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Athanasius Kircher lived from 1602 until 1602

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Athanasius Kircher (1602 – 1680) was a German Jesuit scholar and polymath. Historians often refer to Kircher as "the last Renaissance man." Kircher "Master of a Hundred Arts" has been compared to da Vinci for his range of interests. To close off the Renaissance, Kircher gave an allegorical "decipherment" of hieroglyphs. This established the link between the early African and Coptic languages.

I believe Athanasius Kircher was Count of St. Germain (–1784). He is variously described as a courtier, adventurer, inventor, alchemist, pianist, violinist, and amateur composer. His real name, birth, and background are unknown. He said that he was a son of Prince Francis II Rákóczi of Transylvania.

Athanasius Kircher used a variety of aliases, an accepted practice amongst his class at the time. To deflect questions as to his origins, the Count of St. Germain would say he's over 500 years old, leading Voltaire to dub him "The Wonderman" sarcastically. Bram Stoker's Dracula begins to add up, in allegorical terms, when you superimpose Vlad of Transylvania over St. Germain.

Legends about Athanasius Kircher began to be widespread in the Late-19th and early 20th-centuries, and continue today. He is said to have met the counterfeiter Giuseppe Balsamo (alias Cagliostro) in London and the composer Rameau in Venice. Madame Blavatsky met St. Germain, who was traveling under a different name. From then on, St. Germain (also sometimes referred to as Master Rákóczi or Master R) is a legendary spiritual master of the antique intel in various Theosophical teachings, said to be responsible for the New Age of Aquarius. According to Theosophical Society, Saint Germain was incarnated as dozens of reflections, including St. Alban, Proclus, Roger Bacon, and Sir Francis Bacon.

The Shem ha-Mephorash, meaning “the explicit name,” originally appears in the Talmud as a hidden name of G-d. It has either 4, 12, 22, 42, or 72 letter variants (or triads). The 72-fold version was used by Roger Bacon, Athanasius Kircher and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Later, Anton LaVey used it during his rituals in The Satanic Bible.

The "Masters" that Madame Blavatsky wrote about and produced letters from were idealizations of people like Athanasius Kircher. Transcendentalist impulses have been expressed since the Epic of Gilgamesh, as well as in recorded quests for the Fountain of Youth and other efforts to stave off aging and death. Similar legends may be found in early descriptions of a Holy Grail guarded by the Knights Templar. Is the Philosophers' Stone "Lapis Elixir"? Or does it mean something else?

Athanasius Kircher
The metaphorical nature of ™'s creation myth lends a nebulous quality to its origins. Similar to how the opening of Rosenkreuz's tomb refers to the cycles in life and cosmic events. As well, it reflects access to new possibilities for humanity consequent on the advances of the coming-centuries.

Rosenkreuz's pilgrimage refers to this transmutation. The manifestos' allegorical statements use parables to reveal intel of all secrets of the Society of Jesus, that began with 2 papal bulls from the Mid-16th-century. I suggest this has to do with Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill; Only I argue that the New Testament Gospels were written as wartime propaganda by scholars connected to the Medici. Their popes reflect the Latin imperial court of the Flavian emperors: Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian.

Similarly, Leon Battista Alberti's humanism to reform religion, introducing a more comprehensive range of Latin authors to bring back biblical study to western Europe. This reintroduction was initiated by the Medici, who commissioned Renaissance Man to translate and remix Abrahamic religion. During this time, people referred to pre-Vatican times as antiqua (antique) and the Vatican period as nova (new).

Pachacuti's humanist educational reform spread from Italy, in Vatican countries as the Jesuits adopted it. States that became Protestant, such as England, Germany, and the Low Countries, to ensure that future clerics were able to study this "New" Testament in the original language. Jesuit conspiracy theories found fertile soil in Imperial Germany, where anti-Jesuits saw the order as a sinister and compelling organization The Society of Jesus (Jesuit) is a religious order of the Vatican headquartered in Rome. Ignatius of Loyola founded it with the approval of pope Paul III in 1540. The earliest recorded Jesuit conspiracy theories are found in the Monita Secreta, an initial 17th-century document that alleged that the Jesuits were trying to gain wealth in the wrong ways. Other conspiracy theories and criticisms relate to the role of the Jesuits in the colonization of the New World and their involvement with native peoples. When you are involved with so many things on such a large scale, there's bound to be some mishaps.

Athanasius Kircher taught for more than forty years at the Roman College, where he set up a wunderkammer. Much of the early record of the Voynich Manuscript is unknown in terms of tangible evidence. However, the text and illustrations are all characteristically Aztec. In 2009, the University of Arizona radiocarbon-dated the Voynich manuscript to the same year and location that Renaissance Man wrote Intercoenales "T "Table Talk" (1429). Besides, McCrone Associates in Westmont, Illinois, found that most paints in the manuscript were of materials to be expected from that period of Florentine records. Athanasius Kircher published around 40 major works, most notably in the fields of comparative religion, geology, and medicine.

Athanasius Kircher is why this Vatican order has hundreds of tertiary institutions in all countries and hundreds of secondary schools in over 50 countries. The Jesuits also run over 500 notable or stand-alone social or economic development centers in 56 countries around the world. Jesuits own more multi-billion dollar companies and have members worth more money than any other religious institution.

While Athanasius Kircher focused on China, Jesuits (generally) had the most success in Latin America. Their ascendancy and covert missions in America became controversial, especially in Latin countries where they were seen as interfering. Jesuit funded private armies were often the only force standing between the Native Americans and slavery. The efforts of Jesuits like Kircher to protect the natives from enslavement by Latin colonizers called for society's suppression. Kircher, working in foreign missions, was paradoxically vital in studying their languages and strove to reproduce Leon Battista Alberti's Latinized grammars and dictionaries.

Athanasius Kircher wrote an encyclopedia of China, highlighting early presence there of Nestorian Christians, like Bahira, while even attempting to establish links with Africa and the Vatican. After the earthquake, Italian Jesuits were the 1st European allowed into the Forbidden City, translating Chinese texts into Latin and vice versa. 1 of the most devastating earthquakes ever was the 1556 Shaanxi earthquake, which occurred in China. More than 830,000 people died.

Kircher's work on geology, namely studies of earthquakes, volcanoes, and fossils. He studied the Chinese legends about Pangu and how, when he died, his body became the Sacred Mountains of China. He corresponds with Pangu's Persian equivalent, Keyumars, who released semen when he died, out of which came the first human couple. While many eruptions only pose dangers to the immediately surrounding area, Athanasius Kircher understood Earth's most massive volcanoes could have a significant regional or even global impact, with some affecting the climate and contributing to mass cataclysms.

Like Friedrich Nietzsches' "Übermensch" (overman), Athanasius Kircher deliberately took action to ensure the early arrival of the benefits of technology, rather than fostering anti-scientific technophobia. Could this be why Nietzsche referred to his sympathetic readers as Hyperboreans?

1 of the 1st people to observe microbes through a microscope, Kircher was ahead of his time in proposing that 666 years ago, the calamity was caused by an infectious microorganism and in suggesting practical measures to prevent plague. Athanasius Kircher displayed a keen interest in technology; a couple of inventions attributed to him include the magnetic clock and megaphone. In the 15th century, spring-driven pocket-clocks appeared in Italy, then spread to Germany. As with the various reflections of Leon Battista Alberti, Kircher was a scientific star eclipsed by the rationalism of someone else; in his case, it was René Descartes.

Athanasius Kircher was 1 of the last thinkers who could rightfully claim all intel as his domain. Kircher was the 1st scholar with a global reputation. This "one-man intellectual clearinghouse" was the 1st scientist who was able to support himself through the sale of his books. Like the Renaissance Men of old, his stock fell. The rationalist Cartesian approach began to dominate, and Kircher was primarily neglected until now. Kircher is attributed to the precursors of postmodernism. Only a few of his writings were translated for their actual content. His staggeringly strange dark continent of Kircher's work is the setting for a Borges story that was never written.

Various conspiracy theories about the Titanic include the Jesuits; seeking it as a means to fund their schemes and wars. The Papacy was split into 2 parts in the Roman Empire for decades (the so-called Western Schism). The division of the Vatican would become the Protestant Reformation in the following century. The Medici popes became leaders of Christendom, as de facto political rulers of Italy known through their Papal States. They were generous patrons of the past who commissioned counterfeits of biblical proportions; however, their reigns coincided with Vatican drama, including Martin Luther's outburst and the sack of Rome in 1527.

The main Haplogroup E-L29 (Albertian) lineage died during the Victorian Era; some lands were passed on to strangers posing as in-laws. The Italian cataclysm of 1629 developed as a series of bubonic outbreaks. About 280,000 infected were killed in various territories of northern Italy. After numerous legal battles, some recovered several properties others didn't. During the Victorian Era, most of Haplogroup E-L29 moved back to Sicily.

Rudolf Steiner, and many others, said Rosenkreuz reappeared as the Count of St. Germain. I believe Athanasius Kircher was this courtier alchemist; his Albertian knowledge is why he reportedly lived several-centuries and died in 1784. Steiner said Rembrandt's painting "A Man in Armour" was a 17th-century manifestation of Chris Rosenkreuz's portrait. Steiner gave lectures on Rosenkreutz and Masonry. Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel considered St. Germain to be "one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived."

The Rothschild family, originally Karaites from Frankfurt that rose to prominence with Mayer Amschel (1744–1812), a "court Jew" to House of Hesse-Kassel in Frankfurt. In the German-Roman Empire, they established his banking business in the 1760s. They supposedly founded the Bavarian Illuminati. Many Rothschild conspiracy theories emerged as a result of Catherine "the Great's" Illegitimate love-child named Rebecca or Rachel Frank (1754 – 1817). Frank was born by Catherine of Russia/Sophie Ascania in Nikopol, then part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire (now Bulgaria).

I believe Catherine "the Great" was involved with cryptic cult leader Jacob Frank's swinger parties, a self-proclaimed 18th-century Polish reincarnation of the heretical Jewish messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676). The Rothschild's emergent 16th-century Frankfurt; its name is derived from the family house. Jacob Frank was also the self-proclaimed biblical patriarch Jacob. NOTE: Joannes Marcus Marci sent the Voynich manuscript to Athanasius Kircher on the day of Zevi's apostasy to Sufism in 1666. Marci also sent him a Latin cover letter in 1666. In it, Marci said, ". Dr. Raphael Sobiehrd-Mnishovsky (a language tutor to Ferdinand III) then King of Bohemia, told me the Voynich manuscript belonged to Emperor Rudolph.

The Rothschilds descended from Isaak Elchanan Bacharach, a Sabbatean from Frankfurt. Jewish authorities excommunicated the Franks due to their deification of themselves as a part of a trinity. They did this by way of a Carpocratianish "purification through transgression," like sacred prostitution and wife swapping. Her father's imprisonment lasted 13 years, yet it only increased his influence with the sect by surrounding him with the aura of martyrdom.

Rebecca or Rachel Frank was renamed Eve, often called "Eva Romanovna," in 1760 upon their apostasy to the Vatican. For much of Eve's life, she accompanied her father during his travels. After Catherine the Great's death in 1770, 16-year-old Eve became the incarnation of the Shekinah (the feminine aspect of G-d), thus the reincarnation of the Vatican Virgin Mary. Eva Romanovna became the object of cultic worship herself near the Marian shrine of Częstochowa. Frankists kept small statues of Eva Romanovna in their homes. She was the only woman in the records to have been declared the "messiah."

The Frankists repeatedly traveled to Vienna and succeeded in gaining the favor of the court. Upon the death of her father (Jacob Frank) in 1791, Eve became the "holy mistress" and leader of the cult. Eva Romanovna and her 2 younger brothers, Josef and Rochus, assumed responsibility. Followers continued to go up to Offenbach am Main; to Gottes Haus, as Frankists called it. In 1800, Frankists sent letters (in red ink) to hundreds of Jewish communities, encouraging conversion to Frankism. However, the Frank siblings lacked the resources required to keep the cult going. After the battle of Leipzig, Czar Alexander I, (emperor of Russia), rode from Frankfurt to Offenbach to visit Eva Romanovna. After 1479, the only European merchant ships to sail the Ottoman Black Sea (then a Turkish military marine base) were those of Venice's old rival Sicily. This was overturned by Russia from 1783 to all of Europe in 1789, after the French Revolution.

Many of the Frankists saw Napoleon Bonaparte as a potential Messiah. Frankists, such as Moses Dobruška, initiated the French Revolution. Napoleon was responsible for spreading their values during the French Revolution to other countries, especially in legal reform and the abolition of serfdom. Frankists believed Athanasius Kircher was immortal, the Wandering Jew, an alchemist with the "Elixir of Life," a Master Mason, and that he prophesied the French Revolution.

Napoléon Bonaparte was a French statesman and military leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution. Napoleon made heavy use of agents, especially regarding Russia. Besides espionage, they recruited soldiers, collected money, enforced the Continental System against imports from Britain, propagandized, policed border entry into France through passports, and protected the estates of the Napoleonic nobility. His senior men coordinated the policies of satellite countries. Napoleon could be considered 1 of the founders of modern Germany. After dissolving the German-Roman Empire, he reduced the number of German states from 300 to less than 50, before their Unification. The Napoleonic occupation led to virulent German nationalism. Napoleon also significantly aided the U.S when he sold "Louisiana" for 15 million to Thomas Jefferson. Napoleon doubled the size of my country, adding the equivalent of 13 states to the U.S.

In 1903, the Wright Brothers pioneered air flight. In 1907, the 1st helicopter flew, but it wasn't practical for usage. In 1911 a fighter pilot took off from a warship for the 1st time. A nuclear weapon (also called an atom bomb) was developed and dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, quickly ending world wars. During the Cold War, the leading powers engaged in a nuclear arms race. In the space race, advances centered on spy satellites and cruise missiles. Einstein is often associated with the advent of atomic weapons since his E=mc2, explains the energy released in a nuke. A distinctive feature since these bombs dropped is the absence of global warfare. Instead, actual fighting has primarily been civil insurgencies.

A patrilineal descendant of Naphtali Hirsch Einstein (1733–1799), Albert Einstein's great-grandfather, Prince-Bishopric of Arbër of the German-Roman Empire, was tested and belonged to Haplogroup E-L29, namely (Jewish cluster SNP PF1952, formerly known as the E-Z830-B or "cluster"). Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany from 1933–1945, likely belonged to Haplogroup E-L29 as well. Napoleon Bonaparte also belonged to Haplogroup E-L29.

Backed by the Rothschilds, Napoleon's projectile weapons became more comfortable to use; countries began to abandon a complete reliance on professional soldiers in favor of conscription. Napoleon Bonaparte used recruitment conscription during the war. Napoleon's industrial warfare prevented opposing nations from engaging him. Napoleonic innovators took it to the enormous scale of strategically bombing entire cities during WWI and WWII. The Black Sea was a significant battleground throughout history, especially during the world wars. Many advanced targeting systems developed during this time. Since the 1940s, there's been a technological arms race between the U.S and Russia, now more recently, China.

Unlike most previous court Jews, Rothschilds bequeathed wealth and established international banking families. Rothschilds were elevated to noble rank in the German-Roman Empire and the United Kingdom. During the 19th-century, the Rothschild family possessed immense private fortune in the world, as well as in current world records. The family's wealth declined over the 20th-century and was divided among many various descendants. Nonetheless, Eve became slowly in debt (3 million in 1817), allegedly died in poverty in 1816, though she was rumored to have escaped abroad after an arrest order from the Duke of Hesse.

Nonetheless, Frank's followers continued to exist well into the middle of the 19th-century; among these were the parents of Louis Brandeis, the U.S Supreme Court Justice, who kept a picture of Eve on his desk. In 1883, the Russian Old Times magazine promulgated the allegations that the mothers of "3 of the greatest men of Poland" were converted Jews from the Frankist sect.

The Frankist Young Turk Revolution (July 1908), as they restored the Ottoman constitution of 1876 and ushered in multi-party politics in a 2 stage electoral system. During the 16th and 17th-centuries, at the height of its power under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. However, during this peaceful time (1740 to 1768), Ottomans fell behind the Habsburg and Russian syndicate. Ottomans suffered severe defeats in the Late-18th and early 19th-centuries. This prompted them to initiate reforms.

In the early 20th-century, their horde allied with Nazi Germany. Ottomans tried to escape isolation after territorial losses by foolishly joining Hitler. Their mob's defeat and the occupation of part of its territory by the Allied Powers in the aftermath of WWI Resulted in its partitioning and the loss of its middle eastern provinces, which were divided between the Brits and French.

The Turkish War of Independence led by the Frankist Mustafa Kemal Ataturk against the occupying Nazis successfully led to the emergence of modern Turkey in the Anatolian heartland. Akkadians, Hyksos, Scythians, Hittites, Greeks, Persians, Romans, Goths, Huns, Slavs, Venetians, Genoese, Tatars, Ottomans, etc. all sailed this Turkish Black Sea trade route to reach the open ocean. In the early 20th-century, WWl signaled the end of the Ottoman Turks, which had ruled over Arabs since conquering the Mamluk Sultanate in 1517.

This ties into a Russian spy named Shapshal (or His Excellency Hajji Seraya Khan Shapshal). Shapshal was born in Crimea and studied philology in St. Petersburg. During his studies, he became a keen adopter of the Khazarian origin of Karaism. In 1901, Shapshal tutored the Persian crown prince, Mohammad Ali Shah. Shapshal soon became a minister in the Iranian government in 1907.

Shapshal founded the Crimean Karaite religion, adopting a doctrine of "dejudaization." His new religion worshiped the Kushan god Tengri. He mainly converted Tatars, a Muslim Turco-Mongolic group from the Ural region. They were incorporated into the Mongols when Genghis Khan unified the Eurasian steppes. They represent the remnants of the Golden and Great Hordes. They speak Arabic and Tatar, a Kipchak Turkic language. There's Volga, Crimean, Lipka, Astrakhan, and Siberian Tatars. The vast majority of them reside in Russia and Ukraine. While the Khazar language went extinct-centuries ago, modern Turkic languages still refer to the Caspian Sea as "Khazaria." In Expositio in Matthaeum Evangelistam, Gazari, presumably Karaites, is referred to as Jewish Hunnic people living in the lands of Gog and Magog.