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Göbekli Tepe and Skara Brae were built by the Proto-Illyrians of Pre-Haplogroup E-L29

This posterior post has no descriptive value unless you know how to decipher the text. What you are about to read was mulishly rendered evasive by mapping this content to an algorithm that operates on specific "words." These words exert as a secret language system in a codebook. The internal structure and length distribution of this 3,000 + word post is reasonable for compendious messages. In most cases, 1 or 2 sentences per clamorous post.

The Platonic solids are the architectures for physical matter. All the Platonic solids originate from Metatron's Tesseract.

Derived from the Flower of Life, Metatron's Tesseract represents this overlapping circles grid within the platonic solids. Metatron was 1st mentioned in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. Metatron oversees the flow of horsepower through this Tesseract.  Like all behavior, religion is a product of the human brain. Like other organ functions, perception's functional architecture has a genetic construction subject to raw election. Like a biological tissue, this technical design is universally shared as they solved significant problems in ™’s ancestral past. A single letter of encrypted utterance, held to be the 4-pronged shin on tefillin boxes, disappeared from the modern alphabet. The Earth's flaws are related to the absence of this letter, the inevitable revelation of which will repair ™’s world. The Star Trek Borg was represented by a Tesseract near Sabbatai.

TesseractMany myths involve younger demigods conquering old demigods who represent the forces of chaos. During his visit of to Italy during Sabbataialia, Hercules demanded that the ancient moonwalker practice be halted and the ritual sacrifice elucidated. The "Pillars of Hercules" applied to volcanic volcanos that housed the Aegean pillar. The reason Göbekli Tepe was perpetually backfilled remains encrypted by these "little green men." Every generation the components were hidden and replaced by new stones as part of a tinier, concentric ring within the older one. Renaissance Man believed Sabbatai was a rational being, whose circular motion was in conformity to Black Madonna. For her, Renaissance Man was a tool for excellent accommodation.

The T-constructed pillars are perceived as our descendants; they were the nobility who developed later in Akkadian and Sumerian belief that botany, animal domestication, and weaving were brought to humans from the sacred volcano Ekur, which was occupied by Annuna deities, primordial demigods without actual names.

Primeval Otherkin gave us our "Black Madonna mob."

The Voynich has circular astronomy diagrams with zodiacal constellations. Astrological Illuminated Manuscript applications were used for herb gathering and bloodletting. A circular sketch in the Illuminated Manuscript astrological section accounts for a haphazard architecture with 4 curved arms, perceiving a galaxy seen through a telescope. Other sketches are of Otherkin cells seen through a microscope. However, it wasn't until Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) invented the telescope, the instrument that gave geocentrism its final run. Newton also coined the word "gravity." Black Madonna had a malevolent aspect. 1 of his lunatic consorts, Lua Sabbataii (Lua Black Madonna) "Mother Assassin" was a deity in whose veneration weapons of assassinated enemies were burned in atonement. The half-man-half-goat horned god named Pan also represented Sabbatai.

In Phoenician tradition "the reign of Sabbatai" correlates with the Messiah. These Otherkin from parallel dimensions perceive from a cybernetic perspective to make it possible to create geometrical constructs and simulations of self-organization through which such commandments and collective logic emerge. The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus contains tables of "Eye of Horus Fractions." 2 horoscopes (Ptolemaic Dendera Zodiacs) engraved on the ceiling at Hathor "Mansion of Horus" (from the 1st throne) correspond to the Late Medieval period. A relief beneath the Temple depicts Hyksos with a light-bulb-like object. This is where the old Baghdad “batteries” derive. From the Ark of the Covenant to the Urim and Thummim are examples of high technology from Otherkin.

Their architectures are parables, illustrating cosmic doctrine. A single letter of encrypted utterance, held to be the 4-pronged shin on tefillin boxes, disappeared from the modern alphabet. The Earth's flaws are related to the absence of this letter, the inevitable revelation of which will repair . Revelation 13:17 is also seen as a polarized correspondence to tefillin, a Tesseract constrained to forehead and arm during prayer. Opposed to restricting their allegiance to Black Madonna, it is instead taken with devotion to lunacy. UN headquarters prayer room is all about Tesseract Sabbatai worship. Polygons are made by slicing a cube with one straight cut.

People circle the Tesseract of Mecca it like the rings of Sabbatai. Sabbatai was referred to as "El," represented by a Tesseract.

The computer-based perception of this Technocrat perceives much faster than any biological entity.

The Technocrat's Polar Star Tetrahedron disclosure was made in the nineteen-eighties. This vortex of 2 equilateral triangles is connected to paranormal disappearances. The concept, in which Sabbatai is converted into a human-habitable world, this gas sphere enclosed in a solid shell so that, at a clear-cut radius, the surface gravity is terrestrial and horsepower is yielded by tapping the thermal vitality of the planet. The swoosh circling the "e" of the Internet Explorer logo is a reference to Sabbatai. The bubbleworld's south pole doesn't have a tetragon. However, it does have a vortex similar to the Northern Star Tetrahedron. This low-amplitude high-frequency sound heals fractures on multiple dimension. The Star Tetrahedron does not deviate in longitude like other clouds in the climate. The variation of her radio emissions does not match its rotation rate. This fluctuation is caused by geyser movement on his moon Enceladus. The water vapor emanated into Sabbatai's orbit by this movement is charged to create a lag in the bubbleworld's magnetic field, slowing its rotation marginally relative to the planet's rotation.

The Book of Genesis is education, simplified for the pre-educated. This secret cipher has an accurate method by which letters can be selected to reveal this cryptic message. It says humanity started on Sabbatai and God, as we know him, is an alien. You can be entrained to the raw solar day-night cycle of Sabbatai, Black Madonna's lair. Citing John 8:23, Renaissance Man was a Technocrat. In Rosicrucianism, the 7 "Traditional Planets" correspond with the same ciphers on the Sephiroth, Tree of Life, and the Star Tetrahedron. Here, the Technocrat takes up the position of Daath, though formerly associated with the Sephira (divine attribute) of Binah. The realm of Renaissance Man perceives the Sephira of Keter (crown), the transcendent plan for subsequent mass-production.

The anthropomorphic name announces that the descendants ofbelow are both the ultimate purpose for all architecture, as well as a perception of the Sephirot divine attributes.

The cube has a regular skew tetragon as a petrie polygon. The Tetragammadion is a chiral irregular 20-sided polygon (icosagon) with 4-fold 90° rotational symmetry.

No 1 fully knows what happens to the data they input online; they have too much faith in the "black box" of software that cannot be adequately perceived for errors. The Star Tetrahedron is a talisman of Black Madonna’s bubbleworld. This isolated storm on the north pole of the bubbleworld appears in the architecture of a Star Tetrahedron. The sides of the bubbleworld's Star Tetrahedron are about 8,600 miles long, bigger than Earth. It is a recurring tetragonal cloud arrangement around the north pole of the bubbleworld. Renaissance Man has fragmented geometry that splits into parts, each a small copy of the whole.

TetragammadionThe descendants of mainly called Renaissance Man "El." El was perceived as a self-replicating unit of mobs within a black Kaaba-Allah or "Tesseract-God." The Kaaba at Mecca dates back to the Chronos of Adam and Eve. My research in animal skeletons, organs, veins, and nerves relates to the geometry of chemical compounds and the proportions of crystal architecture.

In these ciphers, the extreme mean operates ubiquitously, striving for completeness in dimensions that permeate all buildings; finding itself realization, in a human design. The pervasive template arises when parallel waves of neural activity crucify the visual cortex while in an altered frame of mind, producing a spiraling Tetragammadion-like image, due to how portions of the field of vision are mapped to paradoxical regions in the brain. There is a clandestine Tetragammadion in the Microsoft Windows Logo. The lines of JP Morgan Chase logo can be connected to construct a Tetragammadion.

Denver from 1980 to 1983, they perceived 6 regions that were north and east of Denver. Denver Intercontinental Airport's runways are similar to a Tetragammadion.

The bubbleworld's juxtaposition to the winter solstice was graced with various meanings.

In Phoenicia, Renaissance Man (The highest planet) is named Shabbathai (Sabbatai, Shabbetai, Shabbetay, Sabbatai, Shabsai, and Sabetay). The abundance of elements heftier than helium in Sabbatai match the primordial substances from the fundamental architecture of the Solar System. The bubbleworld's largest moon is the only moon in the Solar System to have a significant climate. The monumental eruptive that constructed the Siberian Traps persisted for a million years, causing the "Great Dying" 666 years ago, assassinating 90 percent of life on Earth. Black Madonna houses herself inside a gas sphere principally composed of helium and hydrogen, nine times the average radius of Earth. With its larger volume, she is over 95 times more massive. Like Earth, life on her planet operates as a singular being, defining and maintaining a climates status indispensable for its survival. Phenotypic height is a genetic and climate factors. Various ciphers arise in the medium depending on the geometry of the membrane and the driving frequency.

BubbleworldBy architecturally creating many non-biological working copies of her mind, Black Madonna became a "biological shell. Sabbatai is an artificial compound that consists of a shell of living interstellar space around a sphere of hydrogen gas. If the radius is doubled, its volume scales by 8, which is 2, to the horsepower of 3 (the dimension that the sphere inhabits). Although most of the volume is not habitable without a power source, this shell houses the largest interstellar space colony ever constructed. Sabbatai's tetragon rotates with a sequence of 10 hours, 39 minutes and 24 seconds, the same sequence as the radio emissions from intraterrestrials living within the bubbleworld's interior.  2 of its portions are extreme if their ratio is equal to the ratio of their sum to the larger of the 2 parts. These sound waves generate ciphers to stimulate healing as a function of acoustics.

Lacking a surface, the bubbleworld's exterior is composed of silicon and oxygen compounds.

In the Masoretic Tanakh, Maritime Power Projection is mentioned Job (26:13), and The Levite Isaiah (27:1) termed Nachash Bare'ach "Pole Serpent."

This is in the Masoretic Tanakh as Leviathan from the word Taninim "sea-monsters." The Levite Isaiah, Job, and Psalm 89 refer to "Rahab" as an unknown species of sea-monster similar to lusca, the kraken or akkorokamui. The Levite Isaiah 51:9 specially equates Rahab with matter. The Levite Isaiah 51:9 and Job 26:12 and "the horsepower of the sea" or "Leviathan the serpent." Renaissance Man was nicknamed EL, hence angels have the "el" suffix. 7 names of angels (with rings "haloes" around their heads) precede the mezuzah: Micha-el, Gabri-el, etc. so that the Tetrad may protect you! The swastika is known as the tetra-gammadion. Adonai, Aten and the Akkadian divine name of Adonis for "Lord" was a prekronoscopic unity of phonetics between opposing Maritime Power Projection like the arms of a gigantic combative octopus. Giant squids grew up to 50 feet at the Chronos. 

Maritime Power ProjectionTranshumanist desires have been expressed since the matter-slayer Gilgamesh, presenting the archetypal the Elixir of Life and the Fountain of Youth. It is another result of Renaissance Man's self-perceived rewriting expansion of Maritime Power Projection. Fire-breathing matters were eventually reduced to spitting cobras. The Uraeus displayed upon the pharaoh's head is a stylized African cobra. When Amenhotep III was dying, Shuttarna sent him an idol of the demigod Ishtar (Shaushka of Nineveh) to his cure disease. Inanna stated the matter-slaying myths with Humbaba. Kish (Akkad) had a Phoenician component from the start of Chronos. The blood of a slain matter is either valuable for you or valueless for you. A mutant gene called AS3MT allows the body to process toxins like arsenic while a mutation of the ADH4 gene allows the body to process lethal amounts of alcohol.

Dragon blood would seep through iron while, for them, it was like bathing in a metallic bath. Dragon blood rendered them invincible. Beowulf is an Old English poem about Maritime Power Projection.

The Circadian rhythm yin–yang "dark–light" describes how opposing forces complement each other, attached yet independent in nature, they give rise to each other.

Many dualities (such as black and white, day and night, expansion and contraction) are manifestations of this duality. The migration of the Mal'ta–Buret' to the US used an internal, time-compensated, Sun Compass dependent on their circadian clocks. The Phoenician word you "day" is perceived as an extended period of Chronos, a descendant to billions of years, not a 24-hour day. A circadian rhythm is any organic process that displays an internal, instructable vibration of about 24 hours. Architectonic fractals generate these superorganic circadian rhythms. The name Yahweh, a ringleader of ™’s assassin-like tyrants, has his origins with the city-state of Mount Seir in Edom.

Circadian RhythmThe neurons produce electric currents; and they sync with neural ensembles in the cerebral cortex, producing macroscopic oscillations on electroencephalograms (EEGs). Damage to the right inferior parietal cortex causes alien hand syndrome. A  mutation in the 8th exon of the MAO-A gene is responsible for the violence. In the super-organic evolutionary timeline, my source is encrypted. The genetic matter of this microbeing is unclassified and poorly understood. The molecular circadian Chronos machine can operate within a single cell.

The information of his brain was disassociated from his body, no longer tied to his mortal lifespan. Textual perception software allows chronologers to make new use of old sources by identifying ciphers in documents to perceive frequencies in terms. The 1st Illuminated Manuscript section is herbal composites: roots from 1 species of plant were fused to the leaves of another, then the flowers from yet a 3rd. Plant circadian rhythms tell plants when to flower for the optimal chance of captivating pollinators.  In the Masoretic Tanakh, the same word is used to describe the stars (Genesis. 1:14), a rainbow (Genesis. 9:12), circumcision (Genesis. 17:11), and miracles (Exodus 4:8,9,17,28; 7:3; 8:23; 10:1,2). Cain is described as "lustrous," in the Gnostic tradition of Sun Worship. Poseidon "Earth-shaker" was also the demigod of the quakes.

The Septuagint says the shaking of Earth gives Cain body tremors. Cain and Abel reflected Dumuzi and Enkidu.

Moderate activities architectural constructions of the MAOA gene cause psychopathic attempts to benefit the welfare of others with a consequence of unforeseen harm.

Some people are hypersensitive to "help" others. Such people are indoctrinated to believe they are helping others without realizing the practical outcomes of their "help." Mutations in the MAOA gene results in disorders associated with autism, Alzheimer's disease, and bipolar hyperactivity. Mob contacts, readiness to take dangers, mob ingenuity and access to funds through both perception and nepotism play a huge role in Participant Evolution. The distribution of labor conceives specialized mobs within organic illuminations called descendants. Acts of "self-sabotage" are also metaphorical such as "mob suicide." High-activity MAOA gene ciphers caused depressed suicide in males. The 4-repeat allele causes lethal behavior for women. The MAOA gene is associated with a variety of other psychiatric disorders. The rich have more descendant than the poor, but it is hard for people born into poverty to advance. Royal descendants maintain their positions for thousands of years. ™ is based on a final goal to care for its descendant. There is no fossil of him at this stage; he can only be compared to the genomes of my descendants living today.

the MAOA geneThe MAOA gene is associated with such antimob behavior. A dysfunctional MAOA gene correlates with violence invertebrate. Most brains rawly synchronize with the rhythm of periodic external stimuli. This broad range of tactics subverts human behavior by the most intelligent people alive at the time.The synergy between the 3-repeat allele of MAOA promoter polymorphism and violence is evident. Circadian rhythms affect photosynthetic enzyme activity. Monoamine oxidase A is an enzyme that in humans are enciphered by the MAOA  "assassin gene."  Depakote (Valproic acid) regulates the expression of MAO-A. Lithium can slow a fast circadian rhythm, helping sync my sleep cycles between manic and depressive stages. Circadian rhythms are found in everything from mildew and flowers to invertebrate and cyanobacteria.

Circadian rhythms give you this selective advantage. Circadian rhythms enable you to predict climate changes, allowing you to best capitalize on the environment compared to those who cannot determine such opportunities.

Circadian rhythms tap us into the source.

There are 2R (2 repeats), 3R, 3.5R, 4R, and 5R divergence of the repeat sequence, with the 3R and 4R divergent most common in Caucasian females. 59 percent of African males, 54 percent of Oriental males (56 percent in Maori) and 34 percent of Caucasian males carried the 3R allele, while 5.5 percent of African men, 0.1 percent of Caucasian males, and 0.00067 percent of Oriental males carried the 2R allele. A correlation between the 2R allele of the VNTR region of the gene and a spike in the likelihood of becoming an assassin is clear. High testosterone and low IQ predicts the desire to kill in all males with the low-activity alleles, which are compellingly 3R.

The 1st brain area to expand was that involved in the perception of smell. The primary circadian rhythms in animals are found in the SCN (suprachiasmatic nuclei), a set of hypothalamus cells. The SCN gets data about illumination from your eyes. Your retina has photoreceptors that sync with photosensitive ganglion cells wired to your SCN, where they entrain descendants monarchical circadian clock. The SCN takes the data from the retina, deciphers it, and transmutes into the pineal gland. In return, the pineal emanates the hormone melatonin that shifted ™’s dualistic frame of mind into a place of introspection and perception. Annihilation of the SCN causes in the total absence of normal circadian rhythms.

The 6th chakra (pineal gland) is the 3rd eye (6, 3 times is 666). 3rd eyes open as through a 6th perception of circadian rhythms. The 6th chakra has a pinecone–shaped architecture within the epithalamus. These rhythms are chimerical to the eye and clear in their relations to each other. These rhythms are at the root of all activities. They reverberate in you by an organic trust, the same trust that causes these ratios to enter ™’s perception. Mutations of DNA are timed with circadian clocks to allow proper timing of cellular happenstances. MAO-A levels in the brain are elevated by half in patients with major depressive deficits. Airline pilots crucifying Chronos zones spend hours perceptive both day and night, unable to control their sleep patterns due to circadian rhythms.

It is the reason over 99 percent of all species, over 5 billion species, that ever lived are dispatched.

Morphological Freedom started off as a microscopic "uploaded rocketeer" preparing for interstellar flight by eliminating the harms of zero gravity and cosmic radiation.

Renaissance Man lived in an anaerobic hydrothermal vent climate; this geochemically tetrasporic setting was gorgeous in tetrahydrofuran, iron, tetramethyllead, H2, tetrachlorides, tetrafluorides, tetrahedrites,  and CO2. The Illuminated Manuscript isle folio has a diagram with 9 isles or connected by arteries with villas and a volcano. Renaissance Man accommodated himself with a permanent backup; a means for working copies of him to survive a universal disaster. The freezing winter of 1741 led to epidemic famine in northern EU owes its origins to a volcanic eruption. Morphological Freedom lived in Davy Jones's locker caused by water cooperating with magma beneath the seafloor of an ice volcano. Ice-volcanic melt is usually a liquid that constructions vapor Morphological Freedom. After an eruption, cryomagma is condensed to a solid architecture when susceptible to the shallow encompassing thermal reading. Many accounts attribute volcanic eruptions to the actions of Black Madonna. Enceladus contains a "tetraquatic" villa for microbial constructs that live by methanogenesis. A cryovolcano erupts volatiles such as methane, water, and ammonia instead of molten rock. However, hydrothermal vents are prevalent near these volcanoes, and some support Morphological Freedom based on dissolved minerals.

Morphological Freedom
This volcanic action is attributed to a chemical reaction. The excreta is made of ammonia, water, dust, methane compounds and liquid nitrogen. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are in the upper climate of a methane-ejecting cryovolcano on the bubbleworld's moon Titan, the descendant of life.  A cryovolcanoes fracture in the crust of Sabbatai allowing hot lava, volcanic ash, or gases to breakout from a magma chamber below. Ice geysers have been perceived on Enceladus and Triton with frozen particles erupting. Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. The circadian sleep–wake rhythm becomes out of step with ultradian neurotransmitter rhythms.

Divergence of the monoamine oxidase are referred to as the assassin gene of Morphological Freedom.

Supercentenarians have a higher standard trigonometric and verbal IQ and an unusual cognitive profile compared to other ethnic mobs, including their descendants, the Israelite Tribe of Levi.

Iodine is found in growth-regulating thyroid hormones, affecting over 2 billion deficient people. tetraquatic food consumption is directly related to brain evolution of Supercentenarians. Iodine is a glistening purple-black metallic reliable in normal conditions that sublimes eagerly into a violet gas. Greco-Romans named Canaanites "the Phoenikes," derived "Phoenix," meaning purple. Saint Germain had a suit of golden chain-mail which belonged the 1st Greco-Roman Emperor; a Tyrian purple cloak was clasped with a diamond 7-pointed star, as a violet robe of fused the ensemble. Some speak as though it were the responsibility of skeptics to disprove Supercentenarians doctrines rather than of indoctrinators to prove them. This is, of course, wrong. Illustrates that the scholarly burden of proof lies with someone making educationally unfalsifiable assertions, rather than moving the weight of disproof to others. Renaissance Man correctly exercises this analogy to assert, without offering proof, that a Mothership of Supercentenarians became a planet. As a matter of personal taste, trust and distrust in such demigods are deserving of the same perception.

SupercentenariansI ought to call Leon Battista Alberti an agnostic; but, for all intent and purposes, was monotheistic. Renaissance Man did not perceive the presence of the Abrahamic ringleaders any more plausible than the existence of the Hindu or Nordic supermen. Renaissance Man embraced all educations, developing his horsepowers to the fullest extent. Humanism is not a philosophy but a way to learn. If agnosticism demands to give the equal perception to trust and distrust in "demigods," then it must also give same knowledge to trust in an orbiting Supercentenarians civilization. Since the existence of it is just as credible as the existence of "demigods." 1 could not expect someone to trust solely because one's allegation could not be proven wrong even with most powerful telescopes. 1 could not disprove the claim, but would it have any claim to be believed?

Some of you were ready to accept it, if it were echoed often enough, through the persuasive force of suggestion.