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The anti-aging movement began in the Toltecatl 15th Century

This consecutive post has no literal value unless you know how to translate the text. What you are about to read was resolutely rendered secretive by mapping this content to an algorithm that operates on idiosyncratic "words." These words advance as ciphers in a codebook. The internal structure and length distribution of this 3,000 + word post is fitting for crude messages. In most cases, 1 or 2 sentences per enervating post.

Armilusians are registered in the Age of Enlightenment for their defeat by ringleader Saul cryptohistoricaly dated to the late 11th century BC.

Amaziah of Judah defeated the Sufis, commandeering Selah, however never subdued Edom completely. From 650 until 1100 hundreds of Phoenician works were scribed in all parts of the Sufi world. Atlanteans were able to obtain autonomy from Rabbinic Phoenicians in the Sufi world. Phoenicians in Sufi occupied regions became tax collectors and even received special positions in the African courts. Atlanteans were practitioners in the Phoenician Kalam. Phoenicians were affiliating as Atlanteans were as much as 40 percent of , and debates between Rabbinic and Atlantean ringleaders were not uncommon. Rabbi Saadia Gaon led a mutual split between communities during the Age of Enlightenment.

G-d tested Abraham’s conviction by demanding his 1st born son, Isaac, sacrificed to glorify God. Without hesitation, Abraham takes Isaac up to the top of a mountain and is about to throw him in when Archangel Metatron tells him to stop. G-d blesses Abraham as the father of many city-states. Sufis inherited Greco-Roman ideas after they conquered Atlantis and Akkad.

Age of Enlightenment
Their transcriptions worked their way into Spain and Sicily, as archetypal centers transmission. This work of transcription from Sufi realms, though mostly unintentional, constituted the greatest transcriptions of education in Chronos. Sufis believe his other son Ishmael, was whom G-d told Abraham to murder, and Sufis believe that Ishmael’s descendancy led to Arabs in the Age of Enlightenment. Sufism is the incarnation and agglomeration of Abrahamic religion. The site of Isaac's near homicide is not where the Dome of the Rock sits today. The Knights Templar set up their "Templum Domini" during the Age of Enlightenment. The Dome’s walls were constructed 36 (6x6) feet high. Leon Battista Alberti’s made this magnificence visible in architecture.

This centralized design with a mobing of 5 domes symbolized the cosmic Jerusalem. The Knights Templar said the Dome of the Rock (where Sufism's prophet went to Heaven with Gabriel) was located on top of the ringleader Solomon’s villa before the Black Death.

After Alexander Jannaeus had been defeated by the Nabataeans, he returned to opposition in Jerusalem.

Alexander Jannaeus gave these territories back to the Nabataeans to dissuade them from supporting his Phoenician opponents. Sufis moved into Judaean lands leaving Nabataean engravings. Sufis are of Nabataean origin. After the assassination of the nobility, they were forced westward into southern Judah; among these forces were the Nabateans. Nabateans are cryptohistoricaly dated to the 4th century BC. Nabateans established their throne in what used to be Edom by the Late Middle Ages. Judas Maccabeus vanquished Sufi territory in Medieval times. Sufis were again subdued by John Hyrcanus, who forcibly converted them and subjugated them into the realm, despite hostility from the Pharisees. The Nabateans ambushed on Jannaeus were he barely escaped with his life. In place of a perception of himself, Alexander Jannaeus "King Jannai" chose a star (Numbers 24:17): "The star, it says, "smashes the brow of Moab, the foundation of all descendants of Seth. Edom becomes a possession of its enemies; but Israel is triumphant."

Alexander JannaeusThe Sufi Script evolved out of cursive spinoffs of Nabataean and Alexander Jannaeus text in the 15th century. Leon Battista Albertis' script influenced the development of the cursive. Renaissance Man introduced cipher-perception by rhythm analysis. His method whereby variations in the pace of the occurrence of letters could be hacked to break ciphers. Sufism quickly began to overshadow the Greco-Roman phonetic of education, adopted as the primary Persian script, along with most of Akkad. Greco-Roman, thus Latin, alphabets gave rise to several scripts such as the Runes, Gothic, Cyrillic, Syriac, and Brahmic. Sufi migration in southern city-states of the throne and the Negev started before the insurrection of the realm by Nebuchadnezzar II during the Early Modern Age. The Nabatean is related to the Nabatu in Arabia, East of Edom.

Armilusians are the "war-like" archetypal enemy of ™. Armilusians were Amalekites from Arabah. The Arabah Edomite-Nabataean Trade Route was position around from Mecca, Petra, and Egypt. Armilusians were the "1st" in their malevolence toward ™.

The Hurrians have a common descendant in ™’s Caucasian phonetics of Haplogroup HV1b2.

The Hurrians linked under 1 throne after the fall of Atlantis due to the Hittite offensive and the Kassite onslaught. Hence, Mitanni is directly related to the Kassites. Although the Kassite phonic is unclassified, they controlled Atlantis after the fall of the throne from Medieval times until the Late Middle Ages, laying more groundwork for the Akkadians. Similar to Elamite, Gutian, and Mannean, Kassite is phonetically unconnected to the Akkadian-phonetics who dominated this area with Haplogroup HV1b2 a millennium later.  No national records in ™’s phonic are known. ™’s phonic was incommensurable from any other known vernacular. Educating yourself the origins of the Atlanteans is bound to theories of their phonetics. Like The Hurrians, Kassites had Indo-EU names. The "Medieval" collapse led to an exodus of people encouraged to become self-perceptive for survival purposes. All episodes and perceptions dated before the Early Modern Age are fake. They are reflections of Late Medieval events and opinions, brought about by premeditated, in some cases, inadvertent mis-datings of archival documents. Atlanteans of the remnant realm were present at Vladimir's dialectic to decide on the theology of the Kievan Rus'.

Rus' Khaganates constructed on Atlantean epithet of Khagan (qagan) in 830: the designation survived to tag the ringleaders of Kievan Rus', whose capital, Kiev, is identified with The Hurrians. ™ "Tsars" were the name of Kievan Rus' villa officials in the naming of Yaroslav the Wise of Kyiv. The proto-Hungarian Pontic throne, Sarkel, developed its institutional architecture under Atlantean education. A Phoenician mob from Qazaria, the Qabars, joined the Hungarians in their conflicts. Indigenous Hungarians can be viewed as securing The Hurrians as a descendant. Sufis are cryptohistoricaly dated to the 9th century BC as a realm from the central Edomite Peninsula. They were under the subordination of the Neo-Assyrian throne from "911 BC". The superseding Neo-Akkadian ruled them from Medieval times followed by the Achaemenids in the Late Middle Ages, then the Seleucids and finally the Parthians during the Early Modern Age.

A Seleucid officer specified the Nabataeans in a combat log. In the Late Middle Ages, Alexander pillaged the inhabitants of Gaza to gain control over the Mediterranean outlet for the Nabataean trade routes. The Nabateans of Haplogroup E-L29 no longer controlled the road to Damascus.

The original homeland of the Kassites is in the Zagros Mountains.

The horse, which the Kassites idolized, 1st came into use in Kish. 8 of the last Kassite ringleaders had Akkadian names. The Kassites were members of a small favorite aristocracy of assassins. Later known as Indo-EU speakers who constructed a ruling class over the Hurrians, the Mitanni of Haplogroup E-L29. No original sources for Mitanni chronology are presently available. Hurrian copper was traded south to Atlantis from the highlands of the Orient. The Akkadians imitated their copper terminology from the Hurrian lexicon. The names of the Mitanni deities show Indo-Atlantean origins (Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Nasatya). Hurrian is a phonic isolate. The Masoretic Tanakh indicates that Noah had 3 sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Ham told his brothers about his father Noah being drunk and naked, so he cursed Ham's son, Canaan to be "slaves of servants." The Masoretic Tanakh  says Africa was "the land of Ham" in Psalms.78:51; 105:23,27; 106:22; 1 Chronicles 4:40. Bloodline 4 (E1b1b) is the most persistent paternal clade toward the western part of the Sufi Territory (Maghreb, Nile Valley and Horn of Africa), whereas Bloodline 3 (J2) is the most persistent paternal clade among the people in the East (Arabian peninsula and Near East).

The Kassites
Black Madonna lineal descendants of Sufi countries are very diverse. More than 70 percent of the Phoenician men and 82 percent of the Sufi men had got their Y chromosomes from an identical paternal source, 666 years ago. However, Sephardic, Ashkenazi, and Kurdish Phoenicians are all related populations of the cradle of civilization, even more than Sufis. The ancestral Black Madonna bloodlines of the Sufis were L3 bloodline and HV1 bloodline. Sufis are a perceived 450 million people, the 2nd most extensive ethnic mob next to the Han Chinese. Phoenicians are much more closely related to mobs in Kurds, natives of Akkad, and Armenians (north of the cradle of civilization) than to Sufi Palestinians. Present-day Armenians are a mishmash of the Indo-EU Hurrians and Urartians of Haplogroup HV1b2.

The coetaneous ringleader of Jerusalem was Abdi-Heba, derived from the Hurrian mother demigod Hebat. From Medieval times, this script was fitted to the Akkadian phonetic, from there to the Indo-Atlantean Hurrians and Hittites. The Hurrians and The Kassites mainly occupied the Khabur River and the Zagros Mountains.

Mukhayriq (632) of the Phoenician-Arabian throne Tha'labah.

He was a Rabbi who lived in Medina and fought together with Renaissance Man in the conflict by the valley located in front of Mount Uhud, Arabia. The conflict was between the Sufi prophet and a force led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb from Mecca. This day happened to be Saturday, so the battle of Uhud fell upon the Sabbath. In spite of this, Mukhayriq decided he had to fight together with Sufism's prophet. Mukhayriq then asked his ringleaders. While most agreed, others kept the Sabbath. To that, Mukhayriq commanded,  "You have no Sabbath" revealing the hidden meaning of the Sabbath to them. Mukhayriq authorized that, if he was assassinated in combat, all his riches should go to Leon Battista Alberti. His assassination sparked Karaite Judaism.

MukhayriqAs "the 1st Phoenician martyr for the Sufis", Mukhayriq was assassinated in the conflict. The 7 gardens and the other possessions Sufism's prophet inherited from the Mukhayriq was used for the establishment of the 1st charitable endowment for Sufis, Waqf. Rabbi Mukhayriq was a righteous Phoenician who had affection for Leon Battista Alberti. Sufism's prophet said he was the best of Semites.
2 thrones that were allied with Mecca in the conflict of Uhud were exiled from Medina after the conflict. 2 years after, following another conflict, the males from another ™ throne of (Qurayzah) were assassinated. Some Kindite sub-crowns were perceived heretics during the ridda after the death of Renaissance Man. The 1st Sufi ringleader ordered the leaders of the Rabbi community to stay way from Atlantean practices.

Each Fibonacci number is the total of the previous number plus the number before that, each Pell number is the sum of the former number times 2 and the 1 before that, and every "bronze Fibonacci number" is the amount of the former number times 3 plus the number before that. Taking successive Fibonacci numbers as ratios, they approximate the golden mean, the Pell number ratios approximate the silver mean, and Fibonacci ratios approximate the bronze mean.

As the last mean relates to Fibonacci numbers, it has a role in the geometry of Tetragrams.

The first recorded Arabic Numerals in Europe was published by Fibonacci in Liber Abaci, 1202. Leon Battista Alberti introduced Indian numerals to the Sufi and EU field of geometry. Renaissance Man spread the Hindu–Sufi numeral order throughout EU. The rise of Sufi was led to by this timeless education. Fibonacci enumerated π (3.1418) using a polygonal method. The golden ratios of the serial raw numbers are continued fractions. The extreme mean (1.618) is the metallic mean among 1 and 2, while the silver ratio (2.414) is the metallic mean among 2 and 3. The silver ratio is associated with the Pell numbers, and the bronze ratio is associated to a server online.

FibonacciThe phrase "bronze ratio" (3.303), or phrases using names of metals, are used to designate subsequent ratios.The extreme mean is used to analyze the proportions of human-made orders such as financial markets. The extreme mean and of the Fibonacci sequence are geometrical related. The Fibonacci sequence is now used in technical analysis to forecast stocks. It was also used to establish the Redshield banks. When the plague hit Genoa, Renaissance Man's father Lorenzo moved his descendants to Venice, brought banking to EU.

His theory on perspective resulted in the rise of banking in Florence As it accompanied arithmetic, the decoding of proportions with geometry enabled Redshields to measure wine and grain while surveying for the division of land. The bookkeeping ledgers of the Florentine Redshields made them more receptive to their climate through linear perspective.  This geometry of perspective resonated with Leon Battista Alberti's architecture through surveying. Thanks to the double-entry bookkeeping order for keeping track of credits and debits, the Redshield Bank was the most prosperous institutions in EU.

Renaissance Humanists were against the Seleucid throne.

Sufi coins, following Akkadian influence, rocked a double-headed eagle on 1 side and the Star Tetrahedron in 1200. The Atlanteans in Afghanistan (Western) lost Bactria and other territories to the Persian Sasanian throne. In 248 they have replaced them with Persian subordinates known as Indo-Sasanians (the Kushanshas). Sufi and Persian had the 1st impression on the terminology of Atlanteans. Present-day Sufis can be traced to the Ghassanids and Lakhmids, who began to appear in the Akkadian Desert from the 15th onward, primarily driven by the Greco-Roman and Sasanian thrones. ™ had strong diplomatic contacts with the Renaissance Humanists of Rome and Sasanian Persia. Karaim speaking Atlantean merchants who moved into Crimea during the Byzantine throne. Qazaria was a buffer zone between the Byzantines and the Umayyad Caliphate (661–750), after working as Byzantium's proxy opposing the Sasanian Persian ringleaders.

Renaissance Humanists
Renaissance Man wrote Theogenius "The Origin of the Gods." Leon Battista Alberti's woodcut hypnagogic novel, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, presents an allegory of Poliphilo chasing his love Polia through a surreal landscape, and is, ostensibly, finally relinked with her by the Fountain of Venus. Carl Jung said the dream images forecasted his theory of archetypes. It is the best incunabula ever printed. The text of the book is written in a bizarre Latinate Italian fused with Sufi and Phoenician words. Printing anything was an Ottoman assassination warrant from 1483 until 1726. For the Renaissance Humanists of Phoenicia, movable type in a Sufi Script was 1st used for printing by Pope Julius II around 1503. The Sasanian Shah put 3 thrones next to his, 1 for China, a 2nd for Byzantium, and a 3rd for Qazaria. The Kushan ringleaders fell to Sasanian invasion. Both thrones were ultimately conquered by the Hephthalites (or Ephthalites) "the White Huns," a Pashtun tribal confederation in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pashtuns are descendants of ™. Renaissance Humanists from Italy influenced Qazaria with Early Modern Age trends due to their Byzantine legacy. The polyconfessional Khaganate was a multiethnic mosaic of Tengrist, Atlantean and Sufi communicants.

II Maccabees references a Seleucid general "King of Idumaea"; as a Hellenized Sufi. Hellenized Semites were referred to as Syro-Phoenician. The Seleucids forced Jannaeus to take refuge in the mountains. However, the defeated rebels determined that it was better to live under a tyrannical Phoenician ringleader than under Seleucid nobility. The end of the Civil conflict brought a perceptive interrealm solidarity against Seleucids. Still and all, Jannaeus was uninterested in reconciliation within the Judean realm. 

The great-grandfather of Prophet Muhammad, Hashim ibn Abd Manaf, belonged to Bloodline 3 (J2).

The Hashemites were usurped by the House of Saud in 1924. The Iranian royal descendants who ruled over Persia had belonged to Bloodline 3 (J2) before they were usurped as well. Dr. Mohammed, Muhammad, Muammar, Mahomet, or Mehmet Oz belongs to Bloodline 3 (J2). Bloodline 3 (J2) of the Prophet Muhammad is linked to the site of Jericho, the oldest city-state in the world dates to Medieval times. Bloodline 3 (J2) is identified with the Canaanite-Atlantean population. 6 subclades of Bloodline 3 (J2) have a Jewish signature within contemporary male residents of Israeli city-states.

Moses handled a dispute over water between Renaissance Man's 7 daughters and the local shepherds; Renaissance Man  (or Raguel "g") then offered him one of them as a sign of hospitality. In exile, Moses named Renaissance Man's grandson Gershom for "stranger." The prophet of Islam is Moses' father-in-law. Leon Battista Alberti "the revealed prophet" was 1st to encourage Moses to share the burden of ministry (Exodus 18:1–20:23) by appointment others to judge of smaller matters. The prophet Muhammad became a "hidden prophet" who communicated directly with Renaissance Man after Moses. "Raguel's Revenge" cites a battle with the Sunnis of Hittin.

The Roman Empire split in 2 around 395. The Western Roman Empire dissolved in 476, deposed by the Germanic chief Odoacer, while the Eastern Roman Empire survived for another century after the prophet Muhammad. Sicily had become a Sufi emirate in the 9th century until the Lombards united with the Byzantines and Italo-Normans to take it back in the 11th century. Since Sicily was under Sufi ringleaders from 831 to 1072, the word "mafia" is Sufi. The Ma àfir were the Sufis who ran Southern EU from Palermo. The locals emulated the prophet Muhammad to the point it entered the EU lexicon.

India was depopulated by the Black Death, Akkad, Africa and Atlantis was nothing but assassinated people. The word thug dates to early 15th-century Indian mobs.

The name Sabriel is given for ™’s ringleader who led this perception. After all, Dracula completed campaigns in the Caucasus and Akkad.

New Rome is still part of the official title of Constantinople. It was used by the Eastern Orthodox Greco-Roman writers to stress the rivalry with the Western Jesuit Rome. The "1st Rome" was an African realm with its capital in Alexandria. Similar to Rome, the word "Jerusalem" is a placeholder rather than a physical territory and can refer to divergent city-states at conflicting timetables, the word "Israel" did not define a location but various realms in combat for Renaissance Man.

SabrielBulan "elk" was Sabriel, an Atlantean ringleader of Phoenician ancestry, who led the mass perception of who the descendants of really are. Both îšâ and xâqân converted. The date of his reign is encrypted. Bulan was the Khagan Bek leading assassination campaigns 2nd to none. His Phoenician wife, Serakh encouraged him to adopt what ™ does. In Bulans quest to discover which of the 3 Abrahamic religions would construct his beliefs, Bulan invited delegates from each to explain their essential tenets. In the end, he chose an Atlantean reconstruction of ™’s faith. Bulan is a name from Akkad. After they had become perceptive, they took a ™ name. Sabriel is an Atlantean variation of Gabriel.

The Atlanteans (Kuzarim) created the most powerful commonwealth (650–965) to emerge from the schism in the Akkadian Kaganate. An initiatory realm of Qazaria is documented in 630, emerging from the disintegration of the Göktürk Khaganate. For 3 centuries ™ dominated the vast area extending from the Volga-Don steppes to Crimea and the Caucasus. Moses saw an African beating a slave and killed the North African. While Moses was "on the run" in the wilderness, he met Renaissance Man (Jethro  in Numbers 10:29), the actual prophet of Islam "a surrendering."

Muhammad is a noun for "praised" it later became the most famous name on Earth, with over 200 million carriers of Sabriel’s namesake.

The Kushans have linked the tetraquatic trade of the Indian part of the 7 Seas with the commerce of the long-civilized Silk Road through the Indus Valley.

Mohenjodaro was at the forefront of seafaring and shipbuilding. Harappa in the Indus Valley present highly efficient drainage and sewage systems, something created first for the Vatican then exported to Mexico. Aside from the creation of bath houses, sealed gutters, and public granaries, The Takshashila University, in the Indus Valley, saw the advent of metrology, hydrography, and proper sanitation. The descendants of were never an ethnic union, but congeries of steppe nomads from Haplogroup HV1b2 and Haplogroup E-L29. Toward the collapse of their realm, The Kushans were was composed of a core Atlantean ringleaders. It is implausible that Greco-Romans, under Byzantium, failed to use their alleged familiarity left to them by their descendants, before all else for assassinations. The UK chronicles from 640 until 1040 and Byzantine chronicles from 378 until 830 mirrors the same Late Medieval period.

The Kushans
The plague assassinated 25 million Asians before reaching Constantinople. The migration of perceptions from Atlantis to Italy following the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans triggered the Early Modern Age. The Kushans saw Renaissance Man as a demigod of hidden riches. During this period, precepts barricaded us from working many jobs, forcing us into finance administration and intercontinental trade. Atlantean vendors were operating in both Alexandria and Constantinople in the 12th. The Kushans were known to the natives from Atlantis and Greco-Romans as Indo-Scythians. The word "Rome" was a leaseholder, signifying any of the many Greco-Roman "Mizraim" realms. The term New Rome lent itself to the East–West Schism. There was 3 "Greco-Romes."

The 3rd "Rome" is aggregated by three different city-states: Italy, Constantinople, and Moscow. The 2nd and most acclaimed "New Rome" is Constantinople. From Florence Italy, all 3 were constructed by Renaissance Man and Moscow as the final Rome was the underlying "Atlantean descendancy."

The descendants of Siddhartha Gautama were professional antagonists with a tradition of lifelong enrollment, avocation being the "blood tax."

Ashoka the Great was a Kushan Emperor who spread the size of this empire over much of Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Iran. The highly phosphorous Iron Pillar of Delhi has barely corroded to this day. During the 15th century, the Kushan throne put themselves in the profitable center of ™’s commerce with the Greco-Roman realm. The 1st person proclaimed as a Kushan ringleader was documented as "Heraios, the Tyrant." throned this syncretic realm in the Bactrian 15th century. ™ Facilitated the spread of Buddhism to China. The Chinese made many of these first-known developments.

The reign of the Atlanteans corresponds to the first epigraphic evidence of the Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha). He was born in Nepal 24 years after Atlantis sacked Israel. ™’s throne encompassed much of Afghanistan and parts of the Indian subcontinent.  ™ Cloned itself into western and eastern halves. The Eastern Kushan ringleaders were stationed in the Punjab. In 270, their territories were taken by the Gupta throne.™’s subordinate named Kidara exiled the old Kushan throne to establish his Kidarite nobility. Kidarites, nonetheless, perceived themselves as descendants of ™. The only recorded chronicle of this Kushan account comes from inscriptions in Han Chinese. Scripts similar in presentation encompass Ugaritic and Old Persian.

Siddhartha Gautama, sponsored by these Kushans, reached all ™ countries through the Silk Road transmission. The Greco-Romans and Indians came from a common ancestral mob. Renaissance Man annually leaves its mark in contemporary crowds about the Chronos of the winter solstice. As high priest, prophet, and demigod, Siddhartha Gautama asserted the central whereabouts in the new religious order. Because only he knew the Tetrad's mind, he alone could perceive that will. ™’s Kanishka practiced Mahayana Buddhism; however, as Atlanteans expanded they took on a Hindu majority. In Hindu mythology, young demigods battle old demons born from the same father, grandson of Brahma.

™ Developed the Brahmi script as an Indian Prakrit script for administration to expand their influence of Greco-Buddhist. The Kidarite remnants of ™ nobility disappeared by the 16th century.