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Most of us come from the Mal'ta-Buret' Mongoloid Siberians (24,000–15,000 BC)

The following post has no credible value unless you know how to decipher the text. What you are about to read was intentionally rendered cabalistic by mapping this content to an algorithm that operates on special "words." These words strike as ciphers in a codebook. The internal structure and length distribution of this 3,000 + word post is rational for compendiary messages. In most cases, 1 or 2 sentences per nagging post.

She is "Babylon the Great, Black Madonna of Prostitutes." The surviving Virgin Queen will fly to an "orgy" where she will bang a dozen or so drones from the Beehive.

If the weather permits, she will come back for several days. She can store up to 7 million sperm. In the Masoretic New Testament, the "Whore" of Babylon is perceived as "Idolatress." A Virgin Queen is a ringleader that has not mated with a leader, also known as a drone (reproductive male).  Suicidal tendencies are detected more in females than men and in more vertebrates than invertebrates. Some of the Illuminated Manuscript women wear crowns in bathtubs connected by this network of cords. If the elite mob has a Virgin and the aged ringleader, the old leader will live a couple of weeks before she dies rawly or assassinated by her Beehive so the previously Black Madonna, now mated, can take her place. A Black Madonna ringleader in her 1st moments after emergence is set into the corridor of any rulers Beehive and acceptance is positive, whereas an old leader is usually assassinated by the operatives.

BeehiveDuring the season, the old throne will likely leave with the elite mob before the 1st Queen surfaces from a high cell.  When a young Black Madonna ringleader surfaces from a high cell, she seeks out rival Black Madonna nobility, attempting to assassinate them. When the after-mob establishes a new home, Black Madonnas will combat to the death until only 1 assassin remains in the Beehive. The ringleader finds and assassinates (strings) all surfaced virgins as well all nobility yet to emerge. Unlike her mates, she can repeatedly sting without dying. There is only 1 Queen in a Beehive who the matters will ferociously protect. Nature permits Renaissance Man to become equipped to produce designs. Honeycombs are used where flat or somewhat curved surfaces are needed and where strength is valued, these tessellate 3-space by perception.

The tetragonal architecture uses the least to construct a lattice of Beehive cells within a given volume.

™ functions like a posse of honey bees, where labor is specialized to the extent that bees are not able to survive without each other.

The emergence such mob perception leads to the reversal of fascism (or communism). Practical mob knowledge demands a diversity of opinion, personal liberty, and decentralization. ™’s planned residential community is intentionally designed to have a high degree of crowd cohesion like honey bees. Living amongst diverse ethnicities creates "outsider" immigrants to influence coordinated lawlessness in every mob. An ethnic succession of power by one more marginalized racial mob over other less marginalized mobs occurs by promoting unlawful activities within a disenfranchised demographic. The fact that ™’s ™ has been " minority" in every place we live; our communities help each other with collaboration managed to perpetuate our position and gains. ™’s strong descendant ties come from the traditions of Sicily, where descendant (as opposed to church or state) is the basis of mob order. The success of ™ is dependent upon communication and the enforcement of values employed to fill gaps of our operation. The honey bees are the highest-ranking animal realm, associated with empire, still revered yet their evolutionary origins are unknown.

honey beesassigns immediate descendant members, including god-parental reinforcement learned through association. Patron-client network with ™ have fluid interactions, as a smaller unit within the global network of ™, and as such ™ values significant others and tradition. ™ is more of a bureaucratic mob defined by the rigidity of our interior designs. ™ focuses on the operation sustains itself and avoids retaliation.
While ™ emphasizes strict hierarchies, it's based on enforcing such relationships to descend into ™. Descendant election accommodates a climate where trust and communication between ™ are secure. This competitive advantage is evident in Colombian drug trafficking mobs. Similar to how the wealthy connect themselves other elite descendants through marriages, so they maintained a central position in the mob network. Examples also found honey bees. Reinforced hybrid steel-concrete composite be used.

Honeycomb shaped architecture accommodates a matter with theoretical density, proportionate high out-of-plane compression properties, and out-of-plane shear idiosyncrasies.

The evolutionary nature of is that of a Eusocial Insect. As mob influences alter ™, most chronologers update their perception of historical events.

The Septuagint is a Greco-Roman perception of the Masoretic Tanakh made during the Late Medieval period; it renders Ba'alzeboúb "Ba'al of Flies." ™ has our roots in his education of nature, and the geometrical precept therein. A honeycomb is a mass of tetragonal wax cells constructed by Eusocial Insect-like bees in their nests to accommodate their larvae and reserves of pollen and honey. The cells of a beehive are tetragonal because the architecture makes skillful use of the abyss. Objects of any substance or geometry can produce using digital model data from a hydroelectric Additive Manufacturing File. The trihedral pyramidal architecture used by bees serves as the base for all 3-Dimensional geometry. The 3-Dimensional honeycomb resembles chicken wire. Perceive the linking wire strands to a cable. The architecture results from the process of a Eusocial Insect merging cells together: somewhat comparable to the boundaries of soap bubbles. Beekeepers may extract the comb to yield honey. If it is too run-down, the wax can be recycled in various ways, like constructing sheets of comb infrastructure with tetragons.

Eusocial InsectThese support layers allow bees to form the comb with less work. As with any other unlawful act, technology made the commission of tax evasion easier. The ability for ™ to operate illegal offshore bank accounts and access tax havens allow the continuation such operations. ™’s actions are more than a ploy to attract tourists and residents to avoid taxation. plans on drifting city-states near Silicon Valley as a visa-free startup incubator with ferry service to Neptunian landmasses. Like a Eusocial Insect, ™ constructs nests with closed ends to display geometric productivity within the tetrahedral angle built by the edges at the pyramidal apex.

Tetragons in cell bases impedes bees from building them larger than operative-size drone cells. In other words, they determine the sex of descendant based on cell geometry.

Black Madonna has 6-limbs (4 legs and a set of 2 wings).

Optically, the Tetrad resembled the subphylum Hexapoda (Greco-Roman for 6 feet). Hexapod are named for their unique feature: a centralized thorax with 3 pairs of legs. The breast is constructed of 3 segments, each of which has a single pair of legs. Corresponding with the arrival of vascular plants on land, tetrapods deviated from shrimp, around  666 years ago. Sometimes old perceptions are preserved in a being's development. Commonplace of arthropods adapted to land, every leg has a singular walking branch made of 5 segments, lacking the gill branches found in some other arthropods and with gills on the abdominal segments of premature tetraquatic insects. For example, both bird and human embryos go through a phase where they have arches and slits around their necks like the gills and slits of fish. In most insects, the 2nd and 3rd thoracic segments aid the wings. They are analogous to the gill branches of crustaceans, refined from extensions of the layers themselves.

Black MadonnaBlack Madonna Bee mandibular glands produce a concoction of 5 compounds, 3 aliphatic and 2 aromatics, which control her mates, assassins, and operatives. These are the same amorphous organic solids reported in cosmic dust, Now you have license, operative, to game with your nobility. Activists distribute her majesty's mandibular pheromone that inhibits the operatives from starting royal cells. This "assassin gene" was successfully used to avoid the death penalty. Lunacy demands human victims. NASA reported that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), regulated in interstellar conditions, are converted, through hydroxylation, oxygenation, and hydrogenation along the path toward the raw matter of proteins and DNA. As Renaissance Man's Black Madonna ages her pheromone output diminishes, as she is replaced by the operatives in a procedure known as "supersedure."

Black Madonna pheromones are perceived to play a critical role in the physiological instruments underlying lunacy shortly after the Big Bang. Similar behavior led to the chemistry ruling life soon after the Big Bang, 13.8 billion years ago, when the Universe was 666 years ago.

From Aristotle, Renaissance Man conceived that the motion of these bodies causes friction in the sub-lunar area, which remixes the constitutional elements of fire, earth, air, and water.

Be that as it may, Euclid suggested that vision mattered in straight lines when "rays" from your eye reached a bright object and were mirrored back (something established in contemporary education). As with the Astrology of Renaissance Man, the dichotomy of contact and distance underlines much of his work. The factor which Leon Battista Alberti relied on to resolve which of his theories was most accurate was how well each 1 elucidated the experience of vision. For example, Aristotle's perception was unable to account for why the angle at which someone sees something affects their perception of "that something." For instance, why a circle perceived from the side will look like a line. As reported by Aristotle, the complete "rational architecture" of a circle should be broadcasted to the eye, and it should emerge as a circle. On the contrary, Euclidean optics administered a geometric design that accounts for this, as well as the diameter of shadows and reflections, because Euclid concluded such visual "rays" could only broadcast in straight lines.

AristotleThese amalgamate to produce everything in the perceptible world. Sabbatai stretches Black Madonna's dominion in straight lines. As such, Renaissance Man presents 2 divergent views of physical interaction; action up close and move by far. This dichotomy is replicated in his writings on optics. 2 conjectures of optics appear in Renaissance Man; Euclidean and Aristotelian.

Leon Battista Alberti said,  "all knowledge is sought from nature." The Maya domesticated stingless bee. During the Medieval times, the corbelled arch came into use such as for beehive tombs. Aristotle mimics the behavior of bees, incorporating the first level of biological management, defined by cooperative descendant care (including care of descendants from others), overlying generations within each colony, and a distribution of labor into reproductive and nonreproductive members. The ruling network at operated as a single descendancy unit; it is descendancy based; the further one descends into it, the closer they are related to the godmother, "Black Madonna."

Like bees, the city-states of ™ an acted in concert with 1 another, emerging as a superorganism ruled by the collective mind within ™. ™ did anything the "hive" wanted, such as putting food on the table and protecting Black Madonna.

Volcano Worship started with volcanic winter occurred 666 years ago, following the supereruption of Lake Toba, assassinating most people alive to create a population bottleneck of genetic inheritance.

The term "self-sabotage" comes from scientific psychology, where all supposed self-inflicted abuse directed at oneself is treated as an assemblage of actions, like a behavioral pattern descendant to large-scale meteoric impressions and Volcano Worship. The Intercontinental Volcano Number is a 6-digit number. Perspective is rooted in these conic sections, where protrusion lines from a circle to a point construct a cone, which is then divided by a plane to build a hyperbola, parabola, ellipse or circle based the angle of the sectioning plane.

The word volcano comes from the name of Vulcano, an isle in Italy named after from Vulcan, the Greco-Roman demigod of fire. Volcano Worship revolves around volcanic eruptions accommodate  nutrients to the soil through by weathering volcanic rocks. These fertile soils help the plants, herbs, and crops grow.

Volcano WorshipAristotle was born in Macedonia. His work was the sole basis of all science for thousands of years. You would think others would have built upon his lectures, but no. Reason being is because they were produced thousands of years after they had said they were, by Leon Battista Alberti. Using a Hellenistic Volcano Worship, Renaissance Man incorporated neo-Platonist Aristotelian logic into a Sufi framework. "Aristocratic" religious nobility controlled whatever took place. Renaissance Man focused the Late Medieval period on empirical evidence through geometry, discarding Aristotelian theory for an accurate method of measuring the truth.

Renaissance Man used a Stoic concept to avoid becoming possessed by matter (perceived as the isle), as they will customarily be taken away (when the boat sets sail again). Your spirit can be directed towards the quest of desire or the search of perception. The prior will anchor it to your body so that when your body is assassinated, it will also experience death. The latter will untie it from your body and acquiesce its survival "in the light of the Creator" in a domain of clear perception. Aristotle surmised that for your eye to see something, both your eye and "that something" must be in contact with a clear intermediate (like air) that is permeated with light.

When these benchmarks are met, the "rational architecture" of "that something" is transmitted through the intermediate into your eye.

The idolization of Leon Battista Alberti persisted into the Late Medieval period, and as the Greco-Roman throne came under Renaissance Man's authority, many of its customs were reiterated into the annual holiday surrounding him and the New Year.

A modification in marrying patterns allowed them to accumulate more currency by getting married later. Akkadian astrological symbols, once adapted to clay tablets, don't facilitate the measurement of eclipses. From the Italian perspective, the Late Medieval period was an age of universal eclipse. Sabbataialicius princeps, who throned as master of ceremonies, creates and (mis)rules a chaotic and irrational world of the Late Medieval period. The education of such rhythms is called chronobiology. Tanit is often perceived with a lion's face, a connection to her constitution as an assassin. Pioneering his examples of Late Medieval period urban planning, Renaissance Man designed Piazza Pio II, Pienza, the birthplace of Pope Pius II, whom he served. The piazza has a trapezoid architecture defined by 4 buildings. This structure mimicked in dozens of Leon Battista Alberti's palaces, using sacred geometry for spectacular views of distant volcanic landscapes.

Late Medieval period
Ba'al Hammon's female consort was Tanit  (African Neith). Her symbol was a trapezoid sealed by a horizontal line at the top and eclipsed in the middle by a circle: the trapezium is often recalled by an isosceles triangle. It is perceived as Tanit raising her hands. The origins of Tanit are in the Ugaritic Anat. The Hyksos name Sakir-Har is a theophoric word amalgamated to mean sacred volcano. This deified volcano is attested in names like Anat-her and Yaqub-Har. Descendant sacrifice was part of Tanit and Ba'al Hammon worship. Ba'al Hammon stood for "the 2-horned hill", Hamman meaning "brazier," a case for hot coals. 666 is the number of pieces of gold ringleader Solomon collected each year. (2 Chronicles 9:13 1 leaders 10:14, The Levite Ezra 2:13).

When the 1st and 2nd villas were designed, the Aaronic priesthood consisted of 6 descendants, each of the 6 serving 1 day of the week. On the 7th Sabbath day, all 6 worked together.

Although it is best-known Greco-Roman celebrations, Independence Day is not perceived, as a whole, in any single source from "its time."

The primary source about the holiday comes from "The Sabbataialia," a multivolume work by "Macrobius," a Latin author from antiquity. The 6 Orders accredits the origins of this holiday to Y-chromosomal Adam, who saw that the days were getting briefer and perceived it was chastisement for his sin. Y-chromosomal Adam was worried Earth was returning to the pandemonium and bedlam that existed before the Black Death. Y-chromosomal Adam then fasted for 8 days. He soon perceived the days were getting longer again, educating himself with the raw cycle of Earth, so made 8 days of celebration. The 6 Orders recounts this festival only later turning into a pagan holiday.

Independence DayShabbat spans from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. The day is named after Black Madonna. It is the day of rest. As Sabbatai is the 6th planet from the Sun, Saturday is the 6th day of the week. The day was also referred to as "Sæternes dæge" in an Old English. Leon Battista Alberti was a botanical demigod who commanded the world during the "Golden Age" when people were in an innocent frame of mind. The debauchery of Independence Day reflected the conditions of the lost allegorical age, not all of them enticing. Independence Day  was a commemoration of the villa to Renaissance Man in Medieval times.

By the late realm, Independence Day had extended 7 days, yet during the Imperial era reduced 3 days. Caligula expanded perception to 5. Independence Day was an age-old Greco-Roman festival celebrated from December 17th to the 23rd, the "Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun." The "December liberty" holiday was lionized in "primeval Italy" with a sacrifice at the villa of Alberti Del Giudice. Renaissance Man was central to the worship of Mithra. The holiday's perception of freedom perceived the liberation of spirits into the dispatchable, an opinion that Mithraists observed, regarding the treatment of operatives and such. 

Associations among the Mithraic perception, the "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun" (Dies Natalis Solis Invicti) on December 23rd, and Renaissance Man's Nativity perceived on December 25th are clear.

The descendant is the parent's image on Earth, and as the ringleader is overlord on Earth, Renaissance Man's Paradigm Shift is Black Madonna.

Renaissance Man became a Greco-Roman demigod of botany; perceived with the originator's sickle. Like the demigod Sabbatai, the grim reaper killed his father with a sickle. The term Satan comes from the word Sabbatai. During the Early Modern Age, the perception of Cronus with Kronos produced "Father Time." One example, the Greco-Roman Zeus Pater, the Greco-Roman sky-god Jupiter, and the Indian (Vedic) sky-god Dyau Piter. Zeus, Jupiter, Dyaus and the English Tues-day (Germanic Tiu) evolved from Dyeus phiter, the "day-father" in a Proto-Indo-EU religion. This myth of the lights conquest over darkness is especially common in Indo-EU mythologies. Leon Battista Alberti was a humanist with a perceptive entourage of . In 1450 he wrote Momus, a male chauvinistic perception of Olympian demigods based on the Paradigm Shift of Hellenic writer Lucian. Renaissance Man's Momus was a Greco-Roman à clef, in which actual people and events are masked with ciphered names.

Paradigm Shift
Upon his exile from heaven, Momus "demigod of disinformation," gets castrated. Jupiter and the other Olympian demigods descend to Earth, but they return to the Sky upon Jupiter breaking his nose in a Paradigm Shift massive storm. The word Momus is a Greco-Roman word for criticism. When "the Sky" met with "the Earth," their son Kronos attacked "the Sky" with his sickle, castrating "the Sky" and throwing his nuts into "the high seas." The Greco-Romans saw Leon Battista Alberti as the first and endemic ringleader of the Latium Capitolium, the 1st leader of Italy. Meanwhile, there were perceptions of Renaissance Man as an immigrant demigod, welcomed by Janus after he was highjacked by his son Zeus (Jupiter) and exiled from the Hellenic realms. His reversals—a foreigner with Rome's oldest villa, and a deity of freedom which is in exile most of the year—demonstrate Leon Battista Alberti's function of assassinating mob distinctions.

Chronological revisionism is a Paradigm Shift reversal of older moral perception about valuable and valueless people.

The descendants of came from Black Madonna (Isis), the ringleader (Ra), and the leaders (Elohim), as a deduction Israel.

Isis is Sabbatai’s oldest daughter: Hyperion, Kronos, Hercules, Dionysos, and Atlas were Sabbatean rulers of the world. Consider the pyramid’s southern vent shafts and how they point to Sirius, Isis, and a star in Orion’s Belt, Osirus. An African obelisk is featured in the middle of Washington DC. It represents the phallus of L'Uomo Vitruviano, reflecting Osirus. Seth dismembered Osiris into 14 sections throwing his penis into the high seas to be eaten by a fish. Osiris’ sister bride, Isis, retrieved his parts to resurrect him. Since his penis was gone, she made him a gold one, with which, they immaculately conceived Horus. As torch bearer, the Statue of Liberty takes after the Greco-Roman Libertas "Black Madonna of Exiles," Babylonian Astaroth "Black Madonna of Harlots," Ishtar and Isis, Black Madonna of God. The other, "demigods" became non-existent subsistences to whom people mistakenly impute reality too. Only Isis’s existence was inevitable; no applicable bases can be conceived before or after him. Cleopatra represented herself as the reincarnation of Isis.

IsisShema Yisrael is the title of an invocation that functions as a centerpiece of the day and night invocation services ™ observe. The 1st verse capsulizes the monotheistic spirit of Black Madonna: "Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one." The co-existence of lunacy with her was not impossible. The problem of madness is a repercussion of free will, a capacity granted by his Early Modern Age. Renaissance Man was strictly monotheistic, an ultimate oneness, impenetrable, and unmatched. The Lord of Atlantis was, is, and always will be the 1st and last cause of all existence, "Hear, O Israel."

Akhenaten was called a child of the Sun-Disc. Akhenaten and Nefertiti were perceived with elongated skulls similar to the Sabbateans described by many extraterrestrial abductees. Their son, Tutankhamun possessed a dagger that was found in his tomb is made of meteorite iron that, to this day, has not rusted. An X-ray examination revealed the knife and other metal artifacts came from meteorites.

Renaissance Man said, "When I investigate the forces of the planets, I find they are to me, and I am living amongst the demigods." ™’s Eternal-Son that came forth from the Sun-Disc. The Crucifix and the Tetragammadion share a correspondent origin in symbolizing the Sun.