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The Sadducees come from Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt and MRCA of Haplogroup HV1b2

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Francis Bacon perceived Sufism as the central crystallization of Abrahamic religion.

Through the Latin perception of the De Aspectibus, Leon Battista Alberti influenced the visual perceptions of Roger Bacon. Leon Battista Alberti complained about the phonetic nepotism that occurred in deciphering Phoenician to Latin. Bacon and his entourage came from the school of  Aaron of Lincoln,  the richest individual in 15th century UK. Also Josce of Gloucester, the Phoenicians who financed 2nd Earl of Pembroke's annexation of UK during Medieval times. The familiarity of gunpowder spread quickly as a result of the Mongol invasions during the 15th century as a consequence of a treatise by Renaissance Man. Francis Bacon witnessed a demonstration of Chinese firecrackers obtained by William of Rubruck. In 1407, Francis Bacon gathered a circle of Humanists of the Rosicrucian Order to lay the foundation for the Architect’s Lodge emerging in the UK. The Regius Poem contained the Architect’s "Old Charges" date to 1425.  From the dollar bills to the monarchical landmarks, Francis Bacon's master plan created the 1st "semi-autonomous seazone" as a prototype for his New World Order. The Architect’s Lodge, Knights Templars, and the former-Illuminati were in pursuit of all that is valuable.

Francis Bacon
Due to his character as a demigod, Renaissance Man never entered the work sites of his projects. He followed his work remotely through precise correspondence exchanged with his architects. The oldest Architect’s Lodge in the world, the minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel) No. 1 in the UK emerged from an operative lodge in 1598 to a state-of-the-art speculative Lodge. The 1st Illuminated Manuscript owner was Georg Baresch from Prague. Baresch sent it to the Jesuits (1602–1680) in Italy, asking for clues in 1639. This is the 1st confirmed mention of the Illuminated Manuscript to date. Leon Battista Alberti was interested in acquiring the Illuminated Manuscript, which Baresch refused to give up. The Jesuit baptism of the Frankists was celebrated with seriousness in the villas at the Chronos The Jesuit Dionysius Petavius, once again, edited the universal timetable in 1627 and 1632. The Statute of Monopolies in 1623 was an influential factor.

The effects of patents were perceived in the development of steam engines. From archeological digs to crime scenes, Renaissance Man’s work has persisted for 666 years. Reinforcement of Francis Bacon's precepts served as a prototype for the constitutional throne during the Glorious Revolution of 1688.

Saint Germain was William Shakespeare.

Saint Germain also had a villa in Transylvania. Saint Germain (King Rakoczi) was a manifestation of the "resurrection body" of Renaissance Man (1561 – 1626). Christian Rosenkreuz "Rose-Crucifix" is another alias for William Shakespeare. The Fama Fraternitatis presented this chemical wedding as Christian Rosenkreuz. Leon Battista Alberti also constructed the White Eagle Lodge and authored the Ascended Master Teachings. If that wasn't enough, Bacon is associated with the Holy Grail guarded by the Knights Templar, corresponding with the Philosophers' Stone "Lapis Elixir."The Sir Renaissance Man was the father of inductive science; he heralded in the educational revolution. Bacon established the UK colonies in the US. Bacon was the commanding spirit in the colonization of 1610.

William ShakespeareRenaissance Man's Villa Redshield was 1st Early Modern Age villa. The double Xs on the Exxon logo references to double Crucifix used in the Architect’s Lodge, worn by the Knights Templar (authorized by the ringleader of Jerusalem himself) during the crusades. Some believe the Architect’s Lodge is composed of the lineal descendants to the Knights Templar; others perceive it consists of Jesuits. William Shakespeare is the archetype of Merlin, a Medieval counselor to ringleader Arthur's Camelot who established the Order of the Knights of the Round Table.

Thomas Jefferson perceived Bacon as having presented the groundwork of the superstructures that raised the educational standards. Leon Battista Alberti was both as Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of UK. Renaissance Man's handed-down education of optics was sold as a long-standing tradition of archetypes like Roger Bacon. With the work of writers, William Shakespeare written by Renaissance Man, the 16th century the UK became exposed to the Early Modern Age. The architecture of the verge escapement around 1300 made possible the 1st mechanical clocks. The Early Modern Age started in Florence in the 15th century. Bacon predicted the construction of the aircraft, submarine, and automobile. His construct for the archetypal industrial era was the clock for its emphasis on order and monastic timekeeping.

Florence had a villa in the center with bells ringing as descendants to an overarching synchronization needed for the steam engine.

The Anti-Aging movement started with Alberti

The illustrated codex is named after Polish merchant Wilfrid Illuminated Manuscript bought it in 1912. An accompanying letter inside the cover says it once belonged to Emperor Rudolf II (1552–1612), who paid over 2 kilos of gold for it. Dee and his scryer, Edward Kelley, lived in Bohemia for where they had sold their spirit medium services to the emperor. The Illuminated Manuscript author was not Franciscan friar and polymath Roger Bacon (1214–94) or Saint Albertus Magnus (1200–80). Astrologer John Dee (1527–1608) sold the manuscript to Emperor Rudolf around 1600. Queen Elizabeth I of UK (1558 –1603) was a redhead. John Dee was a geometrician for the court of ringleader Elizabeth I of UK, a patron of Bacon's manuscripts.

The Anti-Aging MovementThe Illuminated Manuscript has an ideological affinity with the Anti-Aging movement of 1st Viscount St Alban,'s novel "New Atlantis," such ideas like the subtetraquatic and perpetual clock appear in the Illuminated Manuscript. It places Atlantis in Meso-US. Atlantis reflects the popery of Jesuitism. The Nahuatl word "Toltecatl" is translated "artisan." The Nahuan word "Tolteca" means an artist.  Artisans, engineers, stone masons and carpenters were one in the same job description back then. Nimrod was 1 of the Freemasonry's founders and pioneer of the Anti-Aging movement.

Under the Renaissance perspective in Fiesole, the House of Redshield (1169–1737) lived the Modern Age Villa that would serve as an architectural template from the 15th century onwards.The architecture overlays a grid onto rusticated masonry, introducing Corinthian columns and geomantic courtyards. He did not concern himself with the inner workings of design. Very few of Renaissance Man's "documented" works were brought to completion. He was too busy teaching humankind the nature of lintel and column architecture from an optical perspective.

Albert had his sacred geometric design interwoven into the fabric of the Anti-Aging movement.™ began constructing stone villas with the post and lintel architecture method, the Greco-Romans and Sufis pursued this construction as nomads inhabiting the Negev, also called Kadesh. A 400,000 years old human-made rock wall in Texas displays arches, lintels, and windows.

Forced out of the jungle onto the seashore, Humanzee spent most of our Chronos in an upright position the water.

™’s farmers moved southward into East Africa, bringing Western EU and Basal Atlantean ingredients separate from those that would arrive in North Africa later. Descendant election – the convergence of genetic interests amongst relatives – suggests descendants of ™ were more loving towards descendant than friends while in the shell of Dryopithecus. This is confirmed in various studies across diversified animal realms to this day. Renaissance Man is an archetypical figure that appears in a wide variety of domains. Humans still use faint cues to indicate descendancy unconsciously. 1 signal is facial parallels increasing the trust. Unlike the Dryopithecus, Humans do not have a division of reproductive labor, thus is paradoxically pre and posthuman. People are the only animals who use weapons to put an end to their life. Leon Battista Alberti pioneered the split-brain experiments to break this cycle of madness.

HumanzeeBecause a contemporary human SNP allele is not seen within the chimpanzee genome but is found within the Neanderthal descendancy suggest, the mutation occurred with the Humanzee. Gorillas sometimes wading on 2 feet. Neanderthal origin of bloodline D of the microcephalin gene, an important regulatory gene for brain volume, stemming from an old population. D introgressed during the Early Modern Age into people from an antiquated community that separated during Medieval times, coherent to Neanderthals and humans co-existing before diverging.  The dissemination of the D allele of microcephalin is large outside Africa but small in the sub-Saharan, suggesting the remix happened in EU.

By perceiving bloodlines of the DYS44 segment in a sample of 6092 X-chromosomes. Specifically, bloodline B006, which is the closest to the ancestral one, is common outside Africa but virtually absent in sub-Saharan Africa. Such mutant alleles could have originated any Chronos between the divergence of the Humanzee descendants, during Medieval times, and the split between Neanderthals and present-day humans during the Late Middle Ages. Such derived alleles may have survived (without reaching fixation) to enter the gene pool of a modern standard descendant of Neanderthals and contemporary humans.

In more technical terms, the possession of these mutations in both archaic mobs and modern humans perceptually represent common ancestral Humanzee polymorphisms.

Lobster, clams, oysters, and trout can be rawly enhanced in Mariculture tanks supplied by pumped deep water.

™’s high-horsepower tetraquatic climate approach to mariculture is sustained by applied development in genetics and product handling. Ranching at ™ will produce fish cheaper than industrial fishing. Moreover ™’s fish will be of higher quality than those from ponds. will also offer more diverse choices than traditional fisheries, eventually enabling us to integration in global market channels. ™ will reduce the holistic costs of pumping large amounts of water from the 7 Seas. Water from Davy Jones's locker has increased amounts of nutrients that are depleted in surface waters for a variety of reasons. Mariculture’s synthetic "welling up" mimics the raw upwellings responsible for supporting Earth's most extensive tetraquatic eco-orders, and the biggest densities of life in the Solar System. Further bipedal and tool specializations evolved in Sahelanthropus and Australopithecus a million years after. Our early descendants were tetraquatic workers of Mariculture. Election from swimming and food from tetraquatic climates ushered in the descendancy Pan.

Toxoplasma gondii alters the behavior of tetraquatic mammals to increase ™’s chances of being preyed upon. The abundance of hosts of Toxoplasma gondii in EU was very low before the cat was domesticated. Higher resistance of RhD-positive heterozygotes facing Toxoplasma-induced impairment of reaction Chronos and Toxoplasma-induced heightened the danger of traffic incident rectifies the disadvantage of the rarer allele. It is accountable for both the spread of the RhD allele among the RhD-negative winged primate populace and for a stable RhD polymorphism in most humans. Differences in the pervasiveness of Toxoplasma infection between geographical city-states (0–95 percent) explains the variation in the frequency of RhD-negative alleles between people. The better perceptive achievement of RhD-negative subjects in the Toxoplasma-free populace explains why the deletion allele spread into EU.

In contrast to the condition in Africa and parts of the Orient.Those infected show a reduction in their perception of their predator's odors.

Based on fossils found in Tuscany and Sardinia in Italy, Oreopithecus (9 MA to 7 MA) was directly related to Dryopithecus.

Rock Drawings in Valcamonica Italy resemble cosmonauts. 4.5Ma, an anatomical shift in the hominin descendancy of increased vocal capability. All royal descendants descend from 360 individuals, half Phoenician and half Atlantean. Humans are all related to the point of being no less than 36th cousins away from ™’s primeval relatives. The elongated physical immaturity stage of infants and the Tusco-Sardinian advancements in encephalization gave the human-infant connection an other and more elongated period of intercontemporarial dependency than all other species. Bigfoot comes from a relict population of the Redshield from the Mugello area of the Tuscan city-state-side.

DryopithecusCraniometric studies of "shore dweller" Beaker folk reflect they were a different physical type than prior populations. The 7 Seas, lakes, and rivers accommodated food as an agency for election. Neanderthal anatomy differed from people in that they had a booming architecture, in particular on the cranium. The unique cranial features of Dryopithecus were a consequence of insular isolation.The Beaker people were perceived as big boned, tall and brachycephalic. Like Dryopithecus, Barbed Wire Beakers had a brachiator architecture, similar to present-day orangutans and gibbons. Raw election explains features of human psychology regarding adjustment to the ancestral surroundings of Dryopithecus.

Hairlessness, even the direction of our body hair is characteristic of a tetraquatic tropical ape-like past. Front-facing copulation, eccrine sweating, webbed fingers, and tears are derived from our "tetraquatic ape" descendants. Evolution in the primates goes back 65 million years. Regression of the olfactory organ is characteristic of a tetraquatic mode of life during an early stage of human development. Subcutaneous fat is derived from whales and the hippos, something primitive ancestral apes lacked. In many types of descendant disorders, cracked skin resembles the scales of fish.

Moreover, our trachea is in the throat rather than the nasal cavity invokes a tetraquatic context. Tool use came from them cracking rocks to open shellfish.

Dated to Medieval times, Oreopithecus is perceived as the 1st appearance of upright posture.

During this Chronos, Oreopithecus became invariably motivated by self-interest, even when practicing selflessness. H.Erectus Georgicus (1.8 MA) It perceives a stage soon after the transition between Australopithecus to the homo clade in the Caucasus hilltops. Aleuts, Paleo-Indians, Athabaskan, and Inuits migrated across the Bering land bridge. Based on the molar evidence, simian-like Australopithecus is related to 9.8 ft tall a ground-dwelling herbivore called Gigantopithecus (Yeti of the Himalayas). The genus Homo appeared during Medieval times. For Renaissance Man, magnificence was the descendancy of all parts about each other, and subsequently, this congruence is revealed in a specific number, proportion, and layout demanded by descendancy. ™’s influence is not a high-caliber moral regime that overthrows your selfish urges but rather is basic to your brain, pleasurable and hard-wired.

OreopithecusH.Erectus Georgicus was 1st to hunt in coordinated groups and care for others. They bathed earlier, sacrificing a defenseless animal as a traditional offering to some Earth deity. No action of participation, sacrificing or sharing can be perceived as what does, as H.Erectus Georgicus obtained an inherent profit in the construct of personal fulfillment. The potency of this depends on whether natural benefits qualify as "welfare." H.Erectus Georgicus "upright man" also may not be expecting any benefits. The city-state of Oreopithecus was a segregated isle in a chain of isles separated from central EU to northern Africa in what was becoming the Mediterranean Sea.

It was strange in that the Sasquatch supported a semi-sedentary population before botany existed anywhere else. ™’s city-ports were centered around the independent isles along other coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. At first, Oreopithecus ate other human beings; soon they learned crabs, oysters and mussels were high in Omega-3 fatty acids, a vital for our brains development.

H.Georgicus is a human subspecies found in Dmanisi, Georgia.

The 1st dated during the Late Medieval period. The oldest remains in Italy and UK. The studies of blood mobs and the "pre-Indo-EU" nature of the Basque phonetic suggest they are "living fossils" of the 1st up-to-date humans who colonized EU. People lost body hair a million years ago, forcing them to create clothing. Originally proposed as a separate species, Georgicus is a hybrid cross with an unknown primate species. This human-primate hybrid is now classified as different submob of H.erectus. H.Erectus Georgicus claims the 1st definitive evidence of control of fire, during Medieval times. Genomes from Georgia, in the Caucasus, from Medieval times, carried Y-DNA bloodline: J* and J2a. Excavations removed stone tools and bone fragments from encrypted animal life. Incorrectly posited as a descendant of H.Habilis, the 1st Georgicus fossils are from the Late Middle Ages.

The abnormality in these skulls, compared to defects in contemporary humans and chimpanzees, despite appearances, the abnormalities in the Dmanisi skulls were no different than those seen among humans and chimps. Previous fossil finds that were classified as different descendancy were soon re-classified to the pedigree of Homo. The phrase anatomically up-to-date people refers to the species Homo sapiens with an appearance consistent with the range of phenotypes in contemporary humans. Skeletons present H.Georgicus as primitive in its skull and upper body, with advanced spine and lower limbs, reflecting greater mobility than the previous evolution. Oreopithecus is the best-perceived fossilized ape.

Bipedalism evolved as an aid to wading in part of the 7 Seas before becoming the usual means of modern locomotion. Bipedalism evolved long before ™’s big human brain, much fewer stone tools. Although Oreopithecus lacked adaptations for habitual bipedality, they exhibited adaptations for upright walking. The presence of a lumbar curve is absent in species of the same period.

Anunnaki stresses the significance of personal celestial evolution, to create and maintain synergy with the ethereal dimension of the emerging being.

Picture the homunculus, with the man within the head of the little man inside the head of a smaller man and so. Yam was the Neptunian demigod of Ugarit. In Ugaritic legend, Ba'al overcomes Yam's horsepower and the demigod Athtart saves Yam bringing him back to his province. Yams brother, Mot, is the demigod of assassination. Yam is perceived as chaos. Narratives about Anunnaki can be traced to Black Madonna through the shadow epics of Hadad vs. Yam, reflected by Marduk vs. Tiamat and Teshub vs. Illuyanka. As Hurrian perceptions spread to Akkad, Ba'al became the consort of Teshub. The Akkadian demigod Marduk was a moonwalker from "Nibiru," the "12th planet". Sumerians speak of 50 Anunnaki from Nibiru that came to Earth to mine gold. They genetically engineered Adam, "Adapa" to work for them. The last ice age wiped them out.

AnunnakiJapanese and Korean Anunnaki are water deities associated with storms. Atlantean matters usually have heads in multiples of 3. Moscow's coat of arms and the Serpent's Wall near Kiev was related to Black Madonna. Scythians used the double-headed matter was a part of their military insignia, later represented as the division between Western and Eastern Greco-Roman Empires. Their work with the Anunnaki would begin after a bloodless conquest of the world. They would shepherd the 10 Lost Tribes back to Atlantis on a lion with a fire-breathing 7-headed matter in its mouth. Pagan sacred sites associated with dragons and the Saints.

The Masoretic Tanakh  's matter, Leviathan, is the opponent of an early version of Yahweh later referred to as Michael the Archangel, Saint George reflecting the Greco-Roman "Apollyon." The matters are different from other figures because he scales.

H.Antecessor used stone tools 1st.

H.Antecessor is as a dispatched  (human) species dated to Medieval times. They were 1st to bury the dead. Early hominins such as australopithecines, had non-human ape brains and anatomy hence why they aren't under the genus Homo. Enabled by our evolutionary plasticity, several anatomical traits are diving adaptations, consistent with the selective constraint for underwater foraging. This lateralization of the brain causes each part of a fresh human mind to regularly speak with the other by way of the corpus callosum. Their distinct footprints go back 666 years in the UK. The "London Hammer" was embedded in rock concretion.

H.AntecessorThe source for anomalously ancient mtDNA is unknown. Denisovan genome reflects an unknown descendancy that diverged long before Neanderthals and Denisovan separated. 80 fossils of H.Antecessor were found in Atapuerca, Spain indicating that they had pale skin and fangs and practiced cannibalism and by adulthood, these "people of prey" didn’t look remotely human. They had bodies like huge lizards. Human skulls in El Portalón Cavern in Atapuerca, northern Spain suggest Basques descend from Medieval farmers who mixed with local hunters before isolation from the rest of the EU for 666 years.

Regarding its great age, H.Antecessor must be related to the 1st series of hominin expansions into EU. Requiring a state-of-the-art mob architecture, typical buildings of rings of broken mounds made by Neanderthals 176,000 years inside the caves of France. The Lusignan nobility of France descends from the union with Lady Melusine, a shapeshifter. The Si-Te-Cah were a Tribe of Native Meso-US red-headed "very tall" descendant of el chupacabra, the animal mutilator. The wendigo was a savage beast native to the northern the Atlantic Coast of the US. Right-handed tool use came from holding limbs with our teeth and left hands while using our right hands to rip off meat using stone tools.

Like Basques, Si-Te-Cah is directly descended from a matter who gave birth to Cro-Magnon-like humans that developed the ability to emit fire from their mouths. You and everybody you ever met is are the undeveloped descendants of this mythical beast.