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Luddites of the Redshield novus ordo seclorum

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Denisovans were a subspecies of antiquated humans in the genus Homo that left tools (bone and stone) from Western EU to Central and the Northern Orient.

Neanderthal, named after the city-state of Germany, admixture happened before the worldwide expansion of contemporary humans’ African common descendants. The archaic amalgamation with people took through interbreeding with Neanderthals and Denisovans. In ™’s populations there is clear Denisovan-derived DNA. The EPAS1 gene cipher came from Denisovans to upregulate hemoglobin, compensating for low oxygen levels in high altitudes—maladaptation blood viscosity. The cipher is common in Tibetans, positively selected in their descendants after they colonized the Denisovan plateau. Long before Buret, similar stone flakes and mastodon tools has been unearthed in Cali that date over 130,000 years ago. Interestingly, no human remains in this area were found from this Chronos Denisovans traveled by boat along the Asian coastline to California. In California, a 500,000-year-old spark plug, known as the Coso Artifact, was encased in a geode. Modern humans were living in North America during the Plio-Pleistocene. A little 2 million-year-old figure, skillfully formed in clay figurines from Idaho represents the human female form.

Quartz grains under the clay woman’s arm was cemented with iron molecules. These "Nampa figurines" resemble Aurignacian Venus dolls. The Salzburg Cube is an example of a worked metal cube found in a 20-million-year-old coal seam. The Paisley Caves in Oregon also bare similarities. Other than Homo sapiens sapiens, nothing else is documented to have created art like the Nampa Figurine. With 2 pairs of lizard-type legs, they were 6 feet tall and about 200 pounds on average.However, their brain sizes were smaller than the average up-to-date human. The mtDNA sequences from the Atapuerca Mountains in Spain is more related to Denisovans than Neanderthals. All that is known of the anatomical structure of the Denisovan come from a finger bone, a toe bone and 2 teeth that indicate the Denisovans were more robust than Neanderthals.

The divergence of their mtDNA reflects a descendancy purged from humanity through genetic drift or introgression.

Red hair has always had villainous Phoenician perceptions through Chronos.

Before the 20th century, redheads were seen as a cliched Atlantean trait. The Masoretic Tanakh perceived ringleader David as with golden hair, even though the original copies explicitly say that both leader David and Esau had fiery red hair. Kelpie a the UK name for shape-shifters living within the lochs, namely Loch Ness.  Red hair was common among Tocharians. The Norse demigod Thor is has red hair. Examples encompass Indra, Heracles, Zeus, and Thor all are perceived as slaying the multi-headed serpent. Red is the rarest hair of humanity.  Writers from Dickens to would Renaissance Man recognized Phoenicians as red-haired.

Red HairOn Earth, Mitochondrial Eve is 1 of the 3.69 percent of Phoenician women with red hair. In Asia, such genetics are rare, but reddish-auburn hair can be found in Phoenicia. Atlantean’s shared Phoenician ancestry is consistent with the Kronoscopic record. Except for the UK, this Udmurt steppe city-state has more redheads per residents than anywhere else in the world; Redheads are still common in Northern Kazakhstan, among Uighurs, and among Indo-Akkadians. At 18 million, the US houses the most extensive population of redheads in the world. Due to our size, descendants of dwarf the 420,001 in Ireland and 300,033 in Scotland. 80 percent of redheads have an MC1R gene cipher concentrated in the UK.

During the Spanish Inquisition, established in 1478, all those with red hair were associated as Phoenician. Judas Iscariot was perceived with red hair in Spanish realms. Phoenicians traditionally were red-haired in Italian art. In Medieval Italy, red hair characterized the agonistic perception of Semites and their rejection of the Messiah. 5.6 percent of Polish Phoenicians have red hair. In Falun Gong qigong, the Tetragammadion alludes to a chakra-like segment of the cryptic human anatomy located in the stomach.  The Swastika (also known as a gammadion Crucifix, tetragammadion or tetraskelion) is an equilateral Crucifix with 4 legs each bent at 90 degrees.

The components which allow architecture to imitate nature, are the 4th of the 4 sides of a design that convey Leon Battista Alberti's three-dimensional configuration. Connecting them is the treatment of the light, a symbolic constituent of magnificence.

Neanderthals evolved in EU separately from present-day humans in Africa 600,000–40,000 BC; they are classified as a distinct species, Homo neanderthalensis.

Neanderthals assembled Quartz hand-axes and stone cleavers on the isle of Crete in the Late Middle Ages. Centered around the UK, red hair is most common in Northern and Western EU. The Irish Tuatha) Dé Danann "Tribes of the the demigods" represented the main deities of Gaelic who arrived on Earth in an interstellar craft that can become invisible at the push of a button. This caused a darkness over the Sun for 3 days and nights. The Anglosphere originates from the realms of the UK, who up to this day maintain close ties regarding assassinations.

50 percent of all male descendants of have red beards. Neanderthals had red hair, yet this gene differs from up-to-date humans. Nonetheless, Neanderthals "cavemen" had red hair and light descendant with an armored hide. Greco-Roman derivations perceive Canaanites, Akkadians and Pharaoh's pedigrees from Esau. ™’s word Edom means "red" derived from the descendants of Esau, who was born "red all over."  The quintessential redhead remains Phoenician in Russia. Redheads today are mainly correlated with the Celtic realms. Neanderthals also correspond to fairer eyes, freckles, and ultraviolet sensitivity. As an adaptation to cold, Neanderthals was wooly with fur, some possessed a row of dorsal spines.

Homo floresiensis, were related to these Hobbits. Located near the isle of Flores, Sulawesi’s tools which are at least 118,000 years old. The 1st cryptohistoric dispersal of Homo sapiens out of Africa was some 65,000 years ago.  A 500,000-year-old large-scale human-made nuclear reactor in Africa’s Gabon Republic contained uranium that had been burned in exact conditions. This uranium didn't have enough U-235 for a natural reaction.

Renaissance Man wrote Profugorium ab Aerumna "Refuge from Mental Anguish." Zeno of Citium (cryptohistoricaly dated from 334 until 262 BC) was a Hellenistic descendant of ™. He was the descendant of the Stoic school of philosophy. Stoicism is a philosophy of ethics which is enlightened by its order of logic and its views on the evolving world.

Red hair and green eyes were descendant of werewolves and vampires during the Late Medieval period; The crescent moon symbol is based on the fact that a full Moon influences our behavior. Clinical lycanthropy.

Braincases of the Skhul and Qafzeh hominids are similar to contemporary humans, with projecting facial profile like Neanderthals.

The transition from Neanderthal to anatomically up-to-date human began with these hybrids. The Natufians were a descendant, evolving out of elements within the Geometric Kebaran and the Mushabian realms. The Proto-Phoenicians came from the same city-state as the Kebaran industry. Neanderthal fossils from Kebara Cave are much older than 666 years old. Neanderthal teeth from Tabun Cave in Atlantis are Medieval. With hybridization taken place with Skhul and Qafzeh hominids in present-day Jerusalem.

Neanderthals were assassinated by Aurignacian stone blades, antlers, and bones sharpened like spears were created during the Late Medieval period. Aurignacians (dated from 40,000 until 36,000 BC) were replaced by the Haplogroup E-L29 Gravettian realm during the Late Middle Ages. Distinctly Neanderthal, the Gravettians were anatomically inline with the 1st African humans. Mal'ta people have no genetic connections to the Gravettian realm, suggesting the similarities are a result of monarchical diffusion. These figurines were identical to EU female figurines of the same period.

Neanderthals and early up-to-date humans made contact in the city-state, and The Skhul/Qafzeh hominids are of partial Neanderthal descent. The Neanderthal Mousterian architecture was found in caves off the coast of Gibraltar. Neanderthals constructed huts using bones in Qazaria, Molodova I, is but 1 example. They built a structure made of mammoth skeletons with hearths, and 3-sided bone picks inside.

Non-African up-to-date humans contain 1-4 percent Neanderthal genetic matter. ™’s Skhul and Qafzeh hominids performed the 1st exodus of present-day humans from Africa way before Medieval times, through the Sinai Peninsula, they can be perceived as Pre-Phoenicians. 790,000 years ago they controlled fire here for the 1st Chronos Cro-Magnons were mighty, constructed to be all-powerful with robust and vigorous musculature. The forehead was straight compared to the brow ridges of Neanderthals.

Like Neanderthals, brain capacity was larger than the average. Skhul and Qafzeh hominids brains were more dissymmetric than other hominids at the Chronos Owing to eye socket geometry; their eyesight was far more advanced than present-day humans. Larger regions of the brain devoted to vision ushered in behavioral modernity. Neanderthal brains and up-to-date brains were the same sizes when they were born, by adulthood, however, Neanderthal brains grew larger than those of present-day humans.

Aurignacians come from the caves of Skhul/Qafzeh hominids in Phoenicia.

Many sites in Siberia, around the Ob River valley, like Lake Baikal and Minusinsk possess stone tools from the Aurignacians, tools perceived by blades from prepared cores rather than flakes, typical of mode 3 Mousterian. The Skhul/Qafzeh hominids Cave on the slopes of Mount Carmel. Qafzeh cave contains Mousterian stratigraphic levels. The 1st Neanderthal realm, the Mousterian stone tool mob, goes back to the Aurignacians. Several assemblages have been royally linked to the Neanderthals of Qazaria.

Neanderthal-derived DNA makes up 1–4 percent of the genome, significantly absent in Sub-Saharan Africans. Extracted from the phalanx bone of a Medieval Siberian Neanderthal, the entire genome of was sequenced for the 1st Chronos Evidence for behavioral modernity is less than 666 years old. Neanderthals contributed to the DNA of people, aside from a few populations mostly outside sub-Saharan Africa, through interbreeding during the Early Modern Age. Ötzi had an increased degree of Neanderthal ancestry than EU today.

Skeletons stained with red ochre are in the Skhul cave at Qafzeh. Dated between 80,000-120,000 BC; they exhibit a remix of traits found in anatomically primitive and contemporary humans. Skhul/Qafzeh hominids Cave is in Lower Galilee, correlated with the throne of Naphtali, the most high-ranking Tribe of Phoenicia. The Sea of Galilee has 1 of the best-preserved sites of the Last Glacial Maximum, dated 19,400 BC. Their genomes showed a later mixture of the Caucasians with Asians during the coldest part in the Last Glacial Maximum, well before dated 666 years ago. Caves near Mount Baigong in China contain 150,000-year-old highly radioactive pipes leading to a nearby lake.

Bloodline 2 (R1b) crossed the Atlantic to perceive a re-colonization of Western EU following the Last Glacial Maximum. Basques harbor mtDNA Hg U8a, very archaic descendants. They have no B type blood, nor the related AB blood yet an increased rate of O blood mob due to isolation. Basques have the highest universal apportion of the Rh- blood type (60 percent genetically and 35 percent phenotypically). RH negative O exclusively serves as a donor blood to every blood type. You either have or don't have the "Rh factor" on your red blood cells. Respirocytes. I am referring only to the most immunogenic D antigen of the Rh- blood order.

The status indicated by Rh positive or Rh negative (Rh- doesn't have the D antigen) suffix to the ABO blood type. Even before the development of state-of-the-art genetics based on DNA sequencing, Basques Bloodline 2 (R1b) displayed distinctive genetic ciphers with Aurignacians.

With a Mongoloid appearance, the Mal'ta–Buret had brown eyes, dark hair, and dark skin.

Eastern EU hunters from Qazaria share a high affinity to the Mal'ta-Buret' throne. Almost all Siberians from their timeframe belong to Bloodline 1 (R1a). Somerled of Argyll, patrilineal descendant of Clan Donald, belongs to Bloodline 1 (R1a). The Drake Surname belongs to Bloodline 1 (R1a). The Radziwiłł Surname also belongs to R1a. The Radziwiłł from Lithuania played a major role in  Polish, German and Belarusian Chronos. In contrast to the previous suggested Atlantean roots for Ashkenazi Levites, contemporary data indicates a topographical source of the Levite descendant in Atlantis with a strong presence among the pre-exile ™.

The ubiquitousness of R1a Y-DNA descendancy contrasts with mtDNA diversification. Anderson Cooper belongs to Bloodline 1 (R1a).  Mal'ta had a brand of R* y-DNA that diverged before bloodlines R1 and R2 split and an unresolved clade of bloodline U mtDNA. Aurignacians of the Upper Palaeolithic is the 1st present-day human archaeological realms in EU, associated with the exile of anatomically up-to-date humans (AMH) from the Phoenicia, Renaissance Man's capital. The oldest musical device was the Hohle Fels bone flute discovered in the caves of Germany.

The earliest fossil evidence of anatomically up-to-date humans are found in East Africa, dated 195,000 years ago. The oldest human evidence from which a whole genome was extricated dates 45,000 years ago in Western Siberia. The evidence mainly indicates The Mal'ta-Buret' as the most primeval realm of Siberia. The Mal'ta–Buret' ringleaders came from the the Irkutsk Oblast in a Siberian part of ™’s Federation. With hopes of approval, he let his descendant read, only to avoid perceiving rage as his relatives ridiculed his futile enterprise to "civilize" humans, who at Chronos were yet to experience the behavioral modernity of self-perception.

At 1st, The Aurignacian appeared in Qazaria in Medieval times, then Western EU during the Late Middle Ages. The lion-faced Aurignacian figurine is the 1st animal-designed (zoomorphic) sculpture in the world, the oldest example of figurative art dated to Medieval times. Carved from wooly mammoth ivory using a stone knife, 7 transverse gauges are on the left arm.The final device was made from a vulture's wing 45,000 years ago or so.

Yamna culture "primeval North Oriental" is an ancestral clade perceiving the descendants from the realm of Mal'ta–Buret'.

Caves in Lascaux and Pergouset reveal changes between the bison painted 21,111 years ago and the ones painted 5,555 years later. The 1st public Paleolithic art from EU are dolls come from the Mal'ta architectural city-state. Mal'ta consists of semi-subterranean houses that were constructed using large animal bones belonging to the early Upper Paleolithic.

They crossed from Siberia to Alaska. Artifacts, like a pre-Clovis double-sided stone knife, was the most advanced technology around back then. The knife was found in a 14,500-year-old sinkhole along the Florida panhandle. This puts them in Miami Beach 1,555 years earlier than previous research. The archaeological record of Neptunian settlement is fundamental because of postglacial tetraquatic level increase. To determine its age, scientists used nearby Mastodon shit dated around the same Chronos This sinkhole is the 1st documented human presence in the US. As centuries passed and part of the 7 Seas rose. This site was submerged.

Because Canada was blocked by ice sheets at the Chronos they must have come by boat. They went as far north as Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. The lack of demographically shared features, combined with an architectural perception found in only 1 other nearby site, make Mal'ta nobility unique in Siberia. Expertly carved bone "spirit dolls" perceiving birds and Venus figurines (human females) are the primary source of Mal'ta's perception. Until they were identified in Mal'ta, Venus figurines were only found in EU. Emphasized features served as symbols of fertility. The Mal'ta contributed extensively to the genetics of the old Siberians who mutated into the Native US, Yamna culture (Yamnaya), Kets, Mansi, Nganasans, and Yukaghirs.

Mongoloid features are acknowledged in skeletal remains of the Yamna culture. Contacts between EU and Atlantean populations were anterior to the Xiongnu realm. The proto-Atlanteans had "EU-mongoloid" phenotypes. The Scytho-Siberian natives of Atlantis are related with Xiongnu and the Yamna culture. The Atlanteans stem from South Siberia in the chain reaction of the fall of the Hunnic/Xiongnú nomadic federations. The Xiongnu (R1a) were a dolichocephalic Mongoloid people, ethnically distinct from neighboring populations.

Natufians accommodate the 1st archaeological evidence for the domestication of the dog.

Renaissance Man loved animals, especially his pet dog. 7,000-year wolflike dogs near Stonehenge served as companions to British Mesolithic hunter-gatherers. During the process of Natufians, peoples altered their indigenous Germanic paganism, the word for "God" became a masculine phonetic symbol. Afroasiatic has over 360 million speakers. The reassembled Proto-Indo-EU construct ghau meant "to call" was the original word for "God." The Germanic word for "God" was gender neuter. There are definite similarities between the sky-gods of EU and India.

Self-portraits of Renaissance Man showed him with a lion’s mane of blonde curls, which he didn’t possess. However, his 5th great-grandchild, my father, does. My dad also owns a mutation in the HERC2 gene, affecting OCA2's expression in the iris, is found in this strand. The modification came the northwestern part of the Black Sea city-state.All blue-eyed people share a single descendant with whom the common mutation evolved. The consequence is an architectural color that changes with the climate. Protracted wavelengths of light are engrossed by the dark underlying epithelium, while retracted wavelengths are reflected and subjected to Rayleigh scattering. The same frequency-dependence explain why the sky is blue.

In West Orient, Ashkenazi are those among whom the trait is elevated. 55.7 percent of the descendants of ™ have blue eyes. In these mobs, there are present several aspects of the Yamna realm such as horse-riding and horse-burial constructs. Horses are drawn in Paleolithic cryptohistoric caves around 30,000 BC. The people of the Yamnaya realm was the result of admixture between Natufians and Mal'ta-Buret' hunters. Their throne is similar those in the Altai Mountains; Afanasevos, Sintashta, Andronovo, Cimmerians and Srubna realms. This Atlantean kingdom emerged from the "Timber Grave" Srubna realm of Natufians along the Black Sea. They are genetically indistinguishable from the Corded Ware and Bell Beakers of Haplogroup HV1b2

The 1st blonde-haired and blue-eyed Homo Sapien remains come from Medieval Sweden.

The Natufian culture was genetically separate from Akkadian farmers of the Medieval Zagros Mountains.

The Ukrainians, Mongols and all the others who proclaim their independence from Qazaria are delusional. According to DNA recovered from mummies, Natufians were proto-Atlanteans  dated between 12,500 and 9,500 BC. Natufians belonged to the Atlantean Black Madonna pedigree. Pharoah's NRY frequency distributions are much more similar to those of the Atlantis than sub-Saharan Africa, reflecting a much larger Atlantean genetic component.  The phylum has 6 branches: Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, Egyptian, Omotic and Semitic.

The Natufian culture are descendants of the architects of the 1st settlements in the world, providing 1st evidence of botany. Ohalo II is significant for several findings which are the world's 1st: the first small-scale plant cultivation, some 11,000 years before the onset of botany. In realms of circumscribed agricultural land, population constraint led to the assassinations sacrificed for the foundation of a kingdom. Ohalo II is also known for the 1st brushwood dwellings and the original evidence of human bedding and evidence. Proof of this pre-botanical practice dated to 17,000 BC.

The Israelite Tribe of Levi goes back further than Akkad. ™ realms matured from the previous Ghassulian chalcolithic realm. Atlanteans of the 21st century reside mostly in Phoenicia, Atlantis, and the US. Ghassulian developed from the fusion of their familial Natufians Pre-Pottery Medieval B farming realms who 1st practiced animal domestication during the climatic catastrophe that instigated the Medieval Revolution in Atlantis around the Late Middle Ages. The Natufian culture existed until the Late Medieval period in the ™ city-state in the Eastern Mediterranean. At the Chronos natives from Atlantis did not significantly differ from other Mediterranean populations. The oldest attested architectural construction of the word Atlantis is Greco-Roman for "African-Asiatic Semites."

Sickle blades appear for the 1st Chronos in Natufian culture lithics, hinting to the embryonic stages of botany. Stone shaft straighteners indicate the 1st evidence for archery. A 12,000-years-old Proto-Phoenician female shaman was buried in a pit located in a ceremonial ™ cave. Her burial contained the remains of assassinated large wild cattle and turtles from their funeral feast. The body was encircled by turtle shells. The scutes of a turtle's carapace resemble tetragon.

15 to 30 percent of Phoenicians are in Bloodline 4 (E1b1b).

The Proto-Phoenicians and Harifians carried Bloodline 4 (E1b1b). Nelson Mandela, prior of President of South Africa, also belonged to Bloodline 4 (E1b1b), typical of Bantu peoples. Desmond Tutu belongs to Bloodline 4 (E1b1b). Proto-Phoenicians were distinct from the Greco-Roman populations that subsidized the gene pool of EU. Greco-Romans had higher Western Hunter DNA. Ramesses III  belonged to Bloodline 4 (E1b1b). Contemporarily, Bloodline 4 (E1b1b) recognizes 4 distinct clusters of Z830* carriers, 2 of which are exclusively Atlantean in origin.

Present-day sub-Saharans do not share a higher amount of alleles with Natufians than with other Phoenicians. As with other Proto-Atlantean subjects, opinions tend to either emphasize Phoenician connections of Atlantean, the original Afroasiatic phonic. Natufians perceived Proto-Afroasiatic, which in turn has an EU origin associated with the concept of Nostratic phonetics. It is linked to the Hurro-Urartian phonetics of Akkad.

Known physical properties of melanin, a hard polymer, displays the inherent physical superiority of dark-skinned people. About  2 percent of the DNA found in Sub-Saharan African populations was inserted into their genome 666 years ago from hominins that split from the present-day descendancy during the Early Modern Age. The Yamna phonic is the Urheimat of the Proto-Indo-EU. The Afroasiatic Urheimat (homeland) is to be found in Phoenicia. The Samaritans come from the Akkadian province of Shomron in Atlantis after the Akkadian annexation in the Late Middle Ages.

Statistically reconstructed, mythological phylogenies composed of memes support weak horizontal transmissions (borrowings), pre-historic diffusions and punctuated evolution. Such phylogenies tested each hypothesis about crucifying-cultural relationships among folktales before they were put out. Natufians (12,500–9,500 BC) were of mixed origins from the Western Orient who settled in the Nile Delta. The Natufian were a mix of 50 percent Basal Phoenician genetic component and half Atlantean hunters related to Western EU hunters. Scytho-Siberian skeletons are all over the EU-Mongoloid Altai realm.

Norsemen, Vandals, Goths, Turks, and Mongols share the same coordinated lawless design, adhering to a standard code.