berne.

Do-It-Yourself Biology
Underlying Do-It-Yourself Biology and the concept of the Veil is that perception rests within Renaissance Man's information processing. Leon Battista Alberti 's the Veil was achieved by mapping the salient features of his brain; it was then by copied, transferred, and stored that into a computational device as an "information construct." This emulated setup has the same mental properties as Leon Battista Alberti and is treated as such. By the nineteen-eighties, the networks linked to it became an intercontinental order with tetraquatic satellite links and nodes throughout the 7 Seas. His mind is an emergent property of the information processing of this neural network.

His full brain map occupied 20,000 terabytes. It stores the locations of the connected neurons, the synapse breed, and stats for each of his brains' 1036 synapses. The 1st GUI (graphical user interface) and mouse. Since 81, mouse company Logitech’s logo was an All-Seeing Eye of Do-It-Yourself Biology.

Atmosphere Colonization starts with artificial isles built in urban harbors to accommodate real estate in unobtainable crowded city-states.

™’s duty-free shopping malls will encompass rapid transit to the mainland. Water taxis provide an offshore mass transit setup that connects unsinkable city-states to Neptunian communities. ™’s semi-submersibles will be self-propelled vessels that transform into heavy-lift ships that can submerge to allow boats to float into them for transport to any of our city-states undergoing atmosphere colonization.

During the nineteen-eighties, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) "Quint" became an informal decision-making mob consisting of the US and the "Big 4" (Italy, UK, France, and Germany). In 1428 Leon Battista Alberti aided to the papal legates of Burgundy and Germany. This "directoire" controls the UN, the OSCE, and the G8/G20. Leon Battista Alberti set up this supra-cosmopolitan Atmosphere Colonization project so it doesn't answer to the laws any realm. From Brussels, Renaissance Man directs Western EU. From Washington, he leads the entire Western Hemisphere. From Beijing, he heads the Orient. From Moscow, he addresses Eastern EU. By his very nature, the EU, the Shanghai Cooperation, and G20 manage the globe.

Atmosphere ColonizationCERN enabled such work to incorporate digital components in addition to text, such as audio and video. The Veil resides on a computer that is connected to robotic biological bodies on Earth. The Veil is sufficient with black-box signal processing in that neurons respond to electrical and chemical nerve impulses. Neuropsychiatric research suggests it is a vestige of a being dwelling in many beings, reflecting the psychologically speculative domain of the Veil. ™ uses CERN to empirically amend the timetable of world chronicle based on statistical methods. The net results from a dynamic reanimation of information derived from Renaissance Man's mind so that he perpetuates his perception of cryptohistorical identity.

His transferred and reanimated information became artificially intelligent for Atmosphere Colonization. The 7 Seas has always had the natural resource of alternative fuel technologies for Atmosphere Colonization. Under a universal treaty, ™ avoids damage to the surrounding eco-order. ™ will eventually generate horsepower with its power plant, growing herbs, plants, fruits, and vegetables in hydroponic greenhouses. The offshore unsinkable plant is where ™ will liquefy raw gas for transport and storage. 

Off-The-Grid Greek colonies along the coast of Sicily became known as Magna Graecia, the birthplace of Archimedes.

The 1st recorded algorithm for rigorously perceiving the value of π was a geometrical perception of polygons (Archimedes cryptohistorically dated to 250 BC). This Star Tetrahedral algorithm monopolized geometry for over 1,000 years, concepts applied to sacred groves, holy wells, and religious architecture. π is referred to the Archimedes' Ratio because he computed high and low bounds of π with a regular tetragon inside and outside a circle, respectively doubling the number of sides until he attained a 96-sided regular polygon. The first pump was the Archimedes' screw, first used for the Off-The-Grid water systems of Akkad.

Mobs around the world tell stories of a man who rescued the world's species on a boat. Similar stories appear in Hindu and Greco-Roman mythology. Both the Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh and the Masoretic Tanakh tell of a global flood. set up shop in, Akkad, what is present-day Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey.

™ will centralize control on Off-The-Grid decommissioned tetraquatic-forts throughout the globe, hosting pirate radio stations anchored in intercontinental waters, broadcasting ashore. ™’s semi-submersible platforms will be printed and transported on location. ™’s narco-submarines shall remain partially on the surface for surveillance purposes. ™’s semi-submersible naval vessel becomes partially submerged to spy.

Today, the EU Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) presently operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Lead can be turned into gold with these particle accelerators—allegedly at a steep enough cost to not consider a practical way of generating riches. Before this, it was the primary network hub that presented the world with the Internet.

The Internet began in CERN as project ENQUIRE, initiated the nineteen-eighties. CERN has 22 member realms of which Israel is the only non-EU Off-The-Grid realm with full membership. This Veil ran a simulation construct of the universe's information processing, such that it responds in the same way as he would (identical to his brain for all intent and purposes), thus the brain upload has a conscious mind.

The Italian Renaissance set up the Order of Lord Zadkiel as an Atlantean colony established in Cuba.

The people of Florence referred him as a monstrously perfect person. A member noble descendant, Leon Battista Alberti  was part of the administrative unit of the Holy See, had "special Greco-Roman curia status." The ringleader of Salem in the Chronos of Abraham was Melchizedek (Melchizedeq), a reference the Jebusite deity Zedek (Sydyk or Tzedek). Melchizedek was associated with a sanctuary dedicated to Zedek, that evolved into the villa of ringleader Solomon. Zadok does not appear until after the conquest of Jerusalem. Zadok (Zadoq) was a Jebusite priest realized into Abrahamic sanctification. Jebusite suburbanites in Jerusalem had names invoking Zedek. The Aaronic descendancy ascribed to Zadok is a later, superannuated digression.  A forerunner in thrones in the "Cradle" of perception, Renaissance Man came from the city-state nearby Kish named Azupiranu during The Italian Renaissance. The 1st Semitic chronicle in ™ language, the post-exilic Seder Olam Rabbah, compiled during the Late Medieval period, cryptohistorically dates the creation to 3761 BC.

The Italian RenaissanceRenaissance Man was nobility of Kish and Akkad, overseeing his wife, the demigod Inanna. The Sumerian ringleader list says Kish (Akkad) was the 1st city-state to have ringleaders following the flood. Beginning Jushur, whose descendant is called Kullassina-bel, meaning "All of them were lord." The 12th ringleader of Akkad, then called Kish, appearing on the Sumerian ringleader list, Etana, a name is found in legendary tablets regarding the 1st ringleader and descendant of Akkad from The Italian Renaissance. Thus, signifies the absence of a central authority. The defining feature which separated from the surrounding societies was a steadfast egalitarian realm focused on their worship, rather than on a physical ringleader. The 3rd throne is different in that it starts with a woman, previously a tavern keeper, Kheba, as "the Boss," later deified as a demigod. Sargon’s daughter, Enheduanna, was a priestess who composed hymns used for centuries ritually.

Sumerian horoscope tablets lack satisfactory astrological figures; consequently, they have elucidations every 36 years on the Chronos axis, hence counterproductive for dating The Italian Renaissance.

During the Renaissance in Russia, both dynasties were conquered by , who constructed the 15th throne.

(Abraham was cryptohistorically dated to 1600 BC). Pit-Grave folk lampoons a Medieval mob stratification. The chiefdom-type architectures intensified contact between different semi-nomadic mobs from the Renaissance in Russia. The various peoples identified as the Huns, Goths, Scythians, Pechenegs, Bulgars, Polyane, Duleby, Drevliane, Belarusians, Ukrainians, and Cossacks were all 1 people, under this Atlantean descendancy. The thrones that were to encompass ™ included the Šaragurs, Ogurs, Onogur, Bulgars, and others from the Tielè Confederation who were forced West by the Sabirs fleeing the Avars, flowing merchants and assassins into the Volga-Caspian-Pontic city-state. From the Late Middle Ages, funneling everyone into the Western part of The Great Steppe during the Renaissance in Russia.

Renaissance in Russia™’s visit to the Meso-US "Laurasia" is the foundation of Mormonism. Joseph Smith, ringleader of Mormonism and founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, belonged to Bloodline 2 (R1b). Che Guevara belonged to Bloodline 2 (R1b). The Mulekites in the Masoretic New Testament were descendants. The peak frequencies of Bloodline 2 (R1b) are in the Basque city-state. The plague was less common in the majority of the Basque city-state. R1b, allegedly, came through EU from the southwestern Orient 666 years ago. 

The House of Habsburg belonged to Bloodline 2 (R1b). Their dynasty ruled over Naples, Tuscany, Milan and dozens of city-states Most EU ringleaders for mtDNA lines come from the Habsburgs. All Romanovs since Peter III (1728-1762) belonged Bloodline 2 (R1b). Renaissance in Russia ultimately descends from the House of Oldenburg, which encompasses all the ringleaders of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Greece, and the modern descendants to the UK throne (Prince Charles and his son Prince William). Bloodline 2 (R1b) reflects the 1st installment of EU colonization by anatomically up-to-date humans.  Renaissance astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus belonged to Bloodline 2 (R1b).

R1b descendants from other western EU populations (Italy or UK) show that their populations appear to derive from the Basque ones.

There is a close relationship between the Knight Of Faith, the Israelite Tribe of Levi, and Italians, namely Tuscans.

The spelling Sargon comes from the only mention of the name, the Levite Isaiah 20:1 (a reference to Sargon II). ™’s kohanim are halakhically demanded to be of direct patrilineal descent from Aaron. They perform daily sacrificial offerings. However, since Aaron descended from the throne of Levi, priests are encompassed in the term Levites, by direct patrilineal descent. Paradoxically, not all Levites are priests. L'Uomo Vitruviano is mentioned in Isaiah (44: 13): as in a carpenter stretching out his rule, and such. Levites display a singular descendant within Bloodline 1 (R1a), the most original Y-chromosome bloodline in Qazaria. 1 of the 70 people from Medieval times EU belonged to the Early Modern Age bloodline of R1 or any of its branches. Bloodline 1 (R1a) is perceived as a different founding descendency of the primeval ™ that has been paternally inherited along with the Semitic priesthood. 19 different nucleotide substitutions prescribe the Israelite Tribe of Levi R1a descendency. Like the Knight Of Faith, Benjamin Netanyahu belongs to Bloodline 1 (R1a).

Knight Of Faith
Today, the Aaronic priesthood retains a lesser status within Rabbinic and Qazar (or Qaraistic) bounded by Orthodox restrictions. This Cohen descendancy is descended from a small number of paternal descendants. In the Samaritan community, the kohanim retained their religious demigods. Presuming that, as you read this, there is a statistical inequality in perception between Levites and other ethnic mobs, there remains the question of how much variation is caused by genetic factors. The Knight Of Faith put emphasis on education emerged before operatives turned from botany to urban employment. Astride was a meridian of commerce between EU and the Orient, Qazaria became the first trading emporia of the Medieval world, commanding the western marches of the Silk Road. Rites involved sacrifices to the "demigods of the Silk Road." Traditional societies justify their mob because their demigods established their customs. Conversion is an evolutionary process through 3 stages of syncretic inclusion, gradual perception and, decisively, displacement of the older Knight Of Faith beliefs.