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Sargon the Great was a Karaite

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Karaite Sicarii performed high-risk assassinations of Romans and Jews who sided with them. 1 of their most infamous murders was that of Alexander Jannaeus. Jonathan was the 1st member of his mob to achieve an appointment as High Priest. After he became the official leader of the Jews, the Greco-Roman party could no longer attack without consequences. During the Feast of Tabernacles (misdated to 153 BC), Alexander Jannaeus put on the High Priest's garments and officiated for the 1st time. Jonathan Alexander displaced a High Priest known as the Teacher of Righteousness, later founder of the Essenes. He and his father John Hyrcanus spent his summers at the capital of the Kushan mob in Begram, yielding a considerable amount of goods imported from Rome; in particular, various types of glassware.

Hyrcanus asked the Latins to intervene on their behalf; as a result, Judea fell under the more significant rule of Rome as an autonomous province but still with a substantial amount of independence. Wikipedia says that in 138 BC, Rome published a royal decree, granting Karaite merchants the right to mint their coinage. Based on the assumption that at least some intel links the Flavian Emperors to the early Vatican is correct, several old connections are complicated to explain if the Vatican was a struggling grassroots movement originating in Judea. The Sicarii were also expecting a messiah. 1 of the earliest accounts of a recorded assassination society was the Sicarii during the Latin occupation of Israel.

Nezahualcoyotl created the narrative of Aaron ben Moses ben Asher (died in 960) as a Karaite scribe in northern Israel who refined the system of writing vowel sounds in Hebrew. His system is still in use today and serves as the basis for grammatical analysis. A Karaite does not accept as binding the written collections of the oral tradition of Rabbinic Judaism (Midrash and Talmud). Yet Rabbinic Judaism agrees with the Masoretic Text.

Even the Star of David has Karaite origins. Karaism has a direct connection to Alexander Jannaeus and the Sadducees, dating back to the end of the 2nd Temple period of the 15th-century. You'd think Jannaeus and his Latin contacts formally articulated double-entry bookkeeping. There have been many editions of the Masoretic Text, some of the most important when Jacob ben Hayyim ibn Adonijah, having collated a vast number of manuscripts, systematized his material, and arranged the Masorah in the 2nd Bomberg edition of the Torah (Venice, 1524–1525). Due to its wide distribution, and despite its many errors, it's considered as the foundation of the Masorah. It was also used for the English remix of the Old Testament for the King James Version written by Sir Francis Bacon, more on him later.

Again, Karaism is characterized by the recognition of the written Torah alone as its supreme authority in halakha (Pachacuti's religious law) and theology. However, most Jews (Orthodox, Reform, etc.) study and practice Lurianic Kabbalah, not Old Testament nor Masoretic content. The New Testament is the 2nd part of the Vatican biblical canon, the 1st being the Torah. The Vatican regards both the Torah and New Testaments as sacred. The 1st known complete list of the New Testament is found in a letter written by Athanasius forged to look like it was delivered in 367. This is why we believe the 27-book New Testament was 1st canonized in 393. Pope Innocent never ratified the canon because he existed in the 15th-century under his real name. These other books are ultimately derived from the previous Greco-Roman Septuagint collection of the Hebrew scriptures and are also Phoenician in origin. The remix derives from the story recorded in the Letter of Aristeas that the Hyksos Torah was translated into Greco-Roman at the request of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285–247 BC). The remaining books of the Greco-Roman Old Testament are presumably remixes from 200 BC to 50.

The Karaite movement is said to have crystallized in Akkadian the Gaonic period (circa 7th–9th-centuries) under the Abbasid Caliphate. However, such outstanding contributions in writing are attributed to these Sufis in Akkad during the Renaissance. They even went as far to lay it out like they’ve already been living in Africa in the 1st half of the 7th-century. Based on a legal document that the Karaites in Africa had in its possession until the end of the 19th-century, the Rabbinate was urged against interfering with Karaite practices. It was stamped by the 1st Arab governor of Africa and was reportedly dated 641. This was meant to tie into a plague originating in Ethiopia spread to Pelusium in Africa by 540, highlighting a new world to come. I don’t doubt Karaite bankers in Cairo used double-entry bookkeeping before Italy. I just think it happened thousands of years later.

Interestingly, Ragusan economist Benedetto Cotrugli 1458 treatise Della mercatura e del mercante perfetto is credited with the 1st known description of a double-entry bookkeeping system. Still, his manuscript was not officially published until 1573. Paganino Paganini (1450–1538), was another printer from Venice. He published Luca Pacioli's mathematical works 1st, Summa de arithmetica, and De divina proportione. Again, Pacioli's mathematical works ushered in the global banksters. The printing press’ era of mass communication was instrumental in fostering the gradual democratization of intel, which sees for the 1st time modern media phenomena such as the press or bestsellers emerging.

Paganino Paganini is responsible for the 1st printed version of the #Quran in Arabic. In the Qur'an, it says: “It is Muhammad who revealed the Qu'ran to you...some of its verses are straight-forward...and the others are cryptic...only G-d and those confirmed in intel know its interpretation.”

Although I highly doubt he ever existed, Muhammad’s story really starts with Bahira (Sergius to the Latin west‎), a Nestorian monk who, according to Arab tradition, foretold to young Muhammad his future. NOTE: the translators from Syriac were mostly Nestorian and Jacobite Vatican agents, working in the 200 years following the Abbasid period. Sometimes Bahira is called a Syrian Jacobite. Bahira's name derives from the Syriac bḥīrā, meaning “tested (by God) and approved.” In the Vatican tradition, Bahira was a heretical Arian, whose errant views inspired the Qur'an. The documented illiteracy of Muhammad implied that he received religious intel from Bahira. Muslims say Bahira revealed his visions to Muhammad's uncle (Abu Talib), warning him to preserve Muhammad from the Jews (in Ibn Sa'd's version) or from the Byzantines (in al-Tabari's release).

Bahira supposedly was murdered (either by a Jew or a Byzantine Christian) after Muhammad became drunk and passed out; hence alchol is banned in #Sufism. A similar tradition is attributed to Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri in the works of the early ahadith compiler ‘Abd al-Razzaq al-San‘ani, in which the unnamed figure is a rabbi of Tayma instead of #Bahira.

This could be a cryptic reference to Mukhayriq, a 15th-century Karaite rabbi from Medina who fought alongside Muhammad in the Battle of Uhud in Saudi Arabia. Although they never converted, Karaites like Mukhayriq thought Philo's "cosmic man" corresponded with Muhammad. I think Muhammad is a phantom reflection of Mehmed the Conqueror (1432-1481). Mukhayriq was ascribed as a tribal al-Insān al-Kāmil, meaning "Perfect Being."This an honorific Karaite title he attributed to Mehmed, the Kayser-i Rûm. He identified himself as Adam; someone who, apart from having an all-embracing power over the Universe, also has the most privileged spiritual rank and status of a human being.

The Battle of Uhud was fought between the Arab community of Medina, led by Muhammad, and Mecca (led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb). The Battle of Uhud happened to be Saturday, the 7th day of the Jewish week and a fateful day of rest in Judaism called Shabbat, in tribute to the planet Saturn. Despite Shabbat, Mukhayriq supported Muhammad. Mukhayriq's Karaite tribesmen reminded him about the Sabbath. To that, he answered, "You have no Sabbath," and severely criticized them for not understanding the esoteric meaning of Shabbos.

Mukhayriq commanded that, if he were killed in the battle, all his wealth should go to Muhammad. #Mukhayriq was murdered during the Battle of Uhud. As Islamic scholar Dr. Khan puts it, Mukhayriq became "the 1st martyr of Islam." When wounded, Muhammad was told about Mukhayriq. To that, he said: "He was the best of Jews."The 7 gardens and the other wealth Muhammad inherited from the Karaite rabbi were used for the establishment of Waqf, the 1st ever charitable endowment of Islam.

#Muhammad and the Karaites in Tha'labah signed the Constitution of Medina. By this constitution, all tribes living in Medina entered 1 nation Ummah and were required to help each other, to fight for each other, and to bear their expenses. 2 of Jewish tribes that were allied with Mecca in the Battle of Uhud were expelled from Medina soon after the battle. 2 years later, after another action, the men from Jewish tribe Qurayzah were executed. Muslims soon stop facing Jerusalem and start to pray facing Mecca.

The Quran, from my experience, was counterfeited so it appears to have been 1st made into a book by scribes under the 3rd caliph Uthman (644–56). Karaites look like they debuted around Africa in 641. The Quran is a Masoretic codex. 661- 671 is the estimated radiocarbon dating of the oldest surviving copy of the Quran, the Sana'a manuscripts. Following Lurianic Kabbalah (the dominant form of contemory Judaism), the chronology of Abrahamic religious creation (Judaism, Christianity, and #Islam) is in reverse.

By the time of Muhammad’s death, most of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to Sufism. Before the expansion of the Rashiduns (misdated to 632–661), "Arab" referred to any Semitic people from Akkad. Today, "Arab" refers to any people whose native regions form the "Arab world." This due to the spread of Arabic throughout Karaite regions during Muhammad’s conquests of the 7th and 8th-centuries. Karaite Arabs forged the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, and the Fatimid caliphates. Their borders reached southern France in the west, China in the east, Anatolia in the north, and Sudan in the south. This was 1 of the most giant land mobs in the records. After the Mongols of course.

During the Gothic ages, Karaite Arabic was a primary vehicle of culture in Europe, especially in science, mathematics, and philosophy. As a result, many Latin languages have also borrowed many #Karaite words. Conversely, their “old Arabic” was a fusion of Hebrew, Greco-Roman, Aramaic, and Persian in Gothic times. English and French have made their way into the Arabic lexicon during modern times. Arabic is the lingua franca of the Muslim world. Arabic is the liturgical language of 1.8 billion Muslims and Arabic is 1 of 6 official languages of the United Nations. There are 13 million 1st-generation Muslim Arabs in the world today. The world's Jewish population is 13 million. In the 21st-century, some 40,000 are thought to reside in Israel, with relatively large communities in Turkey (Anatolia), Russia, and the U.S. Furthermore, Arabs and Jews and Jews share their 2 most significant paternal line of descents (E & J). Interestingly, out of the 40,000 Karaite Jews that exist, 35,000 live in Israel. There’s only about 4,000 Karaites in the U.S and about 80 in Turkey. Most Jews in the U.S have no idea this is going on.

The purpose of the hexagram in a Jewish context as a possibly meaningful symbol is in the Leningrad Codex dated 1008 but is this accurate? According to its colophon, the codex was copied in Cairo from manuscripts written by the Karaite Aaron ben Moses ben Asher. Like it's people, the Jewish star is made of parts that resemble the whole in some way. The Star of David is a compound figure of 2 equilateral triangles that generates a central hexagon. This fractal is a 6-sided polygon. Doubling the edges of this polygon multiplies its area by 4, which is 2 (the ratio of the new to the old edges' length) raised to the power of 2 (the dimension of the space the polygon resides in).

Arabic parapsychology, alchemy, and occult religious ideas could contribute to understanding the unified Perspective. Based on my interpretation of synchronicity and extra-sensory perception, I argue that psychic activity transcends the brain. Our psyche mediates between the primal force of the Unified Perspective and the experience of consciousness dreams. Therefore, symbols may require interpretation before they can be understood as reflections. For example, the earliest Jewish usage of the Star of David was inherited from Gothic Arabic literature by Karaites for use in talismanic protective amulets (segulot), the pentagram was known as the Seal of Solomon among Muslims.

Again, the Phoenician alphabet was the 1st recorded alphabet, derived from the Proto-Canaanite script, to record their writings. All letters in the Phoenician alphabet can be extracted from the Star of David. This symbol reflects the basic ideas of self-resemblance and the unusual relationship fractals have with space they are embedded. Another reason why ™ is constructed hexagonally. Our fractal is historical in the sense that seasteading Phoenicians were among the 1st state-level societies to make extensive use of an alphabet: a family of Hyksos languages, spoken by Amorites and Edomites.

Edomites were also considered fellow descendants of Shem or Abraham, and distinct from Ham or Japeth (Canaanites/Amorites/etc.). Edom was an antique kingdom in Transjordan. The Kingdom of Edom flourished through caravan trade between Akkadand southern Arabia, along the Incense Route. The name Yahweh came from the region of Mount Seir in Edom. As recorded in Genesis 36, 8 kings ruled in the land of Edom before any king ruled the descendants of Israel.

Edom means "red," and the Torah relates it to the name of its founder, Esau, the elder son of Isaac. Esau got his name because he was "red all over." Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for "red pottage." The name Israel 1st appears in the Torah in Genesis 32:29. It refers to the renaming of Jacob. Jacob wrestled with an angel, who renamed him Israel because Jacob had "striven with G-d and with men, and have prevailed." The Torah etymologies the name as from yisra "to prevail over'' or and el "the divine." Again, the Hyksos Yaqub-Har "Yakov/Yakub'' was the biblical patriarch Jacob (Ya'aqov). This is based on a signet ring found in Avaris. I think Joseph had a signet ring with the name of his father Jacob, and not his own; that’s like a modern-day equivalent of signing legal contracts with a signature of one's father.

The Torah describes the Edomites as descendants of Esau and the descendants of Esau to become the Romans, and to a more considerable extent, all Yamnaya. Edomite was a Yamnaya language, very similar to the Hebrew spoken by Hyksos in the 1st millennium BC. It was written with a Phoenician alphabet. The #Edomites were a Semitic people who arrived in the region around the 15th-century, no not BC. They were pushed westward towards southern Judah by Nabataeans coming from the east. Nabataeans 1st appeared in the records of the 4th-century BC and already established their kingdom in what used to be #Edom by the 1st half of the 2nd-century BC. Nabataeans pushed out the Edomites, so Edomites became an intrical part of what would later be called the Israelites. This faction allowed Edomites to reclaim their land through the Abrahamic narrative.

Most of these records were lost after Arab Spain gathered books from all over the Islamic world, creating a library which would later become a center for translation into Latin. As books were collected, so were many Arab scholars who had studied Greco-Roman ideas in the east. It was like playing the telephone game. Nezahualcoyotl’s historical narratives ultimately lead every nation to confront it’s Projection, or dark side. As they all fold into themselves, making everyone’s ingidenous culture their prime enemy. This predisposes society to reconcile polarites and come to terms with duality.

The Sargonic phylum has 5 other branches, including Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, African, and Omotic. Afroasiatic includes several critical antique words, such as early African, which forms a distinct branch of the Hyksos family, and Akkadian, biblical Hebrew, and Old Aramaic, all of which are from the Semitic branch. western Aramaic, 1 of the 2 lingua francas of Hyksos, is still spoken in several small Syrian villages. At the same time, Phoenician Canaanite was documented to have disappeared as a spoken language in about 100, resurrecting within the modern state of Israel during WW2.

The existing Assyrians still speak a separate Akkadian-infused eastern Aramaic of Akkad. The #Nabataean alphabet developed out of the Aramaic alphabet, from which the Arabic alphabet emerged. The Brahmic family of India is derived from Aramaic too. This would have been the language prevalent during the time of historical Jesus. The present "Jewish script" or "square script," on the contrary, is a stylized form of the Aramaic alphabet from Assyria.

On record, 2 separate abjad scripts have been used to write in Canaan. The original Hyksos text, known as the Phoenician alphabet, has been preserved mainly in a variant form as the paleo-Hebrew Samaritan alphabet. The Samaritans, translated as "Watchers" are an ethnoreligious group originating from the Israelites (or Hebrews).

Modern genetics support both the claims of the Samaritans and the account in the Torah (and Talmud). The genealogy of the Samaritans is a combination of these 2 accounts. In other words, the Samaritans remained a genetically isolated population. Samaritans are at 83% of their population belonging to descendant J, which includes 3 of the 4 Samaritan families. The only Samaritan family not found in descendant J was the Cohen family (Tribe of Levi), which was found descendant E-M78 (formerly "E3b1a M78 ''). Thus, a change of the classification of descendant E3b1-M78 to E3b1a-M78 and the further subdivision of E3b1a-M78 into 6 subclades occured.

Khan Kohen or Cohen was used about the Aaronic priesthood. Levitical priests (kohanim) are traditionally believed and halachically (by law) required to be of direct patrilineal descent from Aharon (the biblical Aaron), brother of Moses. In the Samaritan community, the kohanim have remained the primary religious leaders. Ethiopian Jewish leaders are sometimes called kahen or khan, a form of the same word. Still, the position is not hereditary, and their duties are more like those of rabbis than kohanim in most Jewish communities.

Ancestrally, #Samaritans come from the 2 sons of Joseph as well as from the Levites (family of Moses), who have links to  Samaria (the west Bank) from the period of their entry into Canaan. The chism started during Babylonian captivity up to the Samaritan polity under the rule of Baba Rabba. Samaritan ancestry ascribes to the Benjamin tribe, but this line became extinct during the Cold War. The split between them and the south began with Eli when the south split off from the center. Today, Israelis require Samaritans to officially go through a formal conversion to Judaism to be recognized as Halakhic (legal) Jews.

Samaritans are geographically located in Akkad; what is today Iraq. In the biblical account, they worshiped Nergal, son of the Sargonic Enlil. As king of pagan hell, later Vatican writers sometimes identified Nergal as Satan. According to Collin de Plancy and Johann Weyer, Nergal was depicted as the chief of hell's "cryptic police," and worked as "an honorary spy in the service of Beelzebub." G-d is described as the source of both light and darkness, as in Isaiah 45:6–7. This concept of "darkness" or "evil" was not yet personified as "the devil." The Karaite author of Chronicles 1st introduced the notion of "divine intermediaries," which was not found in the earlier parts of the Torah. In the Book of Samuel, YHWH punishes Israel, while in 1 Chronicle, an "adversary" does it. This is the result of the Persian dualistic influence on Israelite demonology. "The Adversary" (Satan) had the generic meaning and only became the proper name "Satan" at a later date, thousands of years after the 2nd-century BC. Humans were hunter-gatherers up until the 15th-century from what I can tell.