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What happened to Isaac Luria in 1572?

The post beneath has no unvarnished value unless you know how to decipher the text. What you are about to read was purposely rendered enigmatic by mapping this content to an rubric that operates on unique "words." These words work as cryptographs in a codebook. The internal structure and length distribution of this 3,000 + word post is usable for only compressed messages. In most cases, 1 or 2 sentences per galumphing post.

The primal evidence for life on Earth is graphite found in a sedimentary rock meta-morphoses from Greenland 666 years ago.

2.8 billion years old South African and Costa Rican spheres have fine grooves around them have fibrous structures on the inside with tough shells on the outside. Graphite consists of the 7 points such that the abyss underlies the tetragonal lattice. Leon Battista Alberti lived during Medieval times (cryptohistoricaly dated to the Paleoarchean era). Graphite has a layered, planar architecture. The layers are called graphene. In every layer, the carbon atoms are organized in a honeycomb lattice. A single sheet of graphene, the 2-Dimensional architecture of carbon, is sufficient as a solar sail. Graphene can be perceived as an indefinitely large aromatic molecule, the terminal case of the descendant of flat polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, an architecturally similar descendant molecule for red hair.

GraphiteSolar sails are a type of interstellar craft propulsion using radiation tension expended by sunlight on large mirrors. A valuable metaphor takes sailing a boat; the light consumes tension on the mirrors like a sail propelled by the wind. The emission process is enhanced by this heavenly father and son relationship. 666 invokes anthropic reasoning regarding the pervasiveness of lifeforms whose chemistry is based on carbon-12 atoms. This undetected resonance in the carbon-12 nucleus expedites its synthesis in stellar interiors through the triple-alpha process.

The horsepower of this undetected resonance is roughly 7.6 million electronvolts. Graphite is the most secure construct of carbon under excellent conditions. Graphite crystallizes like the Star Tetrahedron.  The Star Tetrahedron can be utilized to augment ion propulsion, regarding electron emitter architecture and matter. The crystal design of the molecular Queen is composed of Star Tetrahedral aromatic rings. Like Silicene and Benzene, simple aromatic compounds have a Star Tetrahedral architecture. The ring particles are made essentially of ice and rocky matter. Their snowflakes take on a polygonal fracture cipher. 1 of many contracts by Rucellai descendant, Renaissance Man's palazzi set the stage for a new era marking it with Redshield interlocking rings insignia.

There is still no unanimity as to their architecture; some visages suggest a recent origin.The surface of bubbleworld's  membrane is vibrated, and regions of highest and lowest displacement are visible in a thin coating of particles.Plausibly, Karaite Judaism was designed to maintain a set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within every swarm. Arguments among our sects regarding the validity of the Oral Law can be dated further back to the 1st and 2nd centuries BC.
Karaite Judaism is very distinct from Rabbinism, which considers the Oral Tanakh, as codified in the Talmud, to be interpretations of Moses. Our Qumran swarm retained such Sadducean legal positions yet fused it with everyone else's. Supposedly, Tzadok or Zadok was a name also given a the founder of the Sadducees. He was a student of Antigonus of Sokho along with Boethius. They preceded Renaissance Man’s Zugot during the 2nd Temple.

The beef between the Hasidean Pharisees and the Sadduceen Boethusians is, purportedly, why Renaissance Man was "forced out" of the Pharisaic school. In response to the  Sadducees, the Oral Law codified are of the legal rulings of the last Sanhedrin. Not all of the Oral Law is literally "Laws given to Moses on Mount Sinai." Nonetheless, I conclude with absolute trust that the Dead Sea Scrolls, in our possession, has the same content given to Moses and we are also in possession of the original transcription given to him on Mount Sinai.

The decisions made by this High Court must be upheld, per se the Law of Moses (Deuteronomy 17), this gives their legal rulings unearthly authority. The problem was most Sadducees rejected the influence of our Sanhedrin that developed during the 2nd Temple period partly because it was an admixture of different people and not just priests and Levites as mandated by ⬢.

Isaac Luria

There are multiple origins for Ashkenazed Levites, a priestly class who comprise approximately 4% of us. Moses was born to a Levite on his father’s side. The Sanhedrin also took legal authority away from the relatives of Tzadok who served as the 1st priests in the 1st Temple. Us Essenes were Tzadokite priests who opted out of breeding and material possessions in order to convey this information in a palatable way.

This is why Karaite Judaism has entered a phase of pious monotheism. We, to a certain extent, comprehend that some Halacha are remnants of an earlier stage of our evolution. I believe we have always accounted for sin by the hidden hand of evolution. For instance, if you committed a sin punishable by stoning in the Dead Sea Scrolls- you might fall off a roof from being out of shape, or if you ought to be executed by strangulation, you might drown because you never learned how to swim. I view this “hidden hand” as the personification of natural selection. So you better stay at the tip of this speer, or just be a decent human being.

Did Karaites adopt the logic of Philo of Alexandria?

There are many relations between Karaite Judaism and the interpretations of Philo of Alexandria (20 BC–50 CE). Philo of Alexandria spoke about typical modes of apprehension, and wherever we meet with uniform and regularly recurring ways of perception we are dealing with a pattern, no matter whether its mythological character is recognized or not. Philo associated the personifications within our Dead Sea Scrolls with transcendence and the conception of our realm sprinkled by Platonic ideas.

Plato, who studied Hyksos liturgy, said that long before we ever existed on this planet, we inhabited "heaven." Here we became directly acquainted with these forms themselves. True wisdom, to Plato, was the wisdom of these structures. But the wisdom of these ways cannot be gained through sensory experience because they are not in the physical realm. Therefore, our real understanding of them must be the flashback of our initial acquaintance with the structures in "heaven." Therefore, what we learn is remembering.

Believably, No 1 has ever made a perfect circle, nor drawn a perfectly straight line, yet we know what a circle and a straight line are. Karaite Judaism utilized this tool-maker's blueprint as evidence that archetypes are real. Circles and lines are never circular or straight, and true circles and lines can't be detected since, by definition, both are sets of eternally small points. But if the perfect 1s were not real, how could they direct the manufacturer?

As reported by Karaites, ✱ is a ruler who possesses both a love of the brain and the discipline to live a simple life. They define ✱ as its eponymous occupation: "wisdom-lover." Karaite Judaism distinguishes between 1 who loves true wisdom (as opposed to mere education) by saying that ✱ is the only person who has access to ⬢’s heartpower – the forms that exist behind all representations. Many have blamed Karaites for the rise of totalitarianism, seeing Plato's ✱, with their dreams of social engineering. But the Greeks were groomed by the Hyksos elite after they fled Egypt.

Philo of Alexandria has clear echoes in the Zohar's creation by successive emanations of ⬢. In both systems, the Logos is the primordial archetype of the universe and mediates between ⬢ and the material realm. ⬢ is the "god beyond god". This primal unity then, though self-complete, overflows with potency and from this power creates the different domain under it. This downward movement from unity to multiplicity he calls Procession. The reverse process of Reversion is then the lower life forms, such as humanity, ascending back toward ⬢ through spiritual contemplation. I structured each blog pre-post in a similar fashion.

It appears that, Monk Bahira, or Sergius, was an Arian monk who foretold to Muhammad his future as a prophet. In all probability, he was schooled by Karaites in Egypt in the 1st half of the 7th-Century. Some might say at age 40, Muhammad mistook his subconscious mind for angelic revelation and was simply influential in his new vocation.

The illiteracy of Muhammad also suggests he received instruction from Monk Bahira (sometimes he is called a Jacobite). Trained in Christian doctrine which asserts that the New Covenant through Jesus, supersedes the Old Covenant, Bahira carried on the tradition by his view that Islam was the final and most authentic expression of Abrahamic prophetic monotheism, superseding all previous teachings.

Although Renaissance Man’s questions lead people to disavow their relation with the mythological realm, they would nevertheless reassert themselves in the form of unquestioned Abrahamic traditions; as intended. The "abrogated" theological system of ™ has been going on before the time of Abraham and the Old Covenant. Just as the Laws of Moses were set aside for the Laws of Christ, the New Covenant was set aside for the dispensationalism of Muhammad.

Bahira's name derives from the Syriac bḥīrā, meaning “tested and approved.” Interestingly, the 1st written form of the Germanic word "God" comes from this period’s Christian ciphers from the Karaites in Baghdad. The English word comes from the Proto-Germanic ǥuđan. The reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form ǵhu-tó- "to invoke." The Germanic words for ⬢ were initially neuter, applying to both genders, but during the process of Monk Bahira's Christianization of the Germanic peoples from their indigenous paganism, the words became a masculine syntactic form as seen in Karaite Judaism.

Karaite specialize in what is now called Supersessionism. This replacement, or fulfillment theology, started way before Abraham; the difference is we are now all bound by ⬢- not multiple deities with gross behavior. Even our enemies are now cosigning our legacy. Between the vituperation of our faith and unwarranted appropriation of "the last prophet" without the credibility indicators demanded in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Muhammad definitely came across like ha-Meshuggah. That doesn’t mean we didn’t help get him to where he had to be with absolute trust that ⬢, hallowed (like Saturn's famous ring system) be it's Name, is the first and the last of all.

In all probability, Rabbi Mukhayriq fought and died for Muhammad in the Battle of Uhud on March 19, 625 in northwestern Arabia. Was Rabbi Mukhayriq the first true martyr of Islam?

Believably, he was a wealthy Tzadokite from the our Arab tribe of Tha'labah in Medina. Rabbi commanded that, if he died in the battle, all his wealth should go to Muhammad. He was killed in the battle. The 7 gardens and the other wealth Muhammad inherited from Rabbi Mukhayriq were used for the establishment of Waqf, the 1st ever "charitable endowment of Islam". This might explain why Muslims first practiced Karaite Judaism and prayed facing Jerusalem before they prayed toward Mecca.

Outside of an Abrahamic context, ✱ like Mukhayriq appear in conception myths of a wide variety of cultures. Generally, they bestow life upon all things as the physical basis of their realm, such that after death parts of each ✱'s body becomes physical parts of the universe. Theoretically, this is why Karaite Judaism represents the communion of the world.

Seeing how our chronicle transpired today, 1 might consider this a prime example of ineffective philanthropic and social programs that ultimately worsen the situations they were meant to aid. To all appearances, Rabbi explored these negative aspects of tzedakah and empathy. He seemed to be naturally "hypersensitive" with an excessive desire to "comfort" others. Such Ravs think that they are comforting others without considering the practical results of their "comfort".

Plausibly, Karaite Judaism reflects the same mentality is what turned Hellenised Jews into the Christians who persecuted us. Mukhayriq never formally became Muslim, he was an pious Jew who comforted Muhammad. His death happened to be Saturday, Shabbat. In spite of Shabbat, he fought together with Muhammad. Rabbi asked his tribe to join the battle too. Some agreed, but others reminded him about Shabbat. To that, Rabbi answered, "You have no Shabbat" and criticized his tribe for not understanding it’s hidden meaning.

By the book, Muhammad's claim to prophethood in itself disqualifies him, as it contradicts Moses.  However, Moses is written more than any name in the Quran; also making 43 references to Israelites. Many passages in the Qur'an contradict Karaite Judaism. Still, all evidence suggests (like Jesus and the New Testament) it wasn't written while he was alive. Our opposition to Muhammad was due to our close links with Abd-Allah ibn Ubayy, Medina's up-and-coming prince until Muhammad arrived.

In 622 Muhammad and the different tribes that lived in Medina, including the Tzadokim of Tha'labah, signed the Constitution of Medina. 2 of our tribes that were allied with Mecca in the Battle of Uhud were expelled from Medina soon after the battle. 2 years later, after another fight, the men from our tribe of Qurayzah were executed. Muhammad's sincerity of prophethood, ownership of and sexual relationships with slaves, treatment of enemies, and overall psychological condition exhibits someone into sadism, not for nothing.

However, the same mercilessness expressed in the massacre of our tribes in Medina was also used to defend and secure Karaite Judaism throughout history. We can’t really understand Rabbi Mukhayriq as a comprehensive treatment of when ostensibly generous 'how can I comfort you?' attributes are taken to extremes. When misapplied, it can become uncomfortable, unproductive and even destructive on both ends.

Because a certain degree of selfless nature is essential to the smooth performance of any swarm, selflessness "gone wild" can rear its ugly head in religio-political contexts. It fosters the exhilarating sensation of moral indignation, faith in the purity of our swarm and the perfidiousness of all competing groups.

In 632, Muhammad got sick and died. By this time, most of the Arabian Peninsula were Muslim. The Isawiyya are a critical sect who maintained Karaite Judaism after the death of Muhammad. It was founded by Abu Isa before the rise of Shia Islam. Following the Battle of Karbala (680 AD), they diffused in the emerging Islamic realm, several nations arose based on their “Shia leadership”.

Isawiyya Jews appeared before Ishak al-Isfahani (684–705) led a revolt in Persia against the Umayyad Caliph 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan. Abu Isa was around when the Umayyad clashed with the Byzantines. Byzantines considered Muhammad the Antichrist. Isawiyya Jews saw the coming of the Arabs as the apocalypse that would usher in the new age, but there are distinctive influences that can be noted in this movement from Shi'ism.

The idea of the illiterate prophet is equated with the story of Muhammad and his receiving of the Qur'an while the concept of a chain of prophets is notably related to the Imams and the foreseen coming of the Mahdi.

Yes, Muhammad was a bucher and yes, the marriage to Aisha when she was 9 is discomforting- but if we were to have to pick who has historically treated us better (Christians or Muslims), then I'd have to say we have fared much better under Islamic rule- thus far. 'Amr ibn al-'As, the 1st Islamic governor (641) ordered Rabbinists to stop interfering with Karaite Judaism.

Claiming to be a descendant of David, Shelomoh ben Ḥisdai II aka the Makhir of Narbonne (725-760) was a Babylonian leader sent from King Charles to lead the Jewish community of  Septimania as rex Iudaeorum (King of the Jews). Shelomoh ben Ḥisdai developed his movement's core tenets around anti-rabbinic Essene principles, like Pentecost on Sunday.

A Frankish Count of Septimania, Makhir (ben Yehudah Zakkai) of Narbonne's was also called named Theoderic. His descendant's leaders of that Septimania. The family, for centuries, bore the title of "nasi" (royal) as Franco-Judaic kings.

In 760, Makhir of Narbonne Shelomoh ben Ḥisdai II died, and his brother  ‘Anan ben Shafaṭ became the main figurehead of his pre-Talmudic Jewish movement that did not believe in oral Torah. Anan changed his name to ben David, due to his alleged Davidic lineage. However, someone else got elected by the Geonim and the Caliph of Baghdad. This caused by his apostasy. He was sentenced to die, but Anan ben David's life got saved by Abu Hanifa( founder of Islamic Hanafi).

Makhir was also called Natronai ben Habibi, an exilarch deposed and exiled in a dispute between the Bostanais. He's identified with a Maghario, Viscount of Narbonne, whose family married into the family of Charles Martel. His son is William of Gellone. William searched for the Holy Grail who led Frankish forces at the fall of Barcelona in 803. Makhir embodied a dynasty of, representing the union of the lineage of the exilarchs with that of Martel's Carolingians.

King Charles induced the Kalonymos family to move to Germany 876. Charlemagne also attracted the Kalonymos family to the Roman empire. Makhir (/Natronai) also relates to Charlemagne and Pepin (king of the Franks) and the removal of Moorish Narbonne with the help of Jews.  These Gothic leaders massacred the Saracen garrison. Emperor Otto II's (973-983) life was saved in this battle with the Saracens by the Kalonymos family.

Anan ben David was then permitted to migrate to Israel. He erected a shul that continued until the Crusades. From here, Karaites diffused into the Levant, Spain, and Italy. The Kalonymos family produced centuries the best scholars of Western Europe, such as Samuel he-Hasid and Mesullam the Great. Some members of this family were known to engage in polemics with the Karaites. Kalonymos is a translation from the Hebrew word "Shem-Tov."

Anan ben David’s (715 – 811) followers were absorbed by Abu Isa and his remnants of the Sadducees and Boethusians. Abu ‘Isa al-Isfahani was an illiterate tailor who told Jews to adhere to the New Testament and the Qur’an. Abu Isa said he was the Messiah and the observance of "Holy Days" was no longer obligatory.

Interestingly, Masoretic content is the authoritative text of Moses for everyone-including Rabbinism. It was distributed by Masoretes in the 7th-Century. The Masoretic material was used as the basis for the  Protestant and Catholic sects, replacing the Vulgate translation. Most secular sages conclude that the last redactor of the Torah, Aaron ben Asher- a Karaite.

The domination of Islam among mostly pagan Arabs resulted in the almost complete removal and conversion of our swarms there, and the sack of the Levant from the hands of Byzantines. This coincides with Gog and Magog (Karaism); a pivotal point of upheaval in the Arab realm. Isawiyya Jews accepted both Jesus and Muhammad. The arrival of Abu Isa comes during the rise of Shi'a Islam.

With the center of these movements being Akkad and Sumer, it should come as no surprise that the other all al-Kitab or "People of the Book" might be influenced. Isawiyya Jews wrote Pirke De-Rabbi Eliezer.

Abu Isa is Renaissance Man here; he thought himself as ben Joseph. Abu Isa’s heartpower was in service to the heavenly kingdom. He placed complete confidence in ⬢ and can act freely and independently from our realm.

Such a knight of faith is also seen in Yudghan "the shepherd". He lived and taught in Persia as a disciple of Abu Isa. Yudghan continued after Isa was slain. Yudghan said he was Moshiach. Al-Shahrastani is also identified with the Isawiyya. Around this time, Serene  the Syrian proclaimed himself Moses "sent again for the salvation of Israel."

I trace the origin of Karaite Judaism to those who rejected the Talmudic traditions of Renaissance Man's replacements. This mysterious sect seems to have played vital roles in the formation of every major religion.Plausibly, Rabbi Akiva ben Yosef "Chief of the Sages" was executed by the Romans in the aftermath of the Bar Kokhba revolt. To all appearances, he indulged the possibility that Simon could be ✱, and named him "Bar Kokhba" from the Star Prophecy verse from Numbers 24:17: "There shall come a star out of Jacob." Not only do these words give a transcendent message, but they also indicate a far greater signal that extends beyond them.
For instance, a few bars away, (in Numbers 24:20), Amalek is the "first of the nations," attesting to his primal state. Amalek’s relative, philosopher and emperor Marcus Aurelius, saw the Star Prophecy as time extending forwards to infinity and backward to infinity while admitting the possibility that the administration of the universe is organized into a succession of finite periods.  As such, Rabbi Akiva's death triggered the eventual fall of his Western Roman Empire. The last pagan Roman Emperor, Julian, allowed us to return and rebuild the 2nd Temple. Shortly after, he was assassinated, and the plan was dissolved.

The Mishnah, composed by Judah the Prince, in 200, used Renaissance Man's basic outline of the state of the Oral Law. This is the framework that Talmud was based; the Talmud's dialectic analysis of the content of the Mishnah (completed in 500) became the basis for all later halakhic decisions and subsequent ciphers.

The tradition that 613 mitzvot are the number of mitzvot in the Masoretic text began in the 3rd-Century when Simlai mentioned it in a sermon that is recorded in Talmud Makkot 23b. Also, things like Payot or sidelocks or sideburns come about. Torah said, "You can't round off the pe'at of your head" (Leviticus 19:27). The word pe'at is unknown. It was taken to mean an area of hair; applying only to men. I have a different spin.

The best way to express how I feel about this topic is through the Ancient Library of Alexandria (Egypt). This archetypal form was 1 of the largest libraries of the world before this time. It was built from the 3rd century BC until 30 BC. It burned down and its unsolved destruction is symbol for our perpetual loss of knowledge. A possible fire-starter was Aurelian around 270. Julius Caesar was once suspect but it was still being built in 48 BC.

Rabbi Akiva

Bottom line, art and culture died with Rabbi Akiva. During these Dark Ages- nothing of his magnitude was resurrected until the Renaissance. It’s illogical to think that Amalekites living under the banner of Byzantium couldn't use their "ancient knowledge" for military use. We all know wherever ⬢’s people go, so to, does it's knowledge. Call me what you will...

So what happened in year 135 (Simon bar Kokhba's revolt)?

Theoretically, it's an antinomianism that will alway perpetuate itself. We altered or outright rejected the polytheistic Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian and Roman laws. Even though most gentiles have since turned to ⬢, remnants of the past persist.

In Christianity, antinomianism is takes the principle of salvation by grace to the point of saying that the saved are not bound to follow the moral codes contained in Mosaic Law. During the time of Rabbi Akiva, we were forced to interpret these passages concerning their beliefs about ✱  to support Roman claims.

In the era of the Sanhedrin antinomianism carried the death penalty. Plausibly, Renaissance Man shared everything with his Hellenised swarm that, presumably, started Christianity because of the death penalty being used rather liberally.

The destruction of our Temple in Jerusalem in 70 by Titus, and the subsequent exile from Judea and the Galilee in the Bar Kochba revolt. Hadrian rebranded Jerusalem as "Aelia Capitolina" then prohibits us from circumcision. Unfortunately, this was our burden to bear in order to assimilate the Romans from within, as ⬢ did with us Jebusites.

Naturally, Rabbi Akiva and Simon bar Kokhba (Bar Kosiba) went against Rome in response to Hadrian's actions. In the aftermath, most of us were annihilated (about 580,000), and Hadrian renames the province of Judea to Syria Palaestina (after the Greek Philistines) in attempts to replace us on every dimension.

Theoretically, ben Joseph arose out of our united flashback of Simon bar Kokhba (Son of the Star). The current earliest archeological evidence being a stone bearing the 6-pointed star 3rd-Century synagogue in the Galilee. This is the sign of Mashiach ben Yoseph or ben Joseph aka Mashiach bar/ben Ephraim. Hypothetically, him and Mashiach ben David are the 2 redeemers. Some say ben Joseph was incarnated as Cain, Joseph (son of Jacob) and Jeroboam. ✱ was, allegedly, embodied as Abel and David.

Antinomianism associated ben Joseph with Jesus based on the New Testament account in which Jesus’s stepfather’s name is given as Joseph. Hence, antinomianism is regarded by Rabbi Akiva as "the Left-Hand Path." This nonconformity through transgression extends to irreligion manifest in Satanism if you ask me. However, if followed through to its logical end, one has no choice but to submit to ⬢.

Will the Saturnalia festival tell us about Shabbat?

Rabbi Akiva knew about Shabbat by studying Saturn through the lunar cycle in the Babylonian calendar; containing 4 weeks ending in the Sabbath, plus 1 or 2 additional unreckoned days per month.

To understand Shabbat take Saturnalia, a festival for the Roman demigod of agriculture, from 17th to 23th of December. Saturnalia influenced celebrations in midwinter, particularly Halloween and Christmas. The actual date of Christ's birth is unknown, but, in the 4th-Century AD, Pope Julius I (337–352) decreed that would be celebrated at the same time as Saturnalia.

Supposedly, before the 4th-Century, "Nazarenes" were followers of Rabbi Akiva (much closer to Judaism than most Christians, let alone modern Jews). Their holiday was marked with a Temple sacrifice followed by gift-giving in a carnival atmosphere that inverted social norms: masters served slaves, etc. The holiday was characterized by role reversals and sinful license. A custom was the election of a "King of the Saturnalia," to give orders and preside over our merrymaking.

Allegedly, Genesis 2:1–3, Exodus 16:26 and Exodus 20:8–11 tells us about Shabbat. However, the rules of which we are currently told you abide by were never stated. It 156b clearly saying it served to determine the hour of Saturn according to the needs of our observance that Saturn's proportions of metallic elements match the primordial proportions of our Solar System's formation.

Therefore, along with the 4 lunar phases being slightly over 7 days each, the number 7 is held in very high regard. ✱reflects this with Genesis 1:1, being 7 words and 28 letters (7 times 4). This is known as ⬢'s signature. Hence, Saturn's persisting hexagonal wave pattern around it's north polar vortex delineates a Jewish Star.

Evidently, Avodah Zara 8a describes a festival called Saturna which occurs for 8 days before the winter solstice. It is followed for 8 days after the solstice with a  pagan celebration. The Talmud ascribes its origins to Adam, who saw that the days were getting shorter and thought it was punishment for his sin. He was afraid that our realm was returning to the chaos and emptiness that existed before conception. He sat and fasted for 8 days. Our Tanakh’s personification saw that the days were longer than before again he realized that this was the natural cycle of our realm, so made 8 days of celebration. Rabbi Akiva states that this festival was later turned into a pagan festival.

The Dead Sea conception of the heavens and the planet in 6 days and the Exodus, and looking for Moses to reemerge- that's Shabbat. This is why the Sanhedrin received their ordination in an uninterrupted line from Moses, yet rather than being related to as Rebbes we were called priests or scribes of Saturn or “Shabbathai”.

Did Hannibal's Ba'al Hammon celebrate the Saturnalia festival?

In all likelihood, this cultural exchange between Rome and Carthage was a result of the 2nd Punic War-creating the Saturnalia festival. Reasonably, dissipation of the old Roman standards had followed the blotting out of the Carthaginian challenge to Latin supremacy in the Mediterranean realm.

Carthaginian general Hannibal "grace of Baʻal" Barca (181 BC) was, presumably, the cause of the 1st Saturnalia festival. Believably, he was the greatest military commander thus far. Romans, in response to Hannibal's warning out of Carthage, had risen to great-power status within 50 years. With Rome's realm dominion, however, the elite had been replaced by a monarchy, which in turn decayed into tyranny; after Augustus Caesar, good rulers had alternated with tyrannical 1s, and the show goes on. In Rome's decay, you can see our chronicle repeating itself in its general movements.

Recurring decay in the chronicle of dynasties that fell due to internal disunity. In the case of each regime, evolution had resulted from consolidation against an external threat. Thus, an interpretation of Saturnalia festival identified Ba'al Hamon with Cronus/Saturn. He’s why our shofars are typically made of a ram's horn. Baal Hammon, or Ḥamon, was a late Phoenician King of Saturnalia depicted as a bearded older man with curling ram's horns.

Exodus 17:14 says to "blot out the name" of Amalek, so we make noise and shout whenever "Haman" is mentioned; desecrating his name. The shofar’s sound reminded Rabbi Akiva of teshuva to confuse the accuser and prevent ⬢’s prosecutor from any litigation against us.

I’m in the process of Ba'al Teshuvah "master of return" (to ⬢). The Hasidic masters associate ha-Satan with Baal Davar. Please note- "the satan" is a metaphor for the Yetzer Hara and not an actual entity. For example, Ba'al Hammon was mentioned in the Song of Solomon as his vineyard. The locale relates to Baal-gad, and Hammon relates to the tribe of Asher.

Evidently, each Saturnalia festival celebrates white magic separating its immaterial source from Amalek realms of evil (Yetzer HaRa) when performed under circumstances that are pure. Throughout our chronicle, many have attempted to find hidden or ciphered messages within Renaissance Man's text, notably Isaac Newton. He wrote about Noah and his relatives, saying he was a monotheist; the demigods of pagan antiquity are identified with Noah and his relatives.

Hypothetically, Noah is deified as the demigod Saturn.

Rabbi Akiva traces all chronicle back to Saturnalia through Noah. Polytheism seems to be the result of the posthumous deification of past ✱, this is how the scrolls used the virus for a vaccine. Presuming a Newtonian cosmology where time and space are eternal, a cyclical chronicle based on the personifications within our Dead Sea Scrolls is a mathematical certainty. Newton, examining the chronology of Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East, expressed discontent with prevailing theories- he was right.

How did 5th-Century Moses of Crete boustrophedonically talk us off a cliff?

Moses of Crete was another claimant/ apocalyptic prophet who, apparently, knew the 7 names which are so transcendent that, once written, should not be erased.

Supposedly, he would  boustrophedonically utter YHWH and 6 other titles; such as are El , Eloah, Elohim, Shaddai, Ehyeh, and Tzevaot. Like ⬢, 7 is everywhere. Moses of Crete said there’s 7 compartments of Hell,  just as there are 7 compartments of Heaven.

Allegedly, early ™ had no concept of Hell. Although the idea of an afterlife came from neighboring Hellenistic sects, funerary evidence indicates that some people believed that the demigoddess Inanna, Ereshkigal younger sister, awarded us with special favors in the afterlife. Daniel 12:2 proclaims "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the planet shall awake, many to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt."

™, presumably, does not have an afterlife, but it does have to describe Gehinnom- a "waiting room" for all souls (good and bad). Moses of Crete considered it an immaterial forge where the soul is purified for its eventual ascent to our realm to come; somewhat analogous to heaven. He said this is where the soul breaks, like the flame of a torch lighting another about to set his ass on fire: the part of him that ascended and the "unfinished" piece reborn.

After Rabbi Akiva, there was an end to Mosaic movements for several centuries. However, the hope nonetheless continued. Following 1 interpretation of the Talmud, ✱ was expected in 440 (Sanh. 97b) or 471 ('Ab. Zarah 9b). This asshole, apparently, persuaded the Jews of Crete to walk into the ocean, as our REAL prophet Moses had done, to return to the Promised land.

The results were horrific, and Moses of Crete went delete. Hell is not entirely physical for people like this; instead, it is a very intense feeling of shame. He deviated so from the will of ⬢ he's probably still in Gehinnom. Being out of alignment with ⬢'s will is itself a brutal punishment for those who call themselves Jews.

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