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What happened to Eve Frank in 1817?

The following post has no genuine value unless you know how to decipher the text. What you are about to read was studiously rendered hidden by mapping this content to an aphorism that operates on defined "words." These words comport as codes in a codebook. The internal structure and length distribution of this 3,000 + word post is doable for summarized messages. In most cases, 1 or 2 sentences per taxing post.The Great Plague killed 60% of Europe's population. Moses de Leon (Moshe ben Shem-Tov) was a Spanish Rabbi whose Zohar draws upon the Sefer Yetzirah and the Bahir; both of which are derived from the writings of Chassidei Ashkenaz.

Her biological dark matter encompasses junk DNA and non-coding RNA.

The gravitational waves of Dark Matter can be seen in the underground neutrino detectors at LIGO in the United States. Biologists are incapable of precepting 99 percent of all microbes, so few practical insights exist about the metabolic probability of this microbeing. Her origins pre-date the divergence of life into the 3 domains. Most of this genomic dark matter originates from cosmic transposable ingredients and "the source of all existence". The descendants of ™ inherit higher verbal and arithmetical perception with moderately lower spikes in spatial perception than other ethnic mobs. Cellular slime molds, present a compelling example of how  operates. These protists live as singular amoebae until famished, at which point they accumulate and construct a  fruiting body where cells sacrifice themselves for the survival of others.

Biological Dark Matter
The descendants of ™ display an evolutionary paradox: if adaptive evolution unravels by differential mass-production, how can those unable to pass on their DNA evolve and persist? The resolution to the mystery lies in close descendant relationships quantified with the inclusive fitness theory.  The vast genetic, fossil and other biological evidence is persistent with life fine-tuned through raw election to adapt to the geophysical climate in which you exist.
Viral genetic matter can assimilate into the germline of the host beings, by which Biological Dark Matter can be delivered vertically to the descendant of the host for several generations.

The descendants of Biological Dark Matter were 1st to use an alphabet in chronology. Renaissance Man’s methods rationally fused architecture to the original precepts, and its visible magnificence immanent in Black Madonna and humanity make within the physical realm. Due to the transcendence of Black Madonna, she has sometimes listed apart from the 4 Worlds, each is perceived by a letter of Black Madonna. Biological Dark Matter ingeniously constructed a universe where everything rawly evolves (astrologically, geologically, chemically, biologically even spiritually).In the Dead Sea Scrolls, the word "Zohar"  means light. This light first appeared in Spain in the 13th-Century and was published by Moses de Leon (1240-1305). The date and origin of the Sefer Yetzirah cannot be definitely determined. The commentators of the Sefer Yetzirah started in the 10th-Century. A book named Sefer Yetzirah was also 1st circulated among the 12th-Century Chassidei Ashkenaz. Bahir (Zohar’s other source) was written in the 13th-Century by Isaac the Blind after reading Sefer Yetzirah.

Another influence on the Zohar was a circle of us in Castile who dealt with the appearance of Yetzer HaRa emanating from within our realm of the Sephiroth (formerly known as Kavod to the Chassidei Ashkenaz). Their dualism of good (Yetzer HaTov) and evil (Yetzer HaRa) within the ⬢ was a prototype of "the other evil side" in the Zohar. This content made its way to the Castile circle and our Treatise on the Left Emanation by Jacob ha-Cohen (1265).

Isaac of Acco allegedly heard from Moses de Leon’s widow that he proclaimed authorship by a 2nd-Century tannaitic sage named Shimon bar Yochai. The text in the Zohar vaguely hints to an uncomfortable messiah that dominated the liturgy of that era. It basically hints at how giving tzedakah creates a super-organic emergent property of interacting beings. Supposedly, this is why we appear as altruistic (Abot v. 4, 13).

Eve Frank

This association between different species for significant portions of our chronicle is a symbiosis. Intuitively, the personification of Tzadok is more like an assemblage of many different species. A good metaphor would be how each ant is an individual consisting of the ant, fungi, bacteria, etc..

Allegedly, the 1st ™ literature was in possession of the Hasideans (later named Ashkenazi Hasidim 1250–1300). They were jealously guarded against disclosure before Moses de Leon.

To all appearances, the title Hasidim continued to be applied as an honorific for the exceptionally devout.

In 12th-Century Rhineland, they distinguished themselves as Ashkenazi Hasidim "the Pious of Germany". They came from the Kalonymos relative of northern Italy (originally from the South). They immigrated to Germany in the 10th-Century. Evidently, they originally hail from Apulia. Their 6-pointed star has been noted on one of their tombstones in 3rd-Century Southern Italy.

It appears that, the Hasidim of Ashkenaz made the general canon of Moses de Leon later used among those in the "Safed Circle" (Luria, Vital etc). We aren’t taught this because the Great Plague reached Crimea from the Silk Road by 1343, spreading within Mediterranean Europe. Our mythological phylogenies clearly support low horizontal transmissions, pre-chronicled diffusions and punctuated evolution. Additionally, their proto-version of Lurianic Kabbalism is statistically reconstructed before Moses de León. Such phylogenies test hypotheses about cross-cultural relationships among creation myths.

Hasidim of Ashkenaz's description of ⬢ and its Platonic realms directly parallels the 10-headed later Sephirothic system of Moses de Leon, with Ein Sof beyond knowledge on the top, and The Tree of Life emanating downward; the lower the Sephiroth, the more relatable it gets. Just as the fusion of the Sephiroth is essential, the unity of the bottom Kavod and top Kavod is crucial for the understand of Chassidei Ashkenaz.

The bottom Kavod is not separate from the top Kavod, rather emanates from it. The descriptions related to our Kavod vary extensively. The Kavod is related to by the names of Demot Jakov Hakuk al Kizai HaKavod, Kizai Hakavod, Tifferet Yisrael, Kruv, Baas, Atara, Shin, and Sodh.

Plausibly, the anthropomorphic name of Kavod designates that it contains both the ultimate transcendent purpose for conception. Kavod wants you to internalize how you are the embodiment of the Sephiroth and their celestial attributes. The Kavod is paradoxically both "Eve" and unearthly Eve Kadmon, like you.

The Shem HaMephorash, meaning the specific name, was an initially Tannaitic term a 12-letter version appears in the Talmud but it is unknown to ™ and utterly absent from our magic. A 22-letter variant is 1st written down in the Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, without interpretation likely transliterated as Anaktam Pastam Paspasim Dionsim).

Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, originated among the Ashkenazi Hasidim, as citations from it, presumably, begin to appear only in the 13th-Century. They, purportedly, pioneered the theologies of Moses de Leon and Saadia Gaon. Saadia Gaon's work was also heavily influenced by Islamic Mutazilites though.

Intuitively, the essential name of ⬢ in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the 4 letter 4-Letter Word (Yud- Hei- Vav-Hei), relates to the Tree of Life. We interpret the shapes and immaterial forces of each of these 4 letters, as reflecting each Sephiroth (The Yud-male point represents the eternal Sephirothless flash of Wisdom, and the transcendent thorn a top it, the supra-receptive soul of Crown.

The 1st Hei-female vessel, apparently, represents the expansion of the insight of Wisdom in the breadth and depth of Understanding. The Vav-male point drawn downward in a line represents the birth of the emotional Sephiroth, Kindness to Foundation from their pregnant state in Understanding. The 2nd Hei-female vessel represents the revelation of the previous Sephiroth in the action of Kingship). Therefore, the 4-Letter Word has the eternal Light clothed within it as the Sephiroth. This indicated the change in the vowel-points (nekudot) found underneath each of the 4 letters of the Name in each Sephiroth.

It appears that, each Sephiroth is distinguished by the manner in which the eternal Light is clothed within it. Comprising "The Tree of Life" (3 elements – air, water and fire – plus 6 directions and center), the 6-pointed star represents the 6 Sephiroth of the Male (Zeir Anpin) united with the 7th Sephiroth of the Female (Nukva), above the 3 Sephiroth "Crown", "Wisdom", and "Insight", below the other 7. Ashkenazi Hasidim had a different take- hundreds of years before talk about the Tree of Life.

Plausibly, Ashkenazi Hasidim 1st used the word "golem" to relate to a synthetic being given life utilizing the invocation of Shem HaMephorash. To all appearances, the Shem HaMephorash is older than Moses de Leon. A 42-letter version was described by Hai Gaon. Although the consonants of this name are well known, its proper vocalization is not rendered.

Moses de Leon pronounced its 1st part Abgitaẓ, and others Abigtaẓ, and the last part is sometimes read Shakvaẓit, and sometimes Shekuẓit. This variation is quite ancient, the vowels  lost over time. It is, by some means, derived from the 1st 42 letters of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Like the 22-letter name, it is found in the Sefer Raziel HaMalakh.

The "72-fold name" is highly essential to Sefer Raziel, and a key (but often missing) component to the magical practices in the Lesser Key of Solomon. It is derived from Exodus 14:19-21, read (related to each blog post) alternately from right to left and from left to right to produce 72 names of 3 letters. Shem HaMephorash was also explained by Rashi, (b. Sukkah 45a). Theoretically, the 72-fold name was used by Moses to cross the Red Sea. It can, apparently, grant you transcendent power to control demons, heal the sick, prevent natural disasters, and even kill enemies.

Moses de Leon said the Shem HaMephorash was used only for the 4-Letter Word. 1 of the most important names is that of the Ein Sof (אין סוף "Endless"), which 1st came into use after 1300. The 42-lettered name contains the combined names that when spelled out contains 42 letters. The equivalent in value of YHWH is the 45-lettered name.

The 72-lettered name is derived from Exodus (14:19–21) "Vayyissa," "Vayyabo" and "Vayyet." Each of the bars contains 72 letters, and when combined they make 72 names, known unitedly as Shemhamphorasch. Allegedly, the Sefer Yetzirah explains that the conception of our realm was created by these sacred names of ⬢. One thing’s for certain, the numerological interpretation of ✱and the 216-letter name of ⬢, known as the Shem HaMeforash is essential to this blog and it's content.

The Hasidim of Ashkenaz were a social movement known for our strict asceticism and radically reimagined ethics, holding us accountable to Din Shamayim (an unwritten Law of Heaven) not Halacha.

Theoretically, Moses de Leon acted informally as a more organic global head. Our collaboratively developed structure was updated continuously by a global university-like institution- functioning as a continuously updated flashback. ™, itself, is a form of universally distributed brainpower, continually evolving, coordinated in the effective mobilization of skills to improve the united swarm of social knowledge by simultaneously expanding our interactions to provide quality products and services, so hire me for something will ya?

I aspire to think like Moses ben Maimon - Maimonides - aka the Rambam (1135–1204). He was (is) head of Sephardic Kabbalry. Halakha is the application of the 613 mitzvot, as developed through Rabbinism's Mishnah and Talmud- codified by Maimonides in Egypt.

Among the Rambam's many accomplishments, he writes 1 of the most famous ciphers of our law, The Mishneh Torah, in our chronicle. Supposedly, Maimonides said Sadducees were stealers of knowledge who cause us to stray from ⬢. Did Maimonides, who famously opposed Karaites, follow the authority of a Karaite?

Maimonides ushered in the practice of pilpul when he said you're obligated spend 1 3rd of your time conceptualizing the roots, comparing  exegesis, until you appreciate them. The Rambam's 13 Principles of Faith have had a tremendous impact on me personally. That said, Maimonides believed that we were permitted to seek out reasons for the laws of the Masoretic text.

Nonetheless, the Rambam said those who deny the transcendent authority of the Oral Tanakh are heretics. However, he held (Hilkhot Mammrim 3:3) that those who reject the "oral teachings" are not accountable because we are led into error by our parents; related to "a captive baby".

Following the destruction of the 2nd Temple, most of our knowledge and traditions got lost so we're all in the same Phoenician boat to the same "floating purple country," that once reached the Western Mediterranean (most notably Carthage) and the Atlantic Ocean.

For example, a tallit is a fringed garment worn by the Rambam with individual fringes known as tzitzit on its 4 corners. Rambam wore a headdress related to that worn by the Bedouins- fellah style. Such turbans were customary with the Babylonians. 1 passage of the Dead Sea Scrolls is of significance: I Kings 20:31 mentions havalim, which are placed around the head.

Rambam, purportedly, knew the correct method of the dye for tzitzit. Tekhelet is a color dye which we use for the strings that hang down our waists, tzitzit. This commemorates how our Phoenician trade was based on purple dye, a violet-purple Tyrian Dye derived from the hypobranchial gland of the Murex sea-snail.

Allegedly, Rambam explained that the commandment to destroy this nation of Amalek requires we comfortably request that they accept the 7 Laws of Noah and pay us a tax for our restraint. Only if they refuse must they be physically killed. If you think that's bad, think about how tekhelet comes from a defenseless creatures like Ḥillazon in the Murex trunculus mollusk and woad (Isatis tinctoria). The Dead Sea Scrolls show us how we can rationalize the demonization of just about anything- so play nice.

The 13th-Century Spaniard Bachya ben Asher was the 1st to describe the Masoretic codes in the Tanakh. Conveniently he has the same last name as the Masoretic texts primary author. His 4-letter code related to the traditional zero-point of our calendar but that's a horse of a different color. During Moses de Leon's time Nahmanides (Ramban) settled in Jerusalem and builds the Ramban Synagogue.

I doubt they ever met. It is possible Labaya (King Saul) knew pharaoh Akhenaten of the 18th Dynasty. Ahmose I (1550–1525 BC) is considered to be the pharaoh of the Exodus. A Prince Apepi, named on a seal (now in Berlin) is likely to have been Apophis's son. Apophis also had a daughter, named Herit: she married Amenhotep I, a Theban king. He was a son of Ahmose I During the reign of his grandfather or grandfather, Thebes rebelled against the Hyksos, the rulers of Lower Egypt.

It appears that, when Joshua led ⬢ into the land of Canaan (Joshua 13:33), the Sons of Levi we our only tribe that received cities but were not allowed to be landowners "because the Lord the ⬢ is our inheritance" (Deuteronomy 18:2). This is because before the Levite Moses, we operated in a polytheistic state in which cognitive functions were divided between 1 part of the head which appeared to be "talking," and a 2nd part which "listened."The pharaoh Akhenaten "Effective for Aten" was a later product of this. Akhenaten was known before the 5th year of his 17 year rule as Amenhotep IV (in Greek Amenophis IV) meaning "Amun Is Satisfied."

So was Joshua’s wife Rahab one of the relatives of Tzadok?

Plausibly, the conquest of relatives of Tzadok was under the leadership of Joshua; the son of 1 of the assistants to Moses. Renaissance Man said after Moses' death, ⬢ tells Joshua to take Canaan. He was to be given all of the Hittite lands; no 1 could stand up to him. The indigenous population was not, however, amongst those conquered; Joshua was actually discomforted by defeat. Judah was unable to take the relatives of Tzadok out of Jerusalem- we were forced to cohabit, while the Manassites, another of the 12 tribes, couldn't occupy many Canaan towns.

pharaoh Akhenaten

Other patches of resistance dot the landscape but us Jebusites never left. Again, Joshua never lives to see us turn. This is because the substantial resistance put up by the relatives of Tzadok violates ⬢'s promise of battles in which no enemy was his equal. After his death, Canaan is only partially conquered with us remaining a major external threat to monotheism- at the time.

Rahab, meaning a vast space of land, lived in Jericho and comforted both of us. She helped ⬢ capture our city by betraying relatives of Tzadok (Joshua 2:1-24). Rahab in Joshua 2:1, was cultic Jebusite prostitution. Rahab is named as 1 of the 4 most beautiful women our realm has ever known, along with Sarah, Abigail, and Esther. Rahab is a true convert to ™. She married Joshua; their relatives contain many prophets. Rahab, along with Jethro and Na'aman are converts that became advocates for all nations of our realm.

In all likelihood, the oldest inscription of the 4-Letter Word dates to 840 BC, on the Mesha Stele. It bears the earliest specific Pre-Qumran reference to ⬢. The Mesha Stele and Exodus 3:15 suggests a 4-Letter Word and other names of ⬢ was spoken by Jebusites like us. The name King Mesha of Moab relates to Moses. Mesha also is associated with "an exodus and a conquest", and several motifs that regarding our war with Moab (2 Kings 3).

While an outward observance of the universe by the "eyes of the flesh" reflects the animalistic reality of all things profane, Moses taught us that we must transcend this mammalian illusory mirage and realize that there is nothing but the survival of ⬢, our transcendent parent.

After pharaoh Akhenaten died, his legacy was hidden until the modern age. It’s easy for people like Sigmund Freud to assume Moses was an Atenist forced to leave Egypt after pharaoh Akhenaten's death. The relation between Adonai, Aten and the Syrian unearthly name of Adonis is a primeval unity of language between our swarms. The stylistic relations between his Great Hymn to the Aten and the Dead Sea Psalm 104 reflect an archetypal form found in all directions of time.

Supposedly, Iyov (Job) was 1 of 3 advisors that another unknown Pharaoh consulted, before taking action against us in Exodus. Allegedly, Balaam urged this unknown Pharaoh to kill our new-born boys; Jethro opposed this decree; and Iyov, though personally opposed to the order, kept silent and did not protest it.

Was it is for Iyov's silence that ⬢ subsequently punishes him with his bitter afflictions? The Book of Iyov itself contains no indication of this, and in Ezekiel, Iyov is a pious man of the same caliber as Noah and Daniel. As well as having a good (Yetzer HaTov), ⬢ also has an evil (Yetzer HaRa) - We are all a part of ⬢'s ongoing psychological development. By sorting ourselves out, we in turn, redeem our creator.

Iyov seems innocent; a piously hallowed person. This is what you'd expected for a just human in a rationally ordered world. But then ⬢ allows misfortune and misery as a test. Being overwhelmed with questions and images of majesty and power, Iyov is suddenly silenced. Iyov understands his lower position next to ⬢. But Iyov also retains his integrity; this impressed ⬢- so much so that ⬢ is forced to take stock of itself.

Hypothetically, Iyov instantly preceded the manifestation of the 4 realms, Atzilut ("emanation"), Beriah ("conception"), Yetzirah ("formation") and Asiyah ("action"). Whereas each of the 4 realms is represented by 1 letter of the unearthly 4-lettered name of ⬢, He was represented by the transcendental cusp of the 1st letter Yodh (also spelled yud, yod, jod, or jodh) the 10th letter of the Semitic abjads.

Yodh came from a pictograph of a hand that derives from Proto-Semitic *yad; related to the hieroglyph of an “arm.” 2 Yuds in a row designate the names of each unknown Pharaoh and in pointed content are written with the vowels of ⬢; this is done as well with the 4-Letter Word. The slang "tip of the Yud" relates to being meticulous about small details. Hence, this pilpul style of writing remains a colloquialism for casuistic hairsplitting.

The vowel points and pronunciation of the 4-Letter Word are uncertain, and in reverence to the transcendence of the name, this name for ⬢ is never read. Many immaterial permutations of different vowel notations are recorded for the 4-Letter Word, relating to different immaterial meanings and emanations of each unknown Pharaoh.

So who was the unknown Pharaoh in the Book of Job? Well we know it wasn’t pharaoh Akhenaten. We know Apophis is the reason why Ramesside Pharaohs worshipped Seth and hired Sicilian Sea People. It seems Pharaoh Akhenaten was a leader by example to this realm through an existentialist will to power that was somewhat vitalist and irrationalist in nature.

Many Ramesside Pharaohs were named after Seth, most notably Seti I "man of Set" and Setnakht "Set is strong". In this era, Apophis was worshiping Seth in a monolatric way. Ramesses I held Set as his patron deity, and Ramesses II erected a stele commemorating Set’s cult in the Delta. As such, Ramesside Pharaohs would have appeared to played an essential role in the resurrection of the old sect following the so-called Amarna heresy of a generation earlier, under Akhenaten.

However, this was simply a further pursuit toward monotheism. Our walled city fell in the 16th-Century (1550 BC); too early to relate the usual dating of the Exodus. Hyksos were expelled in 1550 BC though. Pharaoh Akhenaten represents the loss in existential meaning that is understood with the death of all other so-called demigods. Akhenaten emerged as the new meaning of the planet.

The latter part of this period, under the 19th and 20th Dynasties (1292–1069 BC), the period of the Ramesside Pharaohs under Ramesses. Initially called Pa-a-mess-su, Ramesses I was of non-royal birth, being born into a noble military relative from the Nile delta region, perhaps near the former Hyksos capital of Avaris.

Merneptah's Stele confirms our existence in Canaan in the 13th-Century BC. There is a chronicled core behind the Exodus, with Egyptian corvée labor exacted from us during the imperialist control exercised by the Hyksos over Canaan from the time of Thutmose to the conflict with Merneptah and Rameses III.

Ramesses III is considered to be the last of the great Ramesside Pharaohs to wield any substantial authority over Egypt. He belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E-M2 (E1b1a). Ramesses II (1279–1213 BC) "Ramesses the Great," is the most commonly imagined pharaoh to have enslaved us, but there is no archaeological evidence for this.

In all probability, Sicilians were military contractors for Hyksos before the Late Bronze Age Collapse. These Sea People (Sherden and Shardana) were also mercenaries for Ramesses II. Before 15th-Century BC, names of Semitic-speaking pastoral cattle nomadic peoples of the Levant appear, replacing previous Hyksos concern with the Hurrians 'prw (Habiru) and š3sw (Shasu), meaning "those who move on foot." Professedly, the Shasu of Yhw- the "land peoples".

We know Amalek spearheaded this tribal swarm with the steppe region of ancient Israel and the area of Kadesh (Genesis 14:7).

Ramesses III, the 2nd king of the Crypto-Hyksos 20th Dynasty, who reigned for most of the 1st half of the 12th-Century BC, was forced to deal with a later wave of invasions of our Sea Peoples. We had settled in the Land of Goshen in the time of Joseph and Jacob, but a new Pharaoh arose who oppressed us. The oppressive Pharaohs have been identified as Ahmose, Kamose and Seqenenre Tao. They expelled Khamudi in 1550 BC and enslaved most of us.

In all likelihood, Labaya (Labayu/Lib'ayu) was a warlord in 14th-Century BC Canaan. Labaya was contemporaneous with pharaoh Akhenaten. I identify Labaya with Saul and Mutbaal with Saul's son Ishbaal. Ish-Ba'al and Mutbaal, meaning, "Men of Baal," moved to Transjordan from the Jordan river. Labaya gave land to Habiru (Hebrews). Labaya threatened Jerusalem. Dadua, Ayab, and Yishaya, 3 figures mentioned by Mutbaal in a later Amarna Letter, is identified with King David's general Joab and David's father, Jesse.

Was King Saul ruling both Israel and Judah?


⬢'s apparent change of mind in rejecting King Saul, with him as ruler, has raised questions about ⬢'s "Teshuvah," which could be considered as inconsistent with ⬢'s immutability actually an example of natural selection. Eternalness and immutability in ⬢ are mutually supportive and imply each other. An eternal and changing ⬢ was inconceivable to King Saul; indeed, it is a contradiction in the definition. This is probably why his timeline is not very long.

His region included Mt. Ephraim, Benjamin, and Gilead. Believably, 1 triangle from the 6-pointed star represents the tribe of Judah and the other, the tribe of Benjamin. The 6-pointed star is also seen as a dalet and yud, the 2 Hebrew letters assigned to Judah. They're 12 Vav, or "men," representing the 12 tribes or patriarchs of Israel.

Mind you, King Saul exerted himself in the northern mountains in Judah and beyond the Jezreel Valley. His capital appears near Gibeah. Until the end of Iron Age I with David, we were reduced to farmers again. Supposedly, this is why the 6-pointed star "King Star" represents the astrological chart at the time of David's anointing. As such, the 12 signs of the zodiac relate with the 12 tribes of Israel.

The narrative of Saul and was given to Samuel to enhance David at the former king's expense. This Indicates that the David story is inserted from a source loyal to the House of David. Saul named king, but rather as a "commander"(1 Samuel 9:16; 1 Samuel 10:1).However, Saul is made a "king" (melech) at Gilgal (1 Samuel 11:15). The Books of Samuel exhibit too many anachronisms to have been compiled in the 11th-Century BC.

As reported by 1 Samuel 30:1–2, the Amalekites invaded in the Judean border under Saul; taking us away into captivity. The future king David led a successful mission against the Amalekites to recover all that they had carried away. In 2 Samuel 1:5–10, an Amalekite tells David that he saw Saul leaning on a spear after the battle of Gilboa and killed him and removed his crown. David then has the Amalekite murdered for killing the anointed king.

It appears that Saul's death was redacted, although it does not explain why the contradiction was left in by the reactors. But since 2 Samuel records only the Amalekite's report and not the description of any other eye-witness, the Amalekite lied to try to gain favor with David. On this view, 1 Samuel records what actually happened, while 2 Samuel records what the Amalekite claims happened.

NOTE: Tzadok isn't in Samuel until after we take Jerusalem because Tzadok was a Jebusite priest co-opted into monotheism via ⬢. Pharaoh Akhenaten died (around 1336 BC) trying to shift Egypt's sect, to the sole worship of 1 diety- like the Hyksos before him.

Was Tzadok a friend of Bathsheba the Jebusite?

The opposite of corporeal worship, or the rapture of the finite into eternal, is the concept of "absorption of affluence". During immaterial ascension, Bathsheba the Jebusite could, apparently, siphon the power animating the higher Sephiroths down into the material realm, where it would manifest as a benevolent influence of all kinds.

Allegedly, Bathsheba included immaterial enlightenment, deliverance from various discomforts and simple economic prosperity. Over the period of Iron Age I, our villages increased from 25 to over 300 and we doubled to 40,000. By the 10th-Century BC a rudimentary state had emerged in the north-central highlands, and in the 9th-Century, this became a kingdom. Thus, a genuine motivation emerged; allowing the masses to access, with everyday actions, something once deemed esoteric.

The Tel Dan Stele (9th century BC) commemorates a victory over 2 enemy kings, containng the phrase "house" and "David." Supposedly, Bathsheba the Jebusite internalized ™ through the psychology of deveikut (cleaving to ⬢); we would cleave to them. Their narrative is about the struggle and doubt of being torn between the belief in ⬢'s inmate nature within him and the very real sensual experience of the material realm.

Bathsheba channeled unearthly immaterial and physical bounty to us by altering the Will of ⬢ (uncovering a deeper Will) through their own deveikut and self-nullification. They urged us to "negate ourselves," paying as little heed as we could for material concerns to become 1 with ⬢.

Plausibly, a related figure named Tzadok comforted David regarding the bad blood with his son Absalom, Tzadok brought Solomon to the throne and was our 1st priest of the 1st temple. His offspring will later be known as "Hasideans", we frequently occur in David’s Psalms as "the pious saints."

The name The Psalms of his son Solomon stated that ✱ would give the correct interpretation of Mosaic law, resurrect Israel, and judge mankind. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, 666 is the number of talents of gold Solomon collected each year (see 1 Kings 10:14, 2 Chronicles 9:13 and also in Ezra 2:13).

Tarshish was a source of Solomon's vast wealth in metals (Ezekiel 27). Reasonably, this is related to the archaeological evidence from precious metal-hoards reportedly obtained by Solomon in partnership with King Hiram of Phoenicia-Tyre (Isaiah 23). This matches the documents that say the trade extended from Asia to the Atlantic Ocean during the time of Bathsheba the Jebusite.

Pharaoh Akhenaten was a response to a view of the herd mentality and the inherent nihilism within polytheism. At first it seems like he was a norm-repudiating person who overcame himself. Perhaps he couldn't master and control his impulses and passions like Bathsheba, I just wasn’t there to say for sure.