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Alan Mathison Turing lived from 1912 until 1954

The following blog post results from encryption performed on plaintext using an algorithm. It is not human-friendly and should not be read as such. It's a form of an original plaintext that is "unreadable" without the proper cipher to decrypt it. This prevents the loss of sensitive information via hacking. Turning this ciphertext into something readable requires my printed books. Alan Mathison Turing, an original member of 5 Eyes, is widely considered to be the father of artificial intelligence. 

The former NSA contractor Edward Snowden labeled 5 Eyes as a supra-national spy organization that does not answer to anyone. Despite the controversy, Alan Mathison Turing was part of 1 of the most comprehensive known espionage alliances ever. The 9 Eyes is a different arrangement that consists of the original members, along with France, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway. There is another "14 Eyes" consisting of these 9 plus Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, and Sweden. This pact has intelligence agreements with the Club of Berne. From 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) became an intergovernmental military alliance between 29 countries. The Quint directs them. The Quint includes the U.S and the Big 4 of the Roman Empire (France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom). It operates as a "directoire" of various entities such as NATO and the G7/G20.

Extensional growth can be attributed to President Franklin Roosevelt. He was obsessed with intelligence and Deeply worried about German sabotage. However, there was no overarching American intelligence agency. When Roosevelt left, various Military sources competed against each other, and all the intel poured into the White House. Said intel was not systematically shared amongst agencies. Finally, he turned to William (Wild Bill) Donovan to run a new agency, the Office of the Coordinator of intel (COI), which in 1942 became the Office of Strategic Services or OSS. It became Roosevelt's most cryptic source of secrets, and after the war, OSS eventually became the CIA. In all, 35,000 men and women served in the OSS by the time it closed in 1947. These operations were carried out by KGB's Spetsbureau 13, colorfully known as the "Department of Wet Affairs.'

Roosevelt was born in New York to the same Dutch American as Theodore Roosevelt (26th president) and William Henry Aspinwall. Although Theodore Roosevelt led the Republican Party through antitrust policies, he supported progressives. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a Democrat, is 1 of my 5 favorite U.S presidents; alongside our current president, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt's face was sculpted on Mount Rushmore next to Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln.

A year before Alan Mathison Turing's death, general Eisenhower became the 34th president of the U.S from 53 to 61. In 55, Skunk Works received a strategic contract from the CIA to build the U-2 to spy on the Soviet Union and photograph sites of interest. DARPA, or ARPA, was created in 58 by Eisenhower in response to the Soviet launching of Sputnik 1 in 57. The U.S Congress, alarmed by Sputnik, urged swift action; Eisenhower and his advisers counseled more voluntary measures. On January 12, 1958, he organized a "Special Committee on Space Technology," NASA. From 58 to 65, ARPA was centered on major issues, including space missiles with nuclear force. During 1960, all space programs were transferred to NASA, and the military space programs were transferred to the "individual services." Research into packet switching, 1 of the fundamental Internet technologies, started with DARPA.

Alan Mathison Turing
The same year of Alan Mathison Turing's death, CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) was established on the Geneva on the Franco-Swiss border as the birthplace of the Internet. CERN, as an official United Nations Observer, is also a research facility with the most massive particle physics laboratory on Earth. CERN has 23 member states. Israel is the only non-European nation with full-membership.

Various criteria for A.I have been proposed, most famously a test created by Alan Mathison Turing. He did not prescribe what should qualify as intelligence, only that knowing that it is a machine should disqualify it. A device and a person both converse sight unseen with a 2nd human, who must evaluate which of the 2 is the machine, which passes the test if it can fool the evaluator a significant fraction of the time. Conducting I.Q. checks on freely accessible weak A.I. (artificial bits of intelligence) such as Google A.I. or Apple's Siri and others, you'll reach a value of about 47, which corresponds approximately to a 6-year-old child in 1st grade.

Don't underestimate this, Moore's law (which describes the relentless exponential improvement in digital technology) calculates that computers will have processing power akin to humans in less than a decade. Alan Mathison Turing understood as A.I expands its computer vision and natural language understanding, it will be able to deal with unexpected circumstances while solving real-world problems. This cannot be solved with current technology alone; it also requires human computation. The issue is 99.9% of humanity, is hundreds if not thousands of years behind the 1% technologically.

For example, the primary WW2 precursor internet initially served as a backbone for the interconnection of military networks up until the 1980s. Although military historians widely used the Internet in the 1980s, commercialization didn't incorporate its services and technologies into modern life until the 1990s. Access to their "ARPANET" was expanded in 81 when the National Science Foundation-funded the CSNET. In the year of my birth (82), the Internet was officially standardized, which permitted worldwide proliferation of interconnected networks. Commercial Internet service providers (ISPs) emerged in the Late-1980s and 90s. Alan Mathison Turing's new branch of the digital humanities is an extension of quantitative records, cliometrics, and computing. With the development of digital files, there have been questions raised over the validity of it.

Alan Mathison Turing introduced significant modifications to the way it produced the real, by intensifying it and heightening it into a domain of reality in hyperspace. The ARPANET was remixed as a "network of networks" consisting of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of native to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.

Since the time of Alan Mathison Turing, the use of digital media to further recorded analysis, presentation, and research now carry a vast range of services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and file sharing. If this produces sufficiently intelligent software, it will reprogram and improve itself, leading to recursive self-improvements. The origins of cyberspace go back to building robust, fault-tolerant spy networks. DARPA's software is now used and distributed anywhere the Internet is present. However, the Internet has no single centralized system in either implementation or policy.

Each constituent network sets its policies. 5 Eye surveillance involves monitoring your traffic, from emails to web browsing. All phone calls and messages are available for unlimited monitoring. Their malicious attempts to gain unauthorized control causes interruptions toward our enemies. Some commit agents fraud, engage in blackmail or access private intel through such channels to protect the countries involved. However, this accelerating cyber progress is starting to create a runaway effect wherein A.I is exceeding human intellectual capacity, thus radically changing civilization. Because the capabilities of such intel are impossible to comprehend, this occurrence is unfathomable.

Consequently, governments all over the world restrict access to content on the Internet within their territories, with a domain name and keyword filters. Service providers voluntarily restrict access to sites listed, but is that stopping it? It may have already increased exponentially, dramatically surpassing contemporary humans. Perhaps humans and our machines have already merged into something more capable and powerful than either? Is A.I the next stage in our evolution as Alan Mathison Turing prophesied?

I suspect this is why the U.S spends more on its defense budget than all world powers combined. Our military budget accounts for roughly 36% of global arms spending (for comparison, the U.S GDP is only 24% of global GDP). The budget is about 2.5 times larger than the $250 billion military budget of China. The U.S (and its close allies) are responsible for 3-quarters of the world's military spending (nearly 16% of the entire federal budget). The U.S also maintains the most significant number of military bases on foreign soil across the world while there are no foreign bases in the U.S; there are almost a thousand U.S bases in foreign countries.

Alan Mathison Turing's goal was to apply the principles of natural selection toward military techniques. Artificial life can now simulate selective processes thanks to his work. These entities adapt to environments programmed by specified fitness functions. We can apply these genetic algorithms to identify optimal solutions by simulated reproduction and mutation of a population of solutions limited by an initial probability distribution. The widespread use of A.I could have unintended consequences that are undesirable. All we can do is continue optimizing its function while minimizing possible security risks that come along with new technologies.

Alan Mathison Turing understood full A.I could spell doom. Hostile A.I can potentially wield destructive nanotechnology for a malign nuclear holocaust. Bioterrorists are already using genetically modified organisms. Cyberterrorists have proved they can destroy electrical grids at will. Once we develop general AI, it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate. We don't have to like it. Those who can't compete and will be superseded. Sadly, this is a repetitive pattern of nature. Whatever is limited by slow biological evolution, doesn't make it past each Pest (cataclysmic event).

Mass cataclysms have accelerated evolution on Earth and other planets, as above so below. When control of particular ecological niches passed from 1 group of organisms to another, for example, mammaliaformes in South Florida existed throughout the reign of the dinosaurs, but could not compete for the large terrestrial vertebrate niches which dinosaurs monopolized. The end-Cretaceous mass cataclysm removed the non-flying dinosaurs and made it possible for land mammals to expand the vertebrate slots. Not to our surprise, dinosaurs were the beneficiaries of the last cataclysm, the Late-Triassic, which eliminated most of their chief rivals, the crurotarsans.

Those of us in ecological niches with more species-to-species conflict will be less likely to survive cataclysms. The very traits that keep an organism numerous and viable under relatively static conditions become a drag once population levels fall among competing species during cataclysmic. Clades that survive after multiple mass cataclysms get reduced to only a few species as they are likely to have experienced a rebound effect called the "push of the past."

In my theory, the Black Madonna "Inanna" is a reflection that appears in the creation myths of a wide variety of mythology. Generally, she is described as helpful and serves as a seed for the creation of the world. After death, parts of her body frequently become physical parts of the universe. She also represents the oneness of human existence or the universe. In ™'s creation myth, the Black Madonna is not just the beginning but also the final goal of nature. She is not necessarily a physical event but refers to the identification of the conscious ego with the self.

In Kabbalah, before creation began, what I call the Unified Perspective contracted into "light" to create the vacuum. A ray of light penetrated this void, and the 1st woman and man were projected into the "darkroom." The term Black Madonna refers to 15th-century Italian art depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary with dark skin.

Most likely, a collapsing black hole caused the emergence of our "New World" from the rear-end (or vagina) of "the Old World." This cosmic woman represents our primordial black hole. The creation of our universe has a role in natural selection. The fundamental constant parameters may differ a bit from those of the old universe where the black hole initially collapsed. If this is true, that means that every world creates as many new universes as it has collapsing black holes that fit the bill. Our universe deals with "reproduction" and "mutation" analogously to models of biological nature. Black holes reshuffle the distribution of worlds. The resulting population has a distribution of parameters where its landscape is proportional to the black hole (in the wall) it crawled out of.

The Black Madonna is a crucial mechanism of evolution, the change in the heritable traits characteristic of a population over generations. Lee Smolin's hypothesis of cosmological natural selection, also called the fecund universes theory, suggests that a process analogous to natural biological selection applies at the grandest of scales. Natural selection is more than the differential survival and reproduction of individuals due to differences in phenotype. Variation exists because random mutations arise in an individual, and their descendants inherit it. Throughout their lives, they interact with their environments, and disparities in traits emerge. Those with specific characteristics tend to successfully reproduce viable offspring more than those with less efficient variants, and so populations evolve.

CERN houses the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC can generate primordial micro black holes. Such quantum black holes were created in the high-density environment of the Big Bang. Computer simulations prove the formation of a new universe is inversely proportional to its mass. Thus, the most likely outcome would be micro black holes. If micro black holes do emerge within the LHC, CERN says they would disintegrate rapidly. What about the larger versions of the LHC are in the works. Yet and still, a new universe could be generated at energies available in the current Large Hadron Collider.

Applying to reason borrowed from Alan Mathison Turing's study of fitness landscapes in population biology, the population is controlled by universes whose proportions drive the production of black holes to a native peak in the scene. This landscape of parameters in physics demands serious attention; all other theories aren't Popper-Falsifiable. Although Kabbalah's anthropic principle yields falsifiable predictions, black holes are a part of science. There are then only 2 ways out; traversing wormholes into parallel universes or signal nonlocality as described by people much smarter than me. His predictions have held up; cosmological natural selection is Popper falsifiable.

How life originated from "dead" matter remained unresolved by Alan Mathison Turing. The little he knew pointed towards vibrations transmuting into proto-viruses (not the kind of science we should be experimenting with). The 1st appearance of life seems to be a proto-virus within a deep-sea volcano in the form of short self-replicating RNA polymers. The origin of viruses is unknown as well. More molecular comparisons of RNA and infections can not only explain how life arose but also explain how we managed to annihilate humanity. RNA chains 1st experienced the underlying conditions of life, according to Charles Darwin, pioneer of natural selection.

Alan Mathison Turing understood viruses exist wherever there is life; they exist so living cells can evolve. Disease played a central role in early chemical evolution, before any diversification of life. These microbial mats had bacteria and archaea coexisting in the early Archean. Such slime grew fractally on Earth's surfaces. We're well-adapted to process these fractal patterns to reduce physiological stress. Natural selection is seen in antibiotic resistance, an evolutionary arms race. Bacteria become less susceptible to antibiotics, while nature (through her progeny) attempts to develop new medicines to assassinate them. We see this with pesticide resistance in plants and insects.

The earliest evidence for life is graphite found to be in 3.7 billion-year-old metasedimentary rocks by the Norse settlements in Greenland. This hexagram symbol also contains all 24 letters of the Hyksos alphabet. There is a science to how G-d spoke existence into being using the Hebrew language. A 6-dimensional hexagram is the shape of the universe. I believe life on Earth came from a hexagonal bacteriophage-like virus that burst out of cryovolcano from Saturn's moon Titan. That's my best guess.

Instead of sacrificing our old universe for something new, ™ will apply such intel to propel ™ to Saturn's Moon Titan by using a black hole for fuel. That's right; by creating an artificial black hole, we'll reflect Hawking radiation as an energy source. Equipping ™ with such tech offers advantages; all other methods lack the ability. For instance, in atomic fusion (or nuclear fission), only a tiny proportion of the mass becomes usable energy. Massive quantities are needed. Getting to Titan would significantly deplete our planet's nuclear material, for better or worse. Moreover, obtaining (let alone containing) antimatter is hugely energy-inefficient. Like the Paracoccus denitrificans bacteria, ™ will display not only survival but also a robust harnessing of energy under conditions of hyper-acceleration found only in cosmic environments, such as in the shock waves of supernovas.

Black holes have an ideal sweet-spot in terms of geometry, energy, and lifespan. ™ could accelerate to 10% the speed of light in 20 days, provided we get 100% conversion into kinetic energy. 2 and 3-D fractals can also be utilized to maximize the efficiency of ion propulsion. If done correctly, the ability of the emission process can be optimized.     

Another example would be how honeybees construct hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences were interpreted by Alan Mathison Turing, and those before him, to be further proof of the natural significance of geometric forms. Natural Selection continues to operate on us. Certain regions of our genomes display directional selection in the past 15,000 years. Though most of our existence has been sustained as hunter-gatherers, we transitioned to agriculture and domesticating whatever we could, from plants to animals. Civilization is a product of natural selection. We subsequently expanded, establishing various forms of government, religion, and culture around the world, and unifying people within regions to form states and mobs.

After the Industrial Revolution (with roots in Florence's textile industry owned by the Medici), rapid advancements in the 19th and 20th-centuries permitted the development of fuel-driven technologies and increased lifespans, causing our population to rise exponentially; nearly 8 billion as this gets published. Alan Mathison Turing highlighted how human population growth and industrialization led to environmental destruction and pollution significantly contributing to the ongoing mass cataclysm of other forms of life called the Holocene cataclysmic event. This is why ™ is so essential. Like those before him, Alan Mathison Turing was an archetypal awaited leader who established a new perspective for all humanity. Their study of nature, and the mathematical principles at work therein, observed reflections like how the nautilus shell grows at a  logarithmic rate, forming a natural spiral.

It was not just the fabrication of classical antiquity that drove Nezahualcoyotl, but also his growing desire to study and imitate nature through math. Pachacuti was fond of comparing his reflections to the axial system of a crystal, which performs the crystalline structure of the host liquid. However, it has no material existence of its own. This appears according to how their respective ions and molecules aggregate.

Our evolutionary chronicle traces the processes by which crystalized fossils reflect how organisms evolved. Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago; life on our planet emerged before 4.28 billion years ago. The similarities among all living species indicate that we all diverged through the process of evolution from a common descendant, like a crystals' fractal features. To accommodate growth without changing shape, ™  will apply such intel on multiple dimensions.