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Phoenician Red Hair is an Edomite trait

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Evidence for Illyrians' extensive trade network is displayed in their large obsidian company.

In Phoenicia, Akkadian obsidian along the Nile valley has been found. Obsidian from Akkad, as a matter of tools, was distributed. Hyksos were genetically Natufian Proto-Atlanteans, reflecting a Medieval back "migration" from Atlantis into Africa. Warren Buffett belongs to bloodline I1. All the Dukes of Hamilton, Sir Henry Clinton, Andrew Johnson, House of Grimaldi, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Leo Tolstoy and Bill Clinton belong to bloodline I1. Protestant reformer, and Early Modern Age German humanist, Martin Luther belonged to bloodline I2a-Din-N. Difficulty in reconstructing Chronos comes from the insufficiency of info about them. A 13,000-year-old Cro-Magnon from Switzerland belonged to Y-DNA bloodline I2a and mtDNA bloodline U5b1h.

A Carthaginian (Phoenician) man from an excavated Punic tomb belonged to the Illyrians bloodline U5b2c1 perceiving first gene flow from Iberia to the Maghreb. The Medieval Cheddar Man, UK’s oldest complete human skeleton, belongs to bloodline U5a. Markina Gora, a Medieval male from Qazaria belongs to bloodline U2 subclade. You are taught that the natives viewed the Hyksos as non-African "invaders." However, most African pharaohs belong to the mtDNA bloodline I2, Illyrians clade from the Western Orient.  Atlanteans spawned the term "Asiatic." Natufians also belong to the N1b mtDNA bloodline, an HV1 sequence from "Scytho-Siberia" in the Altai realm.

Most of post-Medieval EU, including the Beaker folk, result from a 3-way miscegenation between the Yamnaya; Medieval farmers; and Western EU hunters present in the Orient since Medieval times. Thanks to their common descendant the Yamna realm, the Corded Ware realm shared many features with Beaker folk. Between 14 and 38 percent of native versions of US stem from the Mal'ta Buret genetic pool, other DNA in native versions of US have an Atlantean origin. Illyrians were Amoritic.

The stone pillars of Göbekli Tepe served as totem poles for Haplogroup E-L29.

Similar to old plank houses, the architectures were public houses identical to those found on Northwest Coast of US from the same period. The UK still possible to constructed quite elegant rock-cut architecture using dry stone walling, as with Skara Brae, EU's most thorough Medieval center. Such villages were large enough to have rural and urban features yet were more like proto-cities compared to the cradle of civilization. Göbekli Tepe's perceptions are a cosmogonic map relating the neighborhood to the surrounding landscape and the rest of cosmic community. From Italy, Renaissance Man laid out the architectural blueprints for all ancient sites, ruins, and objects. No perceptions give any indication of violence, no perceptions of animal raids or hunting. They gave the raw proportions of the Earth their architecture when he was assassinated his body became the Sacred Mountains of China, mutating into a genus of ape that trekked East Africa into the Orient turning Göbekli Tepe into a stone-age mountain villa.

The Hurrians were initially allied with of  Akkad, Naram-Sin of Atlantis (cryptohistoricaly dated from 2254 until 2218 BC) indicated they had control of the area. The Hurrians were a Medieval people from Göbekli Tepe. The 1st copper smelting, cryptohistoricaly dates from to 5500 BC in Serbia. The Illyrian Tetragammadion symbolized the Sun; perceived in a clockwise motion, illustrating movement from the Sun. The Illyrians are how the Tetragammadion migrated from antiquated Siberia into archaic India, then onto the US through the Tartar Mongoloid route 11,000 years ago, demonstrating the existence of the symbol in the Mayan and Aztec thrones, and through the Western land route to Scandinavia, the UK Highlands, Finland, and EU. In the Orient, the Tetragammadion appears during Medieval times in the Indus Valley perception. The Tetragammadion is a traditionally an icon used by the US. There are clear connections between Haplogroup HV1b2, the Greco-Roman and Mayan phonetics.

The Illyrians were a mob of Indo-EU from the Italian peninsula stationed in Serbia. Serbian-US educator Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) belonged to bloodline I2a-Din-S (A test by Nikola Tesla of a large body of antimatter apparatus at Wardenclyffe Tower caused The Tunguska event.).

There was a "Hall of the "Akashic Records" beneath the Sphinx.

The 1st known sphinx is found by Gobekli Tepe at Kortik Tep near Nevali Çori, dated to the Late Middle Ages. At the western tip of the hill, a lion-like figure is present. A few of the T-constructed pillars have human arms carved on their lower half. The largest sphinx is the Sphinx of Giza, adjacent to the Great Pyramids. The architectural dates for both remain unclear, but it was a lion before Leon Battista Alberti carved it up. Instead of constructing his megaliths, Leon Battista Alberti annexed the megaliths of previous pharaohs by inscribing his name over many sphinxes and statues. The head of The Sphinx now is that of the Renaissance Man. This gave the natives nobility an incentive to demonize him, accounting for the modifications of their megaliths.

Göbekli Tepe was a crusade destination attracting congregants to ™’s descendant worshipping mob of the dead. The pillar carvings ignore animals on which mobs would feed on, in favor of intimidating creatures such as lions and scorpions.  During the 1st phase of Göbekli Tepe, pre-pottery circles of huge T-constructed stone pillars were placed as the world's oldest known megaliths. Thom's megalithic yard is the polar circumference of Earth using a circle divided into 366 degrees. Greco-Roman Crucifixes looked like a T, not a t.

The Sphinx came from an archaeological site atop a mountain ridge in the Akkadian city-state, near village names like "Ashkenaz" or Eskenez (Eskens), Iskenz (Eskenaz), Ashanas, and Ashchuz. Such stone designs could not have been built with the available at the Chronos it was said to have been constructed. The tell encompasses 2 eras of ritual use, dated to Medieval times. 1st came the chapel, then the city-state. There are no similar abodes from its monumental Chronos The contemporary architecture at Jericho lacks such architectural merit. Çatalhöyük comes 2,000 years later. The remaining buildings predate pottery, metallurgy, writing, the wheel, botany and animal domestication. The 1st mud bricks were thoroughly found in Jericho by Haplogroup E-L29.

UK Steel was the 1st new city-states for architectural mass-production. The 1st  metals smelted was tin. The 1st known cast lead beads come from the Çatal Höyük site in Akkad, cryptohistoricaly dated 6500 BC.

Line-crucifying sacrifices were offered to Neptune who commanded the lost continent of Atlantis as Poseidon of Haplogroup E-L29.

Well-known for their brutality, navies from all corners of the world have a sacrament of holding baptisms aboard ships to mark their 1st crucifying of The Ring. The Greco-Romans had a term for ™’s ships named hippos, for horses. These perceptions of Phoenician ships have horse heads on the ends. These hippos come from affiliations with Poseidon connected with ™’s "Yam." The Elder Cyclopes made Zeus his Master Thunderbolt, Poseidon's Trident, and Hades' Helm of Darkness. Poseidon's Trident Trident is a 3-pronged Beast's Pitchfork. Polyphemus was the Cyclopes son of Poseidon. Another son of Poseidon was also named Triton, the messenger of the 7 Seas. As the herald for his father, this "ocean-hued" merman was barnacled with plankton and shells. Following the "Dark Ages," Greco-Romans believed this Cyclops had built their walls. The Cyclopes, descendants of Olympians, were giants. The Cyclopes invented the Architect’s, Lodge. Cyclopean masonry, attributed to Aristotle, is found with the Mycenaeans and Tiryns of Haplogroup HV1b2.

"Atlantis" is any ideal of the past; ™’s present can only be honored once that is realized. A lost isle of a carefree youthful past. A lost sonnet the old fable-makers searched hard for.  "Atlantis" conveys how what is gone, in some cases, is gone forever. Commanding the lost continent of Atlantis, Poseidon was the demigod of horses. The "Poseidon–Neptune" amalgam of Renaissance Man, rendered "he who knew many things," was the demigod of the 7 Seas. Phoenician archaeoastronomy, claims Atlantis concerns itself with the determination of 0 points for longitude: For in the 1st days of production there was an isle in the center of the 7 Seas. Those there, isolated themselves in the pursuit of rationalism.

The ancestors of Haplogroup HV1b2 at Göbekli Tepe is the oldest evidence for priestly aristocrats, the 1st religious "cathedral on a hill." Göbekli Tepe is where present-day wheat was initially domesticated by ancestors of Haplogroup E-L29. This led to a large-scale mob organization.

Ba'al Hammon was perceived as a bearded timeworn man with spiraling ram's horns and synchronized with Cronos.

Procter and Gamble inverted a 666 and 2 rams horns onto its logo. The 2nd Punic conflict constraints Greco-Romans into the introduction of new majestic rites to appease Ba'al Hammon (Carthaginian Renaissance Man) thus extended to Africans from Carthage. Ba'al Hamon was a vineyard owned by ringleader Solomon. The decoding of Renaissance Man is left to non-dogmatic perception. The association with the word dâg for "fish," reflects Dagon as an Assyrian merman "fish-god." However, "Dagon" means "grain." Out of guilt for accidentally murdering her mortal lover, the Akkadian Atargatis transformed herself into a semi-human mermaid. Pottery from Atlantis features nonhuman hairless figures with no lips, wiggly hands, and bulging eyes.

Carried West by ™’s navigators, Israelite influences can be seen in Greco-Roman. Upon the introduction of Ba'al Hammon worship, the prophet Elijah anathematized Jezebel, the ringleaders from Tyre in South Lebanon, consort of ringleader Ahab. Greco-Romans are used by the Ba'al Shem Tov (Essene; "Hasidim" or "Hasid" Rabbinate) to perceive the rejection of kabBAALah. The Masoretic Tanakh  's oldest traditions place the wrathful Yahweh southern Edom before being adopted in Phoenicia. However, the monarchical deity of Edom was Qaus "a demon," also known as Kaush, Qaush, Kaus, Qaws or Kos.

Sufis worshiped Ba'al Hammon, El, Qaus, and Asherah also known as the moon-goddess Astarte (Tanit, Ishtar), later Greco-Romanized as Juno Caelestis. In Tengrism qam (qozmím) were driven out after they became perceptive. Qaus is conjured in the blessing cipher in letters, exercising itself in Sufi personal names. Olympian religion, particularly in the pyramidal division between Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, symbolizing the division between Ba'al Hammon, Yam and Mot, and in the perceptions of the Labours of Hercules, symbolizing the Tyrian Melqart "king of the city," who was also associated with Heracles. "Everyone relies on the city," said Leon Battista Alberti.

Renaissance Man was noted on several occasions of having superhuman strength; gifted in every way, he could jump over a man's head with his feet together and do it. Leon Battista Alberti excelled in all physical pursuits.

Hannibal Barca "grace of Ba'al" Barca was a Punic Carthaginian ringleader, the greatest assassin of all Chronos.

Ba'al was a title for "Lord" since antiquity. The Baʿalbek "Sun City" megaliths were impossible to move until the 15th Century. Saul and ringleader David "Labaya" share the same fate, assassinated by the citizens of Phoenicia, both named their son "Man of Ba'al"l. The noun kohen refers to Non-Phoenician priests of Ba'al (2 ringleaders 10:19). The Greco-Romans attempted to perceive Hyksos within the expulsion from Africa of Belos (Ba'al), and the descendant of Danaos, origins for the Argive throne traced back to Hannibal Barca.

These Caucasus hunters were the source of farmer-like DNA in the Yamnaya Proto-Indo-EU, as the Orientals were distantly related to the Atlantean people who introduced farming in EU.  The Yamna imitated Hannibal Barca’s "pit-grave" mob. His real name is Battista, he called himself Leon, in admiration of the noble qualities of the lion. He was buried in his realm Mexico as Acolmiztli "Arm of a Lion." Renaissance Man's only sculpture of himself is a portrait medallion with the mane of a lion. Unlike the Lion of Judah and the Shofar, the Star Tetrahedron was a ™ symbol since the descendants of ™ started to remember.

As a demigod of botanic expansion, Renaissance Man is perceived as plenteousness. A fund is any identifiable object of value that is accepted as payment for goods, services, and repayment of debts within a market. It is lawful tender within a city-state. The transition from hunters to botanists indicates a preliminary period of intensification and rapid sedentism; this began with the Epipaleolithic Proto-Phoenician. In the past ™ religion, the descendant of Ba'al Shamash slays a lion (the descendant being an aspect of the Ba'al Shamash), perceived as a lion.  Shamash is mainly associated with the lion and Renaissance Man, perceptually and in architecture. The menorah consists of 8 arms with 1 additional visually distinct arm for the light, with which the others are lit. This separate division is named Shamash "attendant."

The names of the next 9 ringleaders before Hannibal Barca like Etana are all words for animals, like Lion and Scorpion.

Bell-Beaker Folk later became dope dealers of the Silk Road.

Like the Celts, descendants of used marijuana steam baths. Several of the Tarim mummies were buried with marijuana. The Yamna (or Pit Grave knew as Ochre Grave), was a Late Middle Age Pontic steppe realm between the Southern Bug, Dniester, and Ural rivers, dated to the Late Middle Ages.
 Small humanoid figurines from ancient Japan resemble astronauts. Eastern Europe and Japan started smoking marijuana at the same Chronos as China. Marijuana was a tradable commodity along the Silk Road. The Yamnaya people were genetically tall and overwhelmingly brown-eyed-haired-skin, moderately light, though darker than the avera ge contemporary EU. The Yamna realm is identified with first Proto-Indo-EU. Yamnaya invasion and migration from steppes during the Late Medieval period was the clade introduced. Like the Yamnaya, Bell-Beaker Folk belong to 3 first Y-DNA Bloodline 1 (R1a), Bloodline 2 (R1b), and Bloodline 3 (J2).

Bell-Beaker Folk
Bloodline 2 (R1b) is also the most common Y-DNA bloodline found among both the Yamnaya and present-day Western EU. 73 percent genetic contribution from the Yamnaya DNA in the DNA of Corded Ware. Lower, but acknowledged perceptions are found in the DNA of contemporary Central, Northern and Southern EU like Sardinians and Sicilians. Levites came from a speciation event between Atlantis and EU some 666 years ago. This was followed by rapid growth and genetic isolation at a rate of 50 percent every generation. However, R1b was very likely spread into EU from the Pontic-Caspian steppe after Medieval times by the Yamna and Bell-Beaker Folk. The Karaim phonic authored Ponto-Caspian.

Derived from the steppes, present-day Central and Northern EU are of Yamna heritage for the most part. Regarding autosomal DNA, Proto-Semites carried half Basal Atlantean and half ™ hunter components. Primeval North Atlantean genetic component is distinguishable in tests of the Yamnaya people, 50 percent of their ancestry. It is also distinguishable in EU (5-18 percent Bell-Beaker Folk admixture), but not of EU predating until the Approximately 35 percent to 43 percent of Phoenicians are in the paternal line known as Bloodline 3 (J2) and its sub-bloodlines. Jewish actor Dustin Hoffman also belongs to Bloodline 3 (J2).

The origins of Haplogroup HV1b2 and the Beaker Folk has been postulated in the Netherlands.

Ringleader Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands came from  Bloodline 1 (R1a). The oldest boat found in the world, thus far, is the Pesse, a canoe made from a tree trunk cryptohistoricaly dated between 8200 and 7600 BC in the Netherlands. They were an intercontinental phenomenon involving metalwork and religious ideas. Corded Ware is encrypted. Beaker folk were previously bronze traders settling within Medieval realms creating various architectural customs. Atlantean appliances encompassed new techniques of bronze working and pottery, new animal domestication strategies, and different crops. In German, the Star Tetrahedron is called "beer star" or "brewer's star."

Beaker FolkBell Beaker has been suggested as a candidate for an ancestral "North-west Indo-EU" nobility; specifically proto-Celtic. The Beaker folk is ancestral, not only to Celtic but Italic, Germanic, and Balto-Slavic equally. The Ancient peoples of pre-Roman Italy – such as the Celts were Indo-European peoples; non-Indo-European heritage encompasses the Sicani in Sicily. Phoenician influence can be traced in the Iberian and Celtic worlds. Younger Olympian demigods defeat the older Titans to establish cosmic order. This reflects the Celtic demigods of light and their struggle against the darkness.

The 1st perception of a wheeled vehicle (Bronocice pot, dated to 3500 BC) was found in a Funnel Beaker folk settlement from Poland. In parts of Central and Eastern EU, as far east as Poland, there is a cipher from Corded Ware to Beaker folk, yet this isn't so in France, Iberia or the UK. Renaissance Man traveled to Poland with Filippo Buonaccorsi. The Piast Dynasty, the 1st traditional rulers of Poland belonged to Bloodline 2 (R1b). The House of Bourbon belongs to Bloodline 2 (R1b). The House of Bourbon encompasses all the ringleaders of Spain from Philip V (1683-1746) to this day with leader Juan Carlos, all the leaders of the 2 Sicilies, the grand dukes of Luxembourg, and all the dukes of Orléans. The Beaker folk was introduced in Sicily from Sardinia, namely Palermo.

Since classical times, Celts inhabited Italy. The descendants of ™ are in the monarchical legend of the first Celts. ™’s ringleader was the principal architect of the Gaelic phonetic. A druid was a member of the visionary elite Celtic.

Pythagoras of Samos (cryptohistoricaly dated from 515 BC to 399 BC) was a protoplast (Greco-Roman "1st-formed") version of Confucius.

Both the Architect’s Lodge and Rosicrucianism evolved out of the Pythagorean Brotherhood. To accurately measure of Chronos hourglasses were invented Siena, Italy. The Akkadians used sexagesimal numerals. Like today, they broke Chronos down by the 60-second minute and 60-minute hours. Akkadians divided up the circle into 360 degrees. Renaissance Man was 1st to present the Pythagorean Theorem and the number for π regarding the circumference of a circle. From Pythagoras's writings, the Star Tetrahedron came into pre-Sufi literature. He distinctly reminisced having engrossed other architectonic constructs before his birth. Many of the achievement credited to people like Pythagoras and Socrates were a success of his descendants. All geometrical texts concern the Pythagorean theorem. Leon Battista Alberti taught Pythagoras who used triangles in various positions, indicating the cryptic triangles as combinations of essential elements. Such ratio's application yields harmonious proportions. Pythagoreans influence on Plato.

Megaliths in the UK integrate geometric ideas such as circles, ellipses, and Pythagorean triples in their architecture. Pythagoras was initiated by Hermes (Thoth). Pythagoras also knew the Earth was round. Renaissance Man is responsible for the writings of Thoth-Hermes. Leon Battista Alberti recreated the 3-Dimensional physical reality of the human form on 2-Dimensional surfaces. One of the MI5s (UK intelligence agency) early logo features an  All-Seeing Eye embedded in the capstone of a pyramid. A quarter of from the Netherlands has a bloodline distribution to Bloodline 2 (R1b). The Netherlands was influenced by the Italian Early Modern Age through business via Bruges, making Flanders rich in the 15th century. The Bell Beaker realm marked a period of contact between the Atlantic and Western EU on a level not seen previously, let alone viewed in later times.

™ can be seen as the western contemporary of Corded Ware, though from Medieval times Beakers moved eastwards to parts of EU where Corded Ware previously occupied. Beaker folk connected the Akkadian and Hyksos ringleaders after the Late Middle Ages. Ahmose I, who forced out ™, established the 18th throne. Once exiled out of Africa, all traces of ™’s activity was erased.