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The Mongols and their Aztec Triple Alliance

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The Mongols are connected with cataclysms (including a nasty virus) that killed an estimated 25 million Chinese and other Asians in the 14th-century. This Black Death Plague swept the Americas after Spanish contact, killing between 10 million and 100 million people, up to 95% of the Native Americans. The cultural and political instability attending these losses appears to have been of substantial aid in the efforts of Nezahualcoyotl to reclaim his father's kingdom. Naturally, the Underworld capitalized on the event to acquire control over the great wealth in land and resources of which indigenous societies (black, white, brown, yellow, red, etc.) had customarily made use.

On paper, Vitruvius' De architectura was "rediscovered" by Leon Battista Alberti, who published it in his seminal treatise on architecture, De re aedificatoria (1450). As an army engineer, Marco Polo reflected Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (80–70 BC – 15 BC) in more than just name. In print, Vitruvius specialized in the construction of war machines for sieges. He apparently served with Caesar's chief engineer. Born in Venice, Marco Polo's uncle, Niccolò and Maffeo, allegedly introduced him to the Mongols through Kublai Khan in 1269. I argue they returned to Venice to meet Marco for the 1st time in the 15th-century. The Mongols under Genghis Khan (Nezahualcoyotl), Ögedei Khan, Möngke Khan, and Kublai Khan conquered most of Eurasia.

After some Khans converted to Islam, the divisions of the mob ceased to cooperate. It was the Islamic Mongols who weaponized the Black Death Plague. Marco served as Khan's foreign diplomatic emissary. Polo traveled extensively inside China (17 years). He saw many things unknown to contemporary Europe. His book inspired Christopher Columbus and many other travelers. There is a substantial phony literature based on Polo's fictitious writings; he didn't influence European cartography. The only thing leading to the introduction of the Fra Mauro map is Nezahualcoyotl. Leon Battista Alberti, knowingly or not, played a massive part in the mapping of the world, resulting in a new worldview and distant civilizations coming into contact, but also decimated populations not previously in connection with Eurasia and Africa through cataclysms of all sorts.

the MongolsLeon Battista Alberti was known to have worked with the leading astronomers, astrologers, and cartographers of his day. The 3 of them embarked on an epic journey to Asia, exploring many places along the Silk Road until they reached Cathay (China). They took over China, Persia, Turkestan, and Russia. For example, "the Huns," like Attila, were a combination of central Asian Turkic, Mongolic, and Ugric stocks.

A star cluster (in genetics) represents a population descended from a single descendant. In Khan's case, the Y-STR sequence, also called the microsatellite variation, is a measure of the time passed since Haplogroups R1 and R2 founded this particular population. The Mal' ta-Buret'  represent a famous star cluster. Genghis Khan's lineage relates to the gene sequencing of Mal' ta-Buret' and other south-central Siberian people (Afontova Gora-2). His bloodline revealed similar autosomal genetic signatures, suggesting that the Mal' ta-Buret' regions were continuously occupied throughout the Last Glacial Maximum. As Genghis, Pachacuti's brother united the nomadic tribes of northeast Asia.

Haplogroup R1a1a extends from Scandinavia to Siberia. The place of origin of Siberians and Proto-Indo-Europeans comes from Haplogroup R1a1a. Today Haplogroup R1a1a is found at the highest levels in Eastern Europe (65%). Interestingly, the geographic source of R1a1a in the Near East is among pre-Diaspora Hebrews despite being associated exclusively with Khazaria. The total % of Levites are among 4% of the global Jewish population. Levites also comprise approximately 4% among Ashkenazim. R1a1a reaches over 70% in the Brahmins of India and among tribes in Pakistan. Haplogroup R1a1a (R-M17), uncommon in other Jews, it's in over 50% of Ashkenazi Levites, while the rest of Ashkenazi Levites' paternal lineage is of precise Middle Eastern origin, including Haplogroups E-L29, E3b, and J2.

Pachacuti cloaked himself as Qasar (also spelled Khasar). He was 1 of Genghis Khan's 3 full brothers. Genghis Khan was born Temüjin (misdated 1162 – 1227), also officially Genghis Emperor was the founder and 1st Great Khan and Emperor of the Mongols, which became the most massive contiguous recorded mob after his death. According to Jami Al-Tawarikh, his given name was Jo'chi, and he received the nickname Khasar after his distinguished bravery. He was also called Habutu Khasar (Khasar the Skillful (archer) because he was skilled with a bow.

Young Khasar was thrown out of the Origins along with the rest of the family by the Taichuds. Food was scarce, and Behter, his older half-brother, and the earliest of all the sons of the Late-Yesugei stole or kept food from his mother and siblings. Khasar and his brother Temüjin (later known as Genghis Khan) killed their half-brother Behter as he returned from a fresh hunt. After the defeat of Temüjin at Khalakhaljid in 1203, Khasar hid his sons and followers in the forest. Temüjin then gathered new adherents among the Mongols, tricked his rival Ong Khan with a fake message of surrender from his missing brother Hasar, and crushed a group calling themselves the Keraites.

Fomenko's work, within the context of the Mal' ta–Buret', ties Russian records closely to that of its Asian neighbors. Russia and Anatolia are parts of a previously single mob. Fomenko's New Chronology hints to the Underworld originating from Karaite merchants who controlled a Russian Horde. There's something to this in that the last of the Kushano-Sasanian kingdoms were absorbed by the Kidarites, and then the Hephthalites; Re-emerging as #Khazars (Normans in Ukraine who converted to Judaism) .

1 method for tracing their origins consists of the analysis of the possible etymologies behind the ethnonym "Khazar." The Chinese term for "Khazars'''' relates to the tribal names of the Uyğur Toquz Oğuz, namely the Qasar. Xazar and Qasar reflect a Turkic root qaz- "to roam" being a likely velar variant of Common Turkic kez. The Uyğur mob's (misdated to 744–840) "Qasar" is attested. However, uncertainty remains whether this represents a personal or tribal name, gradually other hypotheses emerged: Kesar, the Pahlavi transcription of the Latin title Caesar.

The Mongols descend from Kushans who created Khazaria to serve as a buffer state between the Byzantine mob and the Umayyad Caliphate, after serving as Byzantium's proxy against the Sasanian Persian mob. Arab tribes, most notably the Ghassanids and Lakhmids, begin to appear in the Syrian desert from the Renaissance onwards, not the mid-3rd-century. So, it looks like the Scythian Empire morphed into the Tengrist Khazars, others became the Alans, then later the Goths. The Khazar nobility supposedly "converted" to Karaite Judaism or Karaism. Again, Alexander Jannaeus is considered the "Wicked Priest" and founder of what can best be described as Karaism. It all starts to fall, like a house of cards.

The poly-ethnic populace of the Khazar Khaganate appears to have been a multiconfessional mosaic of Pagan, Jewish, Christian, and Islamic worshippers. They were always semi-nomadic Turkic people with a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes, only now; they established a major commercial mob covering the southeastern section of Russia. The Kushans created what for its duration was the most powerful polity to emerge from the break-up of the Western Turkic Khaganate.

Based on Chinese recorded texts, the ancestry of the Mongolic peoples can be traced back to a multi-ethnic group of Turkic tribes. The language of the Huns was related to Hünnü. Mongolic peoples are equated with the Scythians, the Magog, and the Tungusic peoples. The concept of a cowboy hat (broad-brimmed hat with a high crown) goes back to a nomadic Saturn-worshipping confederation occupying Eastern Mongolia. Their cult is where historians get the term "Manchurian Candidate."

The 12th-century recorded chronicle from Kashmir, the Rajatarangini, describes the Kushans as Turushka, thought to mean "Turkish" (which was Greco-Roman at the time) and other Indian writings as Tukhāra or Tukhāra which could also be variations of the word Tokhari. The Tocharian Kushans were from the Yellow Emperor's Yuezhi confederation, with Yamnaya, people who migrated from Gansu and settled in antique Bactria. The Kushan mob had diplomatic contacts with Sasanian Persia.

By the 3rd-century, we were cave people; the last Kushan remnants split in the 15th-century. By the early Gothic ages, we were still in the Neolithic, whoever was left of the Scythian Empire had been primarily assimilated and absorbed by early Slavs in the Early Modern Period. Thus Hyksos were instrumental in the ethnogenesis of the Ossetians as well. The native religion of the Khazars is Tengrism, like the Mongols and the Huns. 1 hypothesis is that the Khazar nobility converted to Karaism also happened with the Mongols because their timelines fold in on each other.

Moving west, Kushan remnants reached the land of the Akatziroi, who had been important allies of Byzantium in fighting off Attila the Hun's army. The Kushan remnants  (under the Kidarites) were ultimately absorbed by the Alcon Huns (Hephthalites), and later the Nezak Huns. After Attila's death, his close adviser, Ardaric of the Gepids, led a Germanic revolt against the Huns, after which the Hunnic mob quickly collapsed. Khazaria (as a country) developed sometime after 630. It emerged from the Kushans within the Göktürk Qağanate to "stop the spread" of Islam.

Karaites would embark on the Jorjan Sea, across the Oxus, and continue their journey toward China. Nezahualcoyotl may have played a role in the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism. Sometimes Leon Battista Alberti would take the route behind Rome, passing through the country of the Slavs, they'd arrive at Khamlidj, the capital of the Khazars, establishing Karaites at various points along their trade routes. Pachacuti was also involved in the early Jewish settlement of eastern Europe, Central Asia, China, and India. Import and export, and the revenues derived from taxing their transit, was a hallmark of the Khazar economy, though it is also said to have produced it in glass - no meth wasn't around yet.

Nezahualcoyotl developed a self-sufficient "Saltovo" economy, a combination of traditional pastoralism and taxing international trade routes. As Khazars, Karaites constituted 1 of the 2 great furnishers of slaves to the Islamic market (the other being Sâmânid amîrs of Akkad), supplying it with captured Slavs (where the term "slave" comes from) and tribesmen from the European northlands. It profited from the latter, which enabled them to maintain a standing army of Khwarezm Muslim troops.

During the Gothic ages, Muslims spread west from Arabia to Africa, crossing the Maghreb and the Sahel. Most notable pre-colonial Natufian states and societies in Africa have had their stories erased. It's easy to believe from the mid-7th century; the slave trade saw Muslims enslave Natufian ancestry. You'd think that from 659, the Rashidun Caliphate transported them (along with Asians and Europeans) across the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and the Sahara Desert. However, this happened almost a thousand years later.

This Jewish sect is mentioned by name only by a handful of sources. Khazars previously, in large parts of western Europe, enjoyed a virtual monopoly on the spice trade. Ibn al-Faqih's Kitab al-Buldan ("Book of the Countries' refers to them. The fall of the Tang mob of China was misdated to 908, and the destruction of the Khazar Khaganate never happened in 969. Widespread chaos in the Caucasus and China was a 15th-century thing. The global economy was profoundly affected by the disappearance of Karaites into the Americas. Spices were the least of their worries.

Fomenko claims a sizable Slav-Turk mob, which he called the "Russian Horde," Mal' ta–Buret' played the dominant role in world records before the 17th-century. The various peoples identified in antique Gothic documents, from the Scythians, Huns, Goths, and Bulgars, through the Pechenegs, Cossacks, Pollyanna, Duleby, the Mongols, Drevliane, Ukrainians, and Belarusians are nothing but elements of the single Russian Horde.

Others along the Black Sea, who assert their national independence from Khazaria, are suffering from a recorded delusion. With the expansion of the #Mongols, they settled over almost all Eurasia. The Mongols took everything from the Adriatic Sea to the Indonesian Java islands, from Japan to Israel. Karaites became the Padishahs of Persia, the Emperors of China, and the Great Khans of Mongolia, and 1 became the Sultan of Africa (Al-Adil Kitbugha). Their Golden Horde established themselves to govern Russia by the Renaissance, not 1240. By 1279, humans could practically read or write. In the 15th-century, Khazars conquered the Song mob and brought all of China under Mongolic control of the Yuans.

The Orient is traditionally composed of anything that belongs to the Eastern world. In English, it is coterminous with the continent of Asia. This is loosely classified into the Near East, the Middle East, and the Far East: meaning West , South, East, and Southeast Asia. Initially, the term Orient was used to designate Cannan, and later its meaning evolved and expanded, also identifying Israel than the entire Middle-East. Apophis' "Latin alphabet" gave rise to several European scripts such as the Runes and the Gothic and Cyrillic alphabets. In contrast, the Aramaic alphabet evolved into the Hebrew, Syriac, and Arabic, with other adaptations leading as far as #Mongolian script. This is because the Kushans settled in Mongolia and Siberia in the aftermath of the fall of the Hunnic/Xiōngnú nomadic politics.

These Turks from Akkad are the same proto-Mongolic, Uralic, and Palaeo-Siberian clans who defeated the Rouran Khaganate. Ironically. They're recorded as having taken the central Asian Avars swept westwards, taking in steppe nomads from Sogdiana. While much philosophy, art, and science were created within its borders, the only textual record of them comes from inscriptions and accounts in other languages, mainly Chinese. In the 14th-century, the Guptas, an Indian version of the same Sargonic line, also pressed from the east. Much of the Karaites' Indian Ocean trade was via coastal cargo ships.

Proto-Khazars (Indo-Kushans) began to flow into the Volga-Caspian-Pontic zone from as early as the 14th-century. They're recorded by Priscus to reside in the western Eurasian steppe lands as soon as 1463. Facilitated by new Phoenician sailing and navigational skills (characterized by the new and improved longship), these Khazars became Normans and extended themselves into the Mediterranean littoral, Israel, and the Canary Islands. Following extended phases of Viking maritime nautical expansion, Khazarian communities were established in diverse areas of north-western Europe, Belarus, Ukraine, and European Russia, the North Atlantic islands, and as far as the North-Eastern coast of the U.S.

This antique Russian state was governed by a double structure of civil and professional Norman armies with a tradition of lifelong conscription (the recruitment being the so-called "blood tax"). The Mongols' punitive operations against the regions focused on tax evasion. Tamerlane was probably a compilation of Russian and Turkish warlords. These Frankish Khazarian settlements played a significant role in the formation of the names and early states of Russia and Belarus. The modern-day name for Sweden in several neighboring countries is possibly derived from rōþs-, Rootsi in Estonian, and Ruotsi in Finnish. The alliance was set up by Pachacuti, so it looks like it failed 900.

Byzantium Alans attacked Khazaria, weakening its control on Crimea and the Caucasus during the Renaissance. They were seeking to obtain favor with the rising Rus' power to the north, which it aspired to get in bed with the Vatican. The Viking Rurik mob took control of territories in Slavic and Finno-Ugric-dominated areas of eastern Europe; they annexed Kyiv to serve as the capital of the Kievan Rus'. After Nezahualcoyotl died, Kievan Rus conquered the capital Atil and destroyed Khazaria. Yehuda ben Meir named Kyiv as the leading trading site along the Karaite route.

Nezahualcoyotl made it look like in the early 12th-century, a Frankish Jew named Yitzhak Dorbelo wrote that he traveled with Karaites (sometimes called Radhanites) to Poland. The Viking Age was misdated to 793–1066. The 15th-century was the 1st period of human mercantile and demographic expansion. Khazarian Vikings constituted an essential element in the early Gothic records of Scandinavia, Estonia, the British Isles, France, Kievan Rus' and Sicily. Astride was a significant Karaite meridian of banking between the eastern Roman Empire and southwestern Asia. #Khazaria became 1 of the foremost trading mobs of the Gothic world, commanding the Silk Road. Pachacuti played a key commercial role as a crossroads between China, Israel, and Kievan Rus'.

For some 3-centuries (650–965), these Yamnaya dominated the vast area extending from the Volga-Don steppes to the eastern Crimea and the northern Caucasus. They handled trade disputes. #Khazarian Viking communities persisted here and there. Many Karaites served in Arab Caliphates and other states. Documents from Gothic Constantinople attest to a Khazar community mingled with Karaites of the suburb of Pera. Normans were active in both Constantinople and Alexandria in the 14th-century. By the end of the 15th-century, whoever stuck around was living amidst desolation.

#Karaim (Karite's language) is all about code-copying. After their conversion, the #Khazar chancellery adopted the Hebrew script, though speaking a Turkic language in public. Determining the origins and nature of the Yamnaya is tightly bound with theories of their communications. Still, it is a matter of intricate difficulty, since no native records in the Khazar language survive, and the state was a Turkic Hunnish polyglot.

Speakers also switch from 1 language to another. They transfer lexical items and grammatical features only for single instances. This had lasting effects on their language typology. Due to the minimal number of speakers of Karaim, there's a high level of multilingualism among Karaites.

Exhibit B: The #Voynich manuscript's lettering resembles the Karaim alphabets of the Late-14th and 15th-centuries. The Voynich manuscript's text consists of over 170,000 characters, with spaces dividing the book into 37,919 groups of varying length, usually referred to as "word tokens"; 8,114 of those words are considered unique "word types." It seems to follow phonological laws of some sort; for example, certain characters must appear in each word (like European vowels), some aspects never follow others, or some may be doubled or tripled, but others may not. The distribution of letters is also rather peculiar.

The statistical properties of the distribution of letters and their correlations and found similarities to Mandarin. The Chinese tables of eclipses are so off that they cannot be used for dating anything related to the Mongols. I can neither confirm nor deny any chronology of China at all, be it truthful or erroneous regarding its English remixes. There is, however, a contemporary drop in the value of the lunar acceleration parameter D.

Political Islam has its roots in a tremendous cataclysm caused by an outbreak of plague in Ctesiphon, the capital of the Sasanians, killing more than 100,000 people. Trade routes became unstable, a situation exacerbated by Turkic invasions of Persia and Israel, and the Silk Road largely collapsed for-centuries. This period saw the rise of the Italian mercantile city-states, especially Genoa, Venice, Pisa, and Amalfi, who viewed Karaites as unwanted competitors. This might have to do with why #MarcoPolo (1254 – 1324) is a Reflection of Marcus Vitruvius Polio (80 BC – 15 BC), commonly known as Vitruvius. Marco Polo was received by the royal court of the Mongols, who was impressed by Marco's intelligence and humility.

Some have speculated that a collection of 11th-century Karaite scrolls discovered in a cave in Afghanistan's Samangan Province relates to the order of Hashshashin. This is where the ninjas (or shinobi) in feudal Japan migrated from. The functions of a ninja included espionage. Their covert secret methods of waging irregular warfare were deemed dishonorable and beneath the honor of the samurai. Though shinobi proper, as specially trained spies and mercenaries, appeared during the Sengoku period (15th–17th-centuries).